Child of Our Lady

this tweet got The Babylon Bee suspended. I guess someone doesn’t want us sharing it. so definitely …

He may not have the opportunity to even think about it as he's too busy rushing to the bathroom to puke.
Child of Our Lady

Priest calls teachers “devils” for educating children about LGBTQ issues in school

Keep preaching the truth Fr.
"Be a lion in the pulpit, but a lamb in the confessional." - Saint Alphonsus Maria LiguoriMore
Keep preaching the truth Fr.

"Be a lion in the pulpit, but a lamb in the confessional." - Saint Alphonsus Maria Liguori
Child of Our Lady

Welcome to the Catholic Church and the Archdiocese of Los Angeles - 11th grade religion class

"Now we will take this banner out back & use it for target practice."
Child of Our Lady

Covid Rigorism: Vatican Dissolves Cloistered Monastery

Word choice.
Child of Our Lady

BREAKING NEWS: Pope Francis will NOT Consecrate Russia & Ukraine, Instead "Humanity, Especially..."!

To get so close & then to have this happen. I guess this was to be anticipated with the track record from this Pope. The string of disobedient Popes continues.
Child of Our Lady

The Prophecy of Stigmatist Antonio Ruffini † (1907-1999) "Who Will Do The Consecration of Russia?"

Ukraine was a part of Russia in 1917 & didn't become independent until 1991. With Our Lady saying 'Russia' in 1917, it would have included what is now Ukraine. The underlying fact is there is no world peace, so no properly formatted consecration was ever done by a pope & in union with the bishops of the world. Pope Francis & the worlds bishops can help rectify this. Pray for their conversion. God …More
Ukraine was a part of Russia in 1917 & didn't become independent until 1991. With Our Lady saying 'Russia' in 1917, it would have included what is now Ukraine. The underlying fact is there is no world peace, so no properly formatted consecration was ever done by a pope & in union with the bishops of the world. Pope Francis & the worlds bishops can help rectify this. Pray for their conversion. God can do ALL things, including fixing this pope & the worlds bishops.

I know my bishop hasn't said whether he will participate in the consecration, in union w/ the Pope as I asked the priest in the confessional on Saturday. He said they are waiting for guidance.
Child of Our Lady

The Bishops Will Not Sanction the U.S. Election Thief

Biden's legacy: 'Election thief' is a fitting title. How an idiot go into the White House.
Child of Our Lady

What does Mary’s virginity imply?

Correct. My point was she was never 'unwed' @ any point.
Child of Our Lady

What does Mary’s virginity imply?

Our Lady's fiat is the equivalent of "I do". At that point, she became the spouse of the Holy Ghost & was most certainly not unwed.
Child of Our Lady

Pentagon scientists invent microchip which senses COVID-19 in the body

I think there's a typo. Replace the word 'senses' w/ 'puts' & that's likely the plan if the Pentagon is involved.
Child of Our Lady

Did you catch that?

I'm standing right next to you getting my shot too. See me?
Child of Our Lady

Unlawful Bishop Falls in Love with Iron Rules

I'll save you the trouble bishop. Here's what a doctor of the church says about lay people touching Our Lord in the Eucharist:
Because out of reverence towards this sacrament, nothing touches it, but what is consecrated; hence the corporal and the chalice are consecrated, and likewise the priest’s hands, for touching this sacrament. Hence it is not lawful for anyone else to touch it except from …More
I'll save you the trouble bishop. Here's what a doctor of the church says about lay people touching Our Lord in the Eucharist:

Because out of reverence towards this sacrament, nothing touches it, but what is consecrated; hence the corporal and the chalice are consecrated, and likewise the priest’s hands, for touching this sacrament. Hence it is not lawful for anyone else to touch it except from necessity, for instance, if it were to fall upon the ground or else in some other case of urgency.” Saint Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Doctor of the Church
Child of Our Lady

Priest who denied judge Communion stands by decision

"I try to be a good & faithful servant to Our Lord Jesus Christ".
How does willful defiance & making a mockery of HIS sacraments make you a good and faithful servant?
How does your willful embrace of one of the 4 sins that cries out to Heaven for vengeance possibly bring glory to God?
It is never charitable to confirm someone in their sin nor it is charitable to provide a sacrilegious Holy Communion …More
"I try to be a good & faithful servant to Our Lord Jesus Christ".

How does willful defiance & making a mockery of HIS sacraments make you a good and faithful servant?

How does your willful embrace of one of the 4 sins that cries out to Heaven for vengeance possibly bring glory to God?

It is never charitable to confirm someone in their sin nor it is charitable to provide a sacrilegious Holy Communion to someone when they are especially a public figure and obstinate in their sin w/ no firm purpose of amending their life for the very state of their own soul. Read what St. Paul says about receiving Our Lord unworthily.

God's stance on sodomy is very clear & so is the Catholic Church's teaching on the matter. We aren't Protestants. We don't make it up as we go. You don't like it, take your $7K you invested in the church elsewhere that will accept your wicked lifestyle.
Child of Our Lady

Never reconcile with your inner sinner. Change him. Sanctify him

Never be afraid to call an evil evil.
Child of Our Lady

What does "do not judge" really mean? Dorotheos of Gaza explains

It means do not make rash judgments. I can make a judgement to stop at a red light. Am I supposed to stop doing that now?
Child of Our Lady

Same person

Do you mean the voice of the animals performing the abortion or the animal who goes in for an abortion?
Child of Our Lady

The Blessing of Same-sex Unions. The German Vice (1)

How is the vaccination relevant to the article that was posted?
Child of Our Lady

Prayer to Release 3 Souls from Purgatory

St. Gertrude's prayer is supposed to release 1000 souls from Purgatory.