
Roman priest offers Easter Mass on church roof amid coronavirus

God bless him!

Coronavirus: Protection against Christ?

Horrible; what about faith in Divine Providence!

After receiving a positive pregnancy test at Planned Parenthood,..

Thanks be to God and to those prayer warriors who are out there and available for sidewalk counseling.

Sister André Turned 116: “I Always Had a Weak Health”

Looks like a man dressed as a nun, no way 116 years old. Please!

Cardinal Sarah: Married Priests And Female Deacons Are “Monstrosity”

Indeed, a courageous Cardinal; thanks be to God for his much needed voice in our Church.

The life of St John-Mary Vianney

A wonderful film; a wonderful Saint; John Marie Vianney, patron of parish priests, pray for and bless our shepherds.

Sri Lanka grief. Unimaginable grief

Very sad; may the Lord comfort this grieving woman, and the many others who have lost their loved ones. May she remember the true meaning of Easter...Resurrection + hope of eternal life! The Lord gives and the Lord takes away; blessed be the Lord.

Please say Three Hail Marys for them

Truly sad, rest in peace...

The Fascinating Story Behind the Rarest of Liturgical Devices: the Crotalus

It was used at our parish for Holy Thursday; very nice.

Bringing Baby To Sleep - Daddies Way


Cardinal Sarah: Church Has Become “Den of Darkness” Because Bishops Avoid Truth and Clarity

I agree with Cardinal Sarah...many priests are not speaking the truth. God bless those who are! St. Joseph intercede...may our priests follow the example of his humble obedience.

The late Bishop Morlino offered Mass ad orientem. Watch him explain why

Such a wonderful Bishop! We could use more Bishops like him! Such a loss for the Church; may he rest in peace...

Bishop Morlino died tonight. One of the few good and strong bishops of our time. Please pray and offer …

Eternal Rest Grant Upon Him O Lord and May Perpetual Light Shine Upon Him +

Saint Elizabeth of Hungary - November 17

A great Saint! Pray for us...

Cardinal Sarah: Widespread Communion in the hand is part of Satan’s attack on the Eucharist

True! God bless Cardinal Sarah and all those who promote the beauty of receiving our Lord kneeling and on the tongue!

Refusing Communion on the hand in St Peter, Vatican

Good to see...

"I would do anything for my father"

Beautiful :) I think it's great that this company has come up with a unique product. Very creative advertising; better than the usual...

Doves Made Their Nest At the Saint


Stunning sculpture of ‘pregnant mountain’ goes viral

Beautiful! Inspiring that it was sculpted by a young man.