
Condoms Are "Charity" for Francis’ Destroyer of Faith

Archbishop Victor Fernández believes that avoiding artificial contraception may in certain cases "contradict the Christian hierarchy of values crowned by charity." When he was vice-dean of the Faculty …More
Archbishop Victor Fernández believes that avoiding artificial contraception may in certain cases "contradict the Christian hierarchy of values crowned by charity."
When he was vice-dean of the Faculty of Theology at the "Catholic" University of Argentina, he wrote an article for the Revista Teología (April 2006), the quarterly of the Faculty of Theology whose director he was at the time, in which he constructed the case of a "believing" wife and her "unbelieving" husband who both don't want to have children, but the husband insists on having sex with his wife also when she is fertile.
According to Fernández, in this case it would be better for the wife to allow the use of condoms, since refusing sex would "endanger the stability of the family". The "grave obligation to care for the loving communion and stability of the marriage, which charity demands most directly” would be more important.
A woman is fertile for seven days a month. Apart from the contraсeptive mentality of both, Fernández …More
He on his way out for the night 🤔
Susan Matthiesen
A married man and woman are not a "family" They're a "couple". A "family" is man/woman/child.
Jan Joseph
Ja natuurlijk zijn condooms een daad van liefde, anders kan de homo sexualiteit niet worden bevorderd. Er is straks geen hetero meer die lid wil zijn van de Rooms Katholieke kerk.
P. O'B
The guy can do whatever immoral act on his part only to avoid conception, and in such a case his wife is off the hook. But she can't use the pill. In addition, neither party may turn the other down. I am quite sure that I am right here, but correct me if I am wrong.
Fr Dan
The use of condoms are sinful, pure and simple.
He should start using that decoration around his neck for what it was intended.
Live Mike
In the words of St. Paul, Galatians 1:8 Even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God's curse!
He looks like he is dressed to go to Yoga practice.
Our Lady please convert this priest. 🙏
Hound of Heaven
Charity as a prophylactic; yeah, has a winning ring to it. Charity used to be considered a living thing, like a vine; now it's 'weed-killer'.
Martin Blackshaw
"Both don't want to have children"? Well, there's the first breach of the divine law concerning marriage. So, what the immoral heretic Fernández is advocating is selfish individualism. Hence, he substitutes the objective moral law with subjective human emotion - but all in charity, you understand!!!
Fernandez and his accomplice Bergoglio are leftist anti-Catholics who hate the Church and rebel against God. Argentinian Nun: Francis Allows Contraception
Bob Sontrop
Yes, with a bit of serious thought, the obvious and un-
avoidable fallout of "Liberation Theology"!