Verbraucherschutz für Drogen nötig… |

(dpa) „Rund zwei Drittel der in Thüringen getesteten Ecstasy-Proben sind überdurchschnittlich hoch dosiert, rund 30 Prozent der untersuchten Speed-Proben mit …

Episode 1 - 'The Jerusalem Report' with Ilana Rachel Daniel - CHD TV: Livestreaming Video & Audio

Live events, weekly shows, educational videos and podcasts.
Excellent really!!! Thanks

German state expands jab discrimination: Now supermarkets can refuse the un-vaxxed - LifeSite

It's official: Joe Biden has announced that his Administration will be forcing COVID vaccinations on nearly …

In apparent reversal, US military archbishop issues statement opposing vaccine mandates - LifeSite

Please SIGN this critical petition which urges the Catholic Church to demand that Big Pharma develop, …
2 pages

Military Archbishop Says Vaccine Mandate Could Violate 'Conscience'

TED ALJIBE/AFP via Getty Images 4:26 Archbishop for the Military Services, USA Reverend Timothy P. Broglio said Tuesday that while the …

CA Gov. Newsom Faces Criticism After 12-Year-Old Daughter Not Jabbed Despite His Push for Vaccine …

Youtube According to reports, Governor Newsom’s 12-year-old daughter has yet to get her Covid-19 shot …
Facts Not Lies
This DOLT of a governor is favoring So Cal and Northern areas of San Juaquin valley (aka Big Valley), and reducing release of water into the lower and …More
This DOLT of a governor is favoring So Cal and Northern areas of San Juaquin valley (aka Big Valley), and reducing release of water into the lower and middle of the valley ... that place that gave us most of the produce.
Let's see...
- So Cal... Rich people
- Northern San Juaquin ... right next to Sacramento (his family and friends)
Who cares about those raisins, oranges, and the plethora of other wonderful and critical produces which made a healthy USA and planet... we need more billionaire movie stars and his friends than food.

Here’s What Happened At Cyber Polygon… And You’re Not Going To Like It

World Economic Forum, Youtube Cyber Polygon is a training simulation of what it would be like in the event of a massive and highly …

Vaccine Injuries and Deaths Caught on Camera

HomeGEG CommentaryVaccine Injuries and Deaths Caught on Camera Pixabay This is not a news story except to the extent it IS news to those who see only mainstream …

Mass Migration at the Border Uses Humanitarianism to Coverup Murder and Sex Trafficking

HomeFreedomIllegal Migration Uses Humanitarianism to Coverup Murder and Sex Trafficking Christie Hutcherson, CEO/…

Unmask the children - let them BREATHE you criminal psychopaths!

Support Your Freedom to Speak: Unmask the children - let them BREATHE you criminal psychopaths! IT IS a CHILD ABUSE and CRIMES AGAINST …

Abp. Viganò: the 'pandemic Sanhedrin' is spinning a 'labyrinth' of COVID lies - LifeSite

Mon Oct 11, 2021 - 2:19 pm EDTMon Oct 11, 2021 - 3:35 pm EDT (LifeSiteNews) — The following is a translation of …

The Fossil Record and the Fall of Darwin’s Last Icon - Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation

This article is taken from the proceedings of the symposium 'The Two Shall Become One' held in Rome in …

Two of the largest asset management companies, BlackRock and Vanguard, own both Big Pharma and the media

If you have ever wondered why television “news” is constantly interrupted by advertising for the …

The Global Elite Behind Vanguard are Directing the Great Reset Depopulation Operation

Dr. Joseph Mercola of joins The Alex Jones Show to break down who is behind the Great Reset …

US Freedom Flyers Do Not Consent

We do NOT consent to this forced vaccinate mandate.

Ted Nugent Has A HILARIOUS Message For Those Who Have Gotten The Jab

This will brighten your morning.
John A Cassani
The average goat is a lot smarter than the average person who believes what Twitter tells them about the vax, but maybe they can understand the same …More
The average goat is a lot smarter than the average person who believes what Twitter tells them about the vax, but maybe they can understand the same language.

Debatte über Abschaffung von Priesteramt in katholischer Kirche | DOMRADIO.DE

01.10.2021 Debatte über Abschaffung von Priesteramt in katholischer Kirche 95 zu 94 Stimmen Der Synodale Weg will eine …

'A god of life': Ex-abortionist explains conversion, exposes Planned Parenthood - LifeSite

PETITION UPDATE (9/3/21) - Following the US Supreme Court's decision to allow Texas' Heartbeat Law to go into …

How Americans can resist coronavirus shot mandates – a comprehensive guide - LifeSite

Here is a comprehensive list of resources, including sample exemption letters, for Americans seeking relief from …