
In the Confessional: Young Dominican Priest Murdered

Rest in peace + He gave his life while administering a most beautiful Sacrament. May he enjoy his eternal reward.

Thérèse's "Wound of Love"

St. Therese , pray for us 😇

Wherein Fr. Z gives an update about life and changes

God bless! With my prayers that the Holy Spirit continue to strengthen and guide you in your vocation.

Fr. Longenecker against Catholics who receive Communion on tongue kneeling

Yes, receiving Christ reverently is what is most important. God sees into our hearts.

New Trend: Envelope Communion (Video)

Lord have mercy! How can a Catholic Church allow such a sacrilege?!

The Communion-In-The-Hand Church Threatens and Terrorises Priests

Excellent comments and points; absolutely true! I veil at Church; out of respect for the Real Presence, but also trying to be an example to others, bringing awareness that we are in the Presence of the Lord +

The Communion-In-The-Hand Church Threatens and Terrorises Priests

Deplorable! What a horrible sacrilege to our Blessed Lord!

Investiture of Sr. Miriam Rose of the Holy Face

"What a beautiful exchange to leave the things of time for those of eternity"
-St. Clare of Assisi-

Investiture of Sr. Miriam Rose of the Holy Face

Beautiful; Blessings Sr. Miriam Rose. "May you totally love Him who gave Himself totally for your love"...

Mercy culture became cancel culture

ALL lives matter!

Singing hymns could spread coronavirus, minister suggests

That is not true! Ridiculous! Persecution of the church! Shame on the Bishops for not standing up to this! Faith not fear!

Corona-Mass: Self-Service Communion From Plastic Tray (Video)

Lord have mercy!

Four Cardinals And Seven Bishops Stand Up

😇 God bless these courageous leaders in our Church who speak up for the Truth!

Watching Mass outside the very same church (London)

Beautiful. I do it too. Praying that our churches will open soon!

Schneider: Bishops and Vatican Should Start Moving

I understand that; my point why aren't they opening the Churches? Fear? The only fear we should have is fear of God.

Schneider: Bishops and Vatican Should Start Moving

I agree that the Vatcian should start moving to open churches! I believe they have the authority to do so; according to our Governor, they never required the banning of public Masses, the Bishops are the ones making those decisions. 🤔 Praying for the Holy Spirit to pour out His gifts on our church leaders, especially wisdom, counsel, and fortitude.

Esential and non-essential services

Very sad... Lord have mercy!