
Schneider: Bishops and Vatican Should Start Moving

Governments around the globe use the coronavirus as a pretext to “implicitly persecute” Christians because they force churches to close, Bishop Athanasius Schneider told LifeSiteNews.com (April 28). …More
Governments around the globe use the coronavirus as a pretext to “implicitly persecute” Christians because they force churches to close, Bishop Athanasius Schneider told LifeSiteNews.com (April 28).
Schneider asks the bishops and the Vatican to insist on governments to treat churches at least like supermarkets, “If the government denies the Church the same rights as they give to a store, then this is discrimination of religion.”
He recalled the example of Saint Charles Borromeo (+1584) who as a bishop of Milan, during the times of the plague, told the priests to multiply Masses and celebrate them in squares and streets so that people could assist from their windows.
“It could be that we are going through a time of the catacombs," Schneider added. He is, however, not fearful as the Church has "a lot of experience" in living underground.
Picture: Athanasius Schneider, © LifeSiteNews.com, #newsPkxvrdsivz
@barefootgirl Of course they have the authority. The Church doesn't receive authority from the government. They receive it from God. It's the governments that are suppose to obey the Church.
I understand that; my point exactly...so why aren't they opening the Churches? Fear? The only fear we should have is fear of God.
I agree that the Vatcian should start moving to open churches! I believe they have the authority to do so; according to our Governor, they never required the banning of public Masses, the Bishops are the ones making those decisions. 🤔 Praying for the Holy Spirit to pour out His gifts on our church leaders, especially wisdom, counsel, and fortitude.
comfort ye
True, we have been stymied here, not by the governor, but by our Bishop.