
Francis Preaches to the Stones

Specola (InfoVaticana.com) published a photo of St Peter’s Square seconds before Francis arrived for the March 8 general audience. Most of the seats are empty. According to Specola, the impression is …More
Specola (InfoVaticana.com) published a photo of St Peter’s Square seconds before Francis arrived for the March 8 general audience.
Most of the seats are empty. According to Specola, the impression is spreading in the Vatican that Francis is living in a bubble and has lost touch with reality.
“Ten years have passed since a pontificate that was received with the square full to overflowing and has ended up preaching to the stones.”
Maudie N Mandeville
He's still denouncing trannies so he'll never be worshipped by journalists like they do Obama.
Francis: That truth, is that God's love is not just for a little group, no, it's for all, everyone, no one excluded
Tony M
Whether the stones cry out or stay silent....they will make far more sense than Jorge does when he blathers on endlessly.
All the while the stones are crying out for Someone else!
i feel sorry for the stones
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Here another expected piece of news today from the Vatican:
"The number of seminarians decreased globally by 1.8% to 109,895. About 61% of them are seminarians for a diocese and 39% of them for a religious order.
The number of seminarians has been declining each year since 2013 (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! what a surprise!! Thank you Pope Francis!!!!!!) the Vatican office said. The only increase by region …More
Here another expected piece of news today from the Vatican:


"The number of seminarians decreased globally by 1.8% to 109,895. About 61% of them are seminarians for a diocese and 39% of them for a religious order.

The number of seminarians has been declining each year since 2013 (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! what a surprise!! Thank you Pope Francis!!!!!!) the Vatican office said. The only increase by region for 2021 was in Africa with 0.6% and the sharpest decline in the number of seminarians was in North America and Europe with a 5.8% decrease each in 2021."😂😂😂😂🤪🤪😭😤😡
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Hello!! Kenjiro!! how are you??? always hope you and all your family, lovely people are always happy, healthy....time flies..Bergoglio get to Papacy 10 years...now main Catholic Media praise to this crazy Old man....don't saying about his truth...I am sure..10 years...very very horrible time...terrible time....I think African Church going to die too..be cause Bergoglio destroying …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Hello!! Kenjiro!! how are you??? always hope you and all your family, lovely people are always happy, healthy....time flies..Bergoglio get to Papacy 10 years...now main Catholic Media praise to this crazy Old man....don't saying about his truth...I am sure..10 years...very very horrible time...terrible time....I think African Church going to die too..be cause Bergoglio destroying to many African Cardinals, Bishops effort...so many African Cardinals, Bishops are against to LGBT Ideologies, Wrong Abortion....but Bergoglio support to this...hmm...so sad...I told you before....after Bergoglio...next Pope is possible??? in fact...these days....I am not sure...I told you...Bergoglio want much staying longer to Papacy....all Oligarichi Media support to him....and main Catholic media same....and Bergoglio make so many wrong man to Bishops, Cardinals....they have power....so hard situation...so these days..I am not sure..we will get Orthodox Pope...real Pope...and after Bergoglio possible...not sure...I always pray to the Lord..we will get real Pope, Orthodox Pope..fast time...I believe...Lord's Light must get victory...win...but this way is so hard, difficult...just really hope...we will get real Pope fast time...many talking sorry....our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family...all lovely people...Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us...specially Great Martyrs Saints of Japan and Korea...pray for us...Amen...take care...have a great day..Kenjiro..always I see your comment..very happy..learning a lot..have a great Lent season too...
Only less than 2% drop globally? It's been a big story here in the U.S. that there has been a 22% drop in seminarians in the last several years! 😲 That's a tenfold increase!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Orthocat -Yes indeed. Our own Archdiocese of Philly seminary, founded in 1871 and which had 575 seminarians+ all thru the mid-1940's thru to 1965 is closing, with less than 120 seminarians today, and of them, only about 45 studying for Philadelphia specifically....fewer than before the Civil War. Pope Francis and his crew of homos are determined to destroy the Roman Catholic Church and Catholic …More
@Orthocat -Yes indeed. Our own Archdiocese of Philly seminary, founded in 1871 and which had 575 seminarians+ all thru the mid-1940's thru to 1965 is closing, with less than 120 seminarians today, and of them, only about 45 studying for Philadelphia specifically....fewer than before the Civil War. Pope Francis and his crew of homos are determined to destroy the Roman Catholic Church and Catholic tradition, and over the last 10 years have done a tremendous job doing so. I can't imaging any young, sane, straight Catholic man who would want to be a priest in the Francis Church. The thought of being a priest now with the Francis agenda makes me nauseous. I thank God I never had a vocation to be a priest...because I'd quit, or join the SSPX or a sede vacantist group to be a true Catholic priest.
Salvatore Bastatti
Another day passes and he is still not sub terra.
John A Cassani
He’s never said anything worth listening to.
Sally Dorman
Francis at General Audience: “Evangelization is always carried out ‘in ecclesia,’ that is in a community, and without proselytism, because that is not evangelization.”