Tony M

Who Am I to Judge? Francis Attacks Viganò

Archbishop Vigano has all the characteristics of a Pope with his elite intellect and faithful adherence to the True & Authentic Teachings of the Catholic Church....and I believe personal holiness & humility.
Bergoglio has none of these......he is the opposite. Good to know Archbishop Vigano is a thorn in the side of Jorge. How bravely the good Archbishop stands for Truth against the despicable & …More
Archbishop Vigano has all the characteristics of a Pope with his elite intellect and faithful adherence to the True & Authentic Teachings of the Catholic Church....and I believe personal holiness & humility.
Bergoglio has none of these......he is the opposite. Good to know Archbishop Vigano is a thorn in the side of Jorge. How bravely the good Archbishop stands for Truth against the despicable & scandalous heresies, blasphemies & idol worshipping coming from this traitor on the Chair of Peter.....when the majority of the bishops & cardinals stay silent. Archbishop Vigano is a trustworthy & fearless leader of the Catholic Church of today. Let us all keep listening to him as we attempt to navigate through this horror period of Church History.
Tony M

Francis Preaches to the Stones

Whether the stones cry out or stay silent....they will make far more sense than Jorge does when he blathers on endlessly.
Tony M

Francis: No Job for Gänswein

Any bishops who get on the wrong side of Jorge are cactus (in worldly terms)..... but will then have a much better chance of saving their souls.
Tony M

Czech Bishop Promotes Adulterer Communion

Kenjiro M. Yoshimori A part of the fruit of Jorge is that where the heretics within the Church lay low & hidden under Pope John Paul II & Pope Benedict XVI..... under Bergoglio they are coming out of the woodwork and shouting their heresies from the rooftops knowing they will not be hauled in and punished by the heretic on the Chair of Peter. So as it is for Bishop Tomáš Holub......for the heretics …More
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori A part of the fruit of Jorge is that where the heretics within the Church lay low & hidden under Pope John Paul II & Pope Benedict XVI..... under Bergoglio they are coming out of the woodwork and shouting their heresies from the rooftops knowing they will not be hauled in and punished by the heretic on the Chair of Peter. So as it is for Bishop Tomáš Holub......for the heretics all over the planet is full steam ahead!!!
Another side to the fruit of Jorge Mario Bergoglio!!!
Tony M

Czech Bishop Promotes Adulterer Communion

Yes.... this is the fruit of Bergoglio and his Amoris Laetitia.....Jesus said, "By their fruit you will know them".
So much of the fruit of Jorgy is rotten to the many souls will be lost as a result of his sin endorsing heresies.
Tony M

Homosex Blessing Is Mockery - Bishop Wanok

Why hasn't every Bishop & Cardinal on the planet said what Bishop Wanok stated here???
Why hasn't Jorge Mario Bergoglio said what Bishop Wanok stated here???
God bless Bishop Wanok for having the courage to say what so many in the hierarchy dare not!!!
Tony M

No Surprise: Francis Admits “Crisis Of Faith”

We have the crisis of an anti-papacy......which followed the exceptionally rare event of a Pope resigning.
Tony M

Francis, “I Am sick”

And I also am sick....of Jorge Bergoglio!!!
Tony M

Francis Issues Rescript On Traditionis Custodes, Tightens Screws

To be perfectly clear....'to squeeze every last drop out of the praying of the Tridentine Mass' ....meaning......squeezing every last drop to the point where there is no Tridentine Mass said anywhere!!!
Tony M

Francis Issues Rescript On Traditionis Custodes, Tightens Screws

Potential game plan of Jorge B. : 1. Squeeze every last drop out of the praying of the Tridentine Mass.
2. Change the Novus Ordo Mass so that it has an invalid consecration. 3. Jesus is no longer present in Catholic Churches. 4. Biblical False Prophet Jorge Bergoglio ushers in the antichrist. 5. Fulfillment of La Salette prophecy, "Rome will lose the Faith and become the seat of the antichrist".
Tony M

Failed Vatican II: Spain Loses 40% of Seminarians

Being born in 1950 I was a school kid at the time of the opening of the Second Vatican Council. There was enormous expectation of a new awakening and blossoming of the Catholic Church as a result of that Council. Looking back now.....what a disaster......that has now culminated with Jorge Bergoglio, the rampant heretic, blasphemer & Pachamama worshipper, destroying the Catholic Church with calculated …More
Being born in 1950 I was a school kid at the time of the opening of the Second Vatican Council. There was enormous expectation of a new awakening and blossoming of the Catholic Church as a result of that Council. Looking back now.....what a disaster......that has now culminated with Jorge Bergoglio, the rampant heretic, blasphemer & Pachamama worshipper, destroying the Catholic Church with calculated & methodical ease.....with almost no opposition!!!
Tony M

Future Abbot Ordained a Deacon – in Private

Archbishop Vigano: ...Bergoglio is totally extraneous to the papacy &…he is entirely alien to the papacy.
Michael Matt Interviews Archbishop Vigano LIVE at the Catholic Identity Conference
Tony M

Future Abbot Ordained a Deacon – in Private

Bergoglio is the opposite of a Pope.....anyone out there not know what that is???
Tony M

Traditionis Custodes: Francis Is a Victim - Müller Believes

And with the sacrilegious Communions resulting from Amoris is Jesus.
Tony M

Traditionis Custodes: Francis Is a Victim - Müller Believes

We..... ie all faithful Catholics.....are the victims of Bergoglio!!!
Tony M

Cardinal Müller: Bishop Bätzing Missed His Vocation

To be clear....I fully agree with C Muller calling out Batzing.
Tony M

Cardinal Müller: Bishop Bätzing Missed His Vocation

Amazing how Cardinal Muller excoriates Batzing, but continues to go soft on Bergoglio....after 10 years of Jorge's scandalous, heretical and Catholic Church wrecking behaviour from the Chair of Peter
See: Francis was manipulated into promulgating Traditionis custodes, says Cardinal Müller ( There seems to be a blind spot there.....or is it fear of.....I think you …More
Amazing how Cardinal Muller excoriates Batzing, but continues to go soft on Bergoglio....after 10 years of Jorge's scandalous, heretical and Catholic Church wrecking behaviour from the Chair of Peter
See: Francis was manipulated into promulgating Traditionis custodes, says Cardinal Müller ( There seems to be a blind spot there.....or is it fear of.....I think you all know what!!! Archbishop Vigano certainly does know what.... so he very wisely stays in hiding. Are all the hierarchy now living in fear of their lives under that thug Jorge from Argentina??? Not saying they all are....but I do believe a very great number are!!!
Tony M

Back from Africa: Francis Insinuates Benedict Supported Pseudo-Marriages

Bergoglio keeps sinking lower & lower!!!
How low can he go???
Tony M

Cardinal McElroy Has A Problem with the Sixth Commandment

The Sixth Commandment is not the problem, McElroy is!!!
Tony M

Francis Preaches Cheap Absolution

Yes @Salvatore Bastatti , an Imperfect Council to prove Bergoglio is not a valid Pope is an absolute matter of urgency. Do those who think we should do nothing, have any concern for the salvation of souls???