Lift the City - a Catholic Eucharistic flash mob. A Eucharistic flash mob in the centre of Preston, organised by the Capuchin Franciscans on Ascension Thursday 2011. A small team of Catholic evangelists …More
Lift the City - a Catholic Eucharistic flash mob.
A Eucharistic flash mob in the centre of Preston, organised by the Capuchin Franciscans on Ascension Thursday 2011.
A small team of Catholic evangelists mingled with the crowd to hand out cards and explain what was going on. Here are some of the reactions....
"What is this about? What is happening? What is this about?"
One young girl said: "I've not seen anything like this since Church."
"Are they doing this all day? ... Will they be doing it again? ... Are they doing this any where else?"
Two young women asked: "Why does God allow hurt and pain in the world?" They agreed it was not God's fault but ours. Then they asked: "Why doesn't Jesus come again?" We explained that He is here in the form of bread, but would come again and we invited them to think about Him now.
"Is it religious? What is inside that thing?" A man said: "What is that guy doing?" An old woman with him replied: "That's Jesus. Show respect." "This is so moving! It is the …More
Holy Cannoli
The Law of Unintended Consequences
Unintended consequences (sometimes unanticipated consequences or unforeseen consequences) are outcomes that are not the outcomes intended by a purposeful action.
Seeing that it went so well the first time, the Franciscan Novus Ordo Establishment decided to hold their “Eucharistic Flash Mob” …More
The Law of Unintended Consequences

Unintended consequences (sometimes unanticipated consequences or unforeseen consequences) are outcomes that are not the outcomes intended by a purposeful action.


Seeing that it went so well the first time, the Franciscan Novus Ordo Establishment decided to hold their “Eucharistic Flash Mob” spectacles every Thursday. However, the novelity of the spectacle quickly wore off. Passers-by became annoyed at the crowds that gathered and merchants were especailly angered at what once was a public walkway (that they pay to maintain and in their high property taxes) became a “mini church” for the Franciscans. Comments from the passers varied but all had the same general tone:

“Go away, don't you people have churches for this sort of thing.” “Look, it's the fish-eating, cookie munching, scorpian's nest of perverts looking for converts” "They're blocking pedestrian traffic and free access to the stores. Who in the heck do these Catholics think they are?”

The most interesting observation came from a Muslim Imam. "Well, if these infidels can get away with this, let's organize our own community and pray here 5 times each day. In addition, we will pray outside of their Catholic Churches as well"

After numerous complaints from both merchants and pedestrians, the city fathers soon realized that such public displays of religious worship ought rightly be conducted in ones Church or Mosque. These kinds of displays ought not be held on a pedestrian walkway which was created as a convenience for customers walking to merchant's stores. Laws were enacted to prevent similar spectacles from occurring and there were no further "Eucharistic Flash Mobs."


An intellectual habit enabling us to see in any given juncture of human affairs what is virtuous and what is not, and how to come at the one and avoid the other.

Surprenant ! mais à part la façon un peu rapide de ranger Notre Seigneur dans le cartable, je trouve cela très émouvant, nous avons besoin du Bon Dieu !
Damascus Route
The Franciscain here is a doer, I salute him. Not like myself sat behind my computer when I could be out spreading the good word just like him.
It might be that Preston is a Catholic stronghold and that Preston does not hold a very large muslim community, it still takes guts.
What I specifically admire here is the simplicity and the depth of the celebration. It's what Jesus is asking of us meaningly …More
The Franciscain here is a doer, I salute him. Not like myself sat behind my computer when I could be out spreading the good word just like him.
It might be that Preston is a Catholic stronghold and that Preston does not hold a very large muslim community, it still takes guts.
What I specifically admire here is the simplicity and the depth of the celebration. It's what Jesus is asking of us meaningly simplicity, humility, total conviction and total devotion to His Word and all this knowing that the Holy Spirit is there at our side.
What clearly catches my attention is not the people kneeling down to worship but the others who all seem to be intrigued to some extent or the other and the fact that there is very little mockery and actually quite a lot of respect.
Great.... 👏 👏 👏
Holy Cannoli
There is a divergence of opinion here which is fine. We are living in the "New Springtime" so nearly anything goes.
I have no disagreement regarding the point of "giving witness." At the same time, are there any limits? Will someone say mass on the beach to "give witness"? Will someone say mass in the forest to "give witness"? Will someone have their wedding underwater in SCUBA gear or skydiving …More
There is a divergence of opinion here which is fine. We are living in the "New Springtime" so nearly anything goes.

I have no disagreement regarding the point of "giving witness." At the same time, are there any limits? Will someone say mass on the beach to "give witness"? Will someone say mass in the forest to "give witness"? Will someone have their wedding underwater in SCUBA gear or skydiving in their parchutes to "give witness"? By the way, all of these things and many more innovative things have been done already by Catholics. I am absolutly positive that all parties involved had wonderful reasons why their personal preferences trumped established norms of behavior and reverence for the sacred with one of the reasons being to "give witness."

But, not me. I'm willing to admit that I may be wrong. After all, I attend the Tridentine Mass whenever possible. Among Cathoics, I would probably be considered to be a bells & smells, no-nonsense, ultra conservative. Therefore, it's obvious that displaying the Blessed Sacrament in this manner would not be as attractive to me as it would be to someone else less "rigid" in their thinking.


Regarding what is or is not "profane" I offer the following from Catholic Answers.

Re: How does the church define 'profane'?
Dear E,

“Profane” as an adjective is defined: “showing irreverence toward God or sacred things.” Certainly, there are degrees of the profane just as there are degrees of the sacred.

What happens on that altar is the most sacred event that takes place on the face of the earth. You don’t turn the altar into a utility table for a projector or anything else. The fact that the projector is being used to project the words of hymns (which are sacred) does not elevate it to the sacredness of the altar. That which is more sacred is not to be used in the service of anything less sacred. This is why canon 1239 reserves the altar for the offering of the sacrifice of the Mass and nothing else!

We live in a time where there is widespread insensitivity for the sacred in our culture—and obviously in our parishes.

Fr. Vincent Serpa, O.P.

I would like to call your attention to the very last line in Fr. Serpa's response: We live in a time where there is widespread insensitivity for the sacred in our culture—and obviously in our parishes.

I don't think any of us would, in general terms, disagree with Fr. Serpa's comment. What we obviously disagree with is whether or not this public spectacle rasies the sensitivity for the sacred or diminishes it. I happen to think it's the latter.

This is Preston up North in Lancashire.... staunch Roman Catholic Britain.
Sadly, this has become less and less true.... I think this was well done and rather needed at this time.
Is the host used here consecrated, I wonder????More
This is Preston up North in Lancashire.... staunch Roman Catholic Britain.
Sadly, this has become less and less true.... I think this was well done and rather needed at this time.

Is the host used here consecrated, I wonder????
Awesome beauty! Jesus says reach out to all humanity what a great way to reach out today just as Jesus himself walked the streets in his hiddeness and reached out to all. Much beauty.
Holy Cannoli,
This is definitely unusual, but I look at this differently. I think this is a very good thing. These people are giving witness in the public square like we all should. I think this is done very tastefully. There is nothing profane about it.More
Holy Cannoli,

This is definitely unusual, but I look at this differently. I think this is a very good thing. These people are giving witness in the public square like we all should. I think this is done very tastefully. There is nothing profane about it.
Holy Cannoli
Does this spectacle create more reverence for the Eucharist or not?
My personal feeling is that, although the Franciscans are very likely well meaning, the public show is ill-conceived, inappropriate, and in no way does it create more reverence for the Eucharist. What is gained by profaning what ought to be regarded as a solemn and sacred presentation of the Holy of Holies? Yet, this kind of …More
Does this spectacle create more reverence for the Eucharist or not?

My personal feeling is that, although the Franciscans are very likely well meaning, the public show is ill-conceived, inappropriate, and in no way does it create more reverence for the Eucharist. What is gained by profaning what ought to be regarded as a solemn and sacred presentation of the Holy of Holies? Yet, this kind of modernist “let's try this” kind of thinking is typical of the Novus Ordo types.


👏 😇
Absolutely wonderful! This is really bringing Christ back to the lost Sheep. More please. I know the people of Britain want and need Him again. 👏