Martin Blackshaw

Abuse Allegations: A FSSPX Priest Arrested

I've never been able to get my head around why these alleged victims take decades to come forward with their accusations, which delay in reporting robs the accused of any hope of a proper defence. In this case, we're looking at crimes supposedly committed 30 or more years ago. There has to be a statute of limitations of around 5 years so that both supposed victims and perpetrators have equal justice …More
I've never been able to get my head around why these alleged victims take decades to come forward with their accusations, which delay in reporting robs the accused of any hope of a proper defence. In this case, we're looking at crimes supposedly committed 30 or more years ago. There has to be a statute of limitations of around 5 years so that both supposed victims and perpetrators have equal justice available to them. There's no way anyone can be fairly tried after decades of silence, especially today with financial compensation available to claimants and a corrupt justice system that blackmails accused persons into admitting guilt in return for lighter sentencing. The entire world is upside down now.

Just as an aside, I remember being told that in the Irish Republic, at the time when the Church was being hammered in th emedia with clerical abuse reports, which coincided with its stance against pro-abortion, pro-gay EU membership, there were adverts placed in shops notifying the public of how much they could receive in compensation if they had been sexually abused by Catholic clergy. I also remember an SSPX priest telling me that a man actually told him that he had falsely accused a priest of sexual molestation and got a lot of money for it. Hence, I'm not too quick to believe any story I hear now.

In Fr. Rostand's case, he admitted his crimes, so that's pretty much open and shut. Many others are not so open and shut, though. Look at what they did in Australia to Cardinal Pell?
Martin Blackshaw

Glasgow: A Snapshot of the Post-Vatican II Springtime..

Woe betide the prelates whose apostate Modernism has decimated the Church in Scotland. Glasgow is one of the worst, with an Archbishop (Nolan) who declares "We preach Jesus Christ, not the Catholic Church". No one will ever convince me that this man has the faith. God have mercy on us all!
Martin Blackshaw

The Catholic Church in Scotland - RIP

All you need to do now is hope you have tomorrow!! I certainly hope you have many tomorrows, but I couldn't resist 🤪
Martin Blackshaw

The Catholic Church in Scotland - RIP

This news is a bit of a shock, but at least it puts an end to this priest's scandalous behaviour. Like you, I hope in charity that he did receive the grace to repent of his infamies before death, although it's commonly held that people die as they live. Last minute deathbed conversions are quite rare. I've just caught up with Pat Buckley's life on Wikipedia and it was truly appalling. God have mercy …More
This news is a bit of a shock, but at least it puts an end to this priest's scandalous behaviour. Like you, I hope in charity that he did receive the grace to repent of his infamies before death, although it's commonly held that people die as they live. Last minute deathbed conversions are quite rare. I've just caught up with Pat Buckley's life on Wikipedia and it was truly appalling. God have mercy on his soul!
Martin Blackshaw

The Catholic Church in Scotland - RIP

I think Martin Luther is the classic example of one who decided to preach Jesus Christ but not the Catholic Church. He's the heretical model these apostate Modernists follow today. What they really mean, as he did, is that the Church instituted by Our Lord has Commandments that must be adhered to for salvation, especially on a moral level. That doesn't suit them at all, so they invent this other …More
I think Martin Luther is the classic example of one who decided to preach Jesus Christ but not the Catholic Church. He's the heretical model these apostate Modernists follow today. What they really mean, as he did, is that the Church instituted by Our Lord has Commandments that must be adhered to for salvation, especially on a moral level. That doesn't suit them at all, so they invent this other Jesus, a hippie, who has many churches and countenances all kinds of moral deviance. They are, as Our Lord Himself testified, children of their father, the devil, "who was a liar from the beginning".

As regards their argument that Our Lord did not specifically condemn homosexuality, He covered all sexual misconduct when He declared on adultery. Besides that, we have the divinely inspired teaching of St. Paul in Romans I, which leaves no room for relativist misinterpretation. They know this truth concerning sexual relations only within marriage between one man and one woman, but their lower appetites reject it and so they look to this invented Jesus who advocates evil as good and good as evil, which is why Pope Francis, the Archbishop of Glasgow and other apostate prelates, while speaking of love and inclusion, are cruelly and unlawfully suppressing the Latin Mass that sanctified the saints and martyrs. They hate it with a passion because it's holy and they're not.
Martin Blackshaw

The Catholic Church in Scotland - RIP

If I recall correctly, Archbishop Nolan also wrote in his pastoral letter on Evangelisation (about a year ago, I think) that "we will preach Jesus Christ, not the Catholic Church..." Quite how he thinks Christ can be severed from His Catholic Church is anyone's guess, but it's heresy pure and simple.
Martin Blackshaw

The Catholic Church in Scotland - RIP

"..Drawing on Pope Francis’ vision of a church which goes out into the world to share the joy of the Gospel, his pastoral focus is on evangelisation and the development of outward looking Christian communities. He speaks of investing in people rather than property, closing churches that were built for another age..."
Indeed they were. They were built for an age of supernatural faith, which these …More
"..Drawing on Pope Francis’ vision of a church which goes out into the world to share the joy of the Gospel, his pastoral focus is on evangelisation and the development of outward looking Christian communities. He speaks of investing in people rather than property, closing churches that were built for another age..."

Indeed they were. They were built for an age of supernatural faith, which these apostates now utterly reject!

This one statement of Pope Francis, published proudly in Mary Cullen's linked propaganda rant at Open House, amply demonstrates that we are dealing here with people of lost Faith. Pope Francis certainly DOES NOT have the Catholic Faith. He is an ideological Communist who declares that "this world is our common home", the very opposite to Catholic teaching which declares that this world is our common exile and heaven is our common home. Hence, his humanist view of the Catholic religion as opposed to the 2000-year-old supernatural view.

The sophistry these destroyers of our holy faith employ to draw their hearers into apostasy with them is so clever that it must be demonically inspired. They employ empty phrases like "Synodal Way", "Evangelising", "outward looking Church", etc., to impress upon the lesser informed a sense of renewed zeal when in fact they are blind guides leading souls into darkness. I simply advocate to all Catholics to read the Encyclical of St. Pius X on Modernism (Pascendi Dominici Gregis) if they would comprhend the hellish evil they are being exposed to by the sophistry of these relativists, these wolves in sheeps' clothing. Above all I would advise Catholic souls to avoid these pretend Catholics, as one would avoid a deadly contagion.

This is the age of apostasy foretold by Our Lady of Fatima and detailed in Sacred Scripture. Hence, we must stay close to Our Lady and Our Lord in the tabernacle and stop our ears to these false prophets who proclaim a new Gospel of the world and worldliness.
Martin Blackshaw

Archbishop statement on The Mission of Divine Mercy - Archdiocese of San Antonio

I share the confusion of others who have listened to this video and see that it has nothing whatsoever to do with MDM. I have also followed the link provided by @English Catholic where an official document of the Archbishop of San Antonio condemns the actions of the MDM and confirms the suppression of priestly faculties of Fr. Foster for disobedience to the Church's legitimate authorities. The …More
I share the confusion of others who have listened to this video and see that it has nothing whatsoever to do with MDM. I have also followed the link provided by @English Catholic where an official document of the Archbishop of San Antonio condemns the actions of the MDM and confirms the suppression of priestly faculties of Fr. Foster for disobedience to the Church's legitimate authorities. The Archbishop is absolutely correct in this action, for there is no question in my mind that this priest has either gone mad or has become a pawn of Lucifer, who often appears in heavenly disguise to fool his prey. History is littered with examples of false apparitions of diabolic origin, which is why the Church's legitimate authorities must always have the final say following due canonical investigation. To claim, as this rogue priest has, that his authority is greater than his religious superiors by reason of supernatural locutions he says are from God, is as in-your-face fraudulent as it gets. How any Catholic could for one moment believe that this is how Our Lord behaves, encouraging rebellion of subordinates against their legitimate superiors is beyond me. The pride is so clear and evident here that Lucifer is without question the author of this scandal. No matter how bad Pope Francis is, and there is no question that he's a destructive Pope, he is duly elected through conclave and accepted by the entire Church as Successor of St. Peter. Our Lord will confront him with his errors on the day of his judgment, but He will never undermine the authoritative structure He personally established in His Holy Church with sedevacantist messages to disobedient priests. A child of 5 years could see through this Fr. Foster and his cohorts in falsehood.
Martin Blackshaw

Priest, 30, Runs off with Girl, 18

Bottom line for those looking for fantastic divine interventions, like the one touted by the Garabandal brigade, is that heaven has already told us what to expect through Our Lady of Fatima. "In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph; the Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, she will be converted and the world will be granted a period of peace". These are words straight from Our Lady's mouth …More
Bottom line for those looking for fantastic divine interventions, like the one touted by the Garabandal brigade, is that heaven has already told us what to expect through Our Lady of Fatima. "In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph; the Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, she will be converted and the world will be granted a period of peace". These are words straight from Our Lady's mouth and approved by the Church, unlike the sensationalist Garabandal narrative.
Martin Blackshaw

Priest, 30, Runs off with Girl, 18

I cannot fathon how you conclude that my opinion on Garabandal, as well as those of my "fellow travellers", whatever that means, is "meaningless" when it is based on the opinion expressed by the proper authorities in the Church. Surely, if anyone's opinion in the matter is "meaningless" under such circumstances, it is precisely yours and other peddlers of unapproved apparitions. We saw …More

I cannot fathon how you conclude that my opinion on Garabandal, as well as those of my "fellow travellers", whatever that means, is "meaningless" when it is based on the opinion expressed by the proper authorities in the Church. Surely, if anyone's opinion in the matter is "meaningless" under such circumstances, it is precisely yours and other peddlers of unapproved apparitions. We saw the same pride in the Medjugorje business (and it was a business!). It simply boils down to those who take the Church's wise and cautious approach to such matters, not to mention its investigative conclusions, and those who refuse obedience in preference to their own opinion. It really is that basic.

As for Our Lord mingling with sinners. I agree entirely that our Blessed Saviour mixed with sinners (lucky for us), but He did so to convert them away from their sinful living, not to indulge in sin with them. That's quite an important distinction to bear in mind.
Martin Blackshaw

Priest, 30, Runs off with Girl, 18

It is one of the greatest triumphs for Satan to bring down a priest, and that's why we are encouraged to pray for priests. Our Lady said at Fatima that the greater number of souls go to Hell because of sins of the flesh, which makes perfect sense given that temptations to impurity ranks way up high on the scale of temptations that afflict the human race. This young priest, God help him, should have …More
It is one of the greatest triumphs for Satan to bring down a priest, and that's why we are encouraged to pray for priests. Our Lady said at Fatima that the greater number of souls go to Hell because of sins of the flesh, which makes perfect sense given that temptations to impurity ranks way up high on the scale of temptations that afflict the human race. This young priest, God help him, should have stayed close to the tabernacle and practiced a firm devotion to Our Lady, both proven weapons against the assaults of the evil one, yet not inculcated into the souls of seminarians in Modernist seminaries. Is it any wonder, then, that so many priests have fallen into precisely this sin of being lured away from their lofty vocation by a woman. And woe betide that 18-year old who now faces her judgement having brought about the fall of a priest of God.

As for Garabandal, there will always be those who trust more in their own judgement than the wise judgement of the Church. They'll argue that Father so and so is a great priest and very devoted to Garabandal, or certain bishops or Cardinals have cited Garabandal positively, etc. They'll believe these authorities, including themselves, while rejecting the contrary official findings of the Church in the matter. It's pride, pure and simple. We saw the disobedience in the Medjugorje hoax and we see it in the Garabandal business, although I'm not so sure Garabandal is a hoax in the human understanding of the word.

Let's think about the bizarre behaviour of these so-called child seers at Garabandal. For example, running at speed backwards down a steep slope. What was the purpose of that action? We should recall here that the devil does things backwards. Then there was the children holding hands walking three abreast; they come to a narrow bridge, one walks over the bridge and the other two walk on air. Again, what was the purpose of this show? Do people not realise that Satan can perform miracles in the natural order? And then there's the conclusive evidence for me in that not one of those so-called seers entered religious life. It's pretty well recorded that children who have been blessed with genuine heavenly apparitions simply cannot function any longer in this world, they are drawn to religious life by their experience. Makes perfect sense, which is more than Garabandal does.
Martin Blackshaw

Welcome: Gay Propagandist Becomes Priest

"...For this cause, God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that use which is against nature. And, in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts, one towards another: men with men, working that which is filthy and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error..." (Romans 1…More
"...For this cause, God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that use which is against nature. And, in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts, one towards another: men with men, working that which is filthy and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error..." (Romans 1: 26-27).

These words of St. Paul stand today and for all time, so we know the terrible eternal destiny that awaits all those in the Church today who tolerate or promote homosexuality in the priesthood. There's not much we can do about it here and now, but what a terrible judgement awaits them when this short life is over.
Martin Blackshaw

Condoms Are "Charity" for Francis’ Destroyer of Faith

"Both don't want to have children"? Well, there's the first breach of the divine law concerning marriage. So, what the immoral heretic Fernández is advocating is selfish individualism. Hence, he substitutes the objective moral law with subjective human emotion - but all in charity, you understand!!!