
Traditional Priest Catechises Polish Police (Video)

A priest celebrated in an undisclosed location in Poland an April 23 Old Latin Mass on a parking lot, but policemen, wearing masks, tried to stop him.

According to RemnantNewspaper.com (video below), the priest is already in troubles with his bishop because he plans to discontinue presiding the Eucharist, in order to celebrate the Original Latin Mass.

“What will you do with us? Are you planning to shoot us?" the priest asked the police officers, adding “Gentlemen, Mass was supposed to start at 7.00. You are on duty. So am I. Go with God.”

The policemen left. When they passed near the altar, the priest told them, “You are supposed to bow before the altar of God. You are all baptised. You should know better.” Then, Mass started.


Carolyn johnson
Love of God cancels out the fear of death.
old school
Nothing is gonna stop the remnant army. Christ is the King forever
Alex A
Love that priest! Bravo Sir!
Jakub Zygarłowski
The Tridentine Mass, of this Priest from Poland, daily online:
More informations:
We may argue politely, we may argue humanely, we may argue with great mutual benefit: but, obviously, we must argue.
Our Lady of Sorrows
No UK Bishop/Cardinal doing this, this "Crisis" has revealed what we already know, most are hirelings!
Joseph a' Christian
Beautiful, beautiful, wonderful. I love you Father.
Our Christ Is Great, these faithful are exactly where they belong, worshipping!