
Francis: No Job for Gänswein

Archbishop Georg Gänswein, 66, does not know what he will do in the future: "The new task that awaits me is not yet known to me," Gänswein said on Tuesday evening in Munich (Kna.de). Francis received …More
Archbishop Georg Gänswein, 66, does not know what he will do in the future: "The new task that awaits me is not yet known to me," Gänswein said on Tuesday evening in Munich (Kna.de).
Francis received him on Saturday and said he had "not made any decision" about his person. He still needs "some time".
It is as clear as daylight that vindictive Francis hates Gänswein and will let him fall into the void.
Picture: © Mazur/cbcew.org.uk, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsIzkolnlfnf
Tony M
Any bishops who get on the wrong side of Jorge are cactus (in worldly terms)..... but will then have a much better chance of saving their souls.
Dr Bobus
Gänswein can't go run a German diocese because the German bishops don't want him
He’ll get an apartment in Rome and can move in his hair stylist, nail technician and make-up artist.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
"It is as clear as daylight that vindictive Francis hates Gänswein and will let him fall into the void." I hope Ganswein isn't fool enough to grovel at the feet of Francis and call him "Holy Father". a title no Pope since Paul VI deserved less. I would never call Francis "Holy Father" Just the thought makes me sick.
Salvatore Bastatti
If Ganswein is wealthy (economically self-sufficient) he should just flip Gordo the proverbial bird.