Lift the City - a Catholic Eucharistic flash mob. A Eucharistic flash mob in the centre of Preston, organised by the Capuchin Franciscans on Ascension Thursday 2011. A small team of Catholic evangelists …More
Lift the City - a Catholic Eucharistic flash mob.

A Eucharistic flash mob in the centre of Preston, organised by the Capuchin Franciscans on Ascension Thursday 2011.

A small team of Catholic evangelists mingled with the crowd to hand out cards and explain what was going on. Here are some of the reactions....

"What is this about? What is happening? What is this about?"

One young girl said: "I've not seen anything like this since Church."

"Are they doing this all day? ... Will they be doing it again? ... Are they doing this any where else?"

Two young women asked: "Why does God allow hurt and pain in the world?" They agreed it was not God's fault but ours. Then they asked: "Why doesn't Jesus come again?" We explained that He is here in the form of bread, but would come again and we invited them to think about Him now.

"Is it religious? What is inside that thing?"

A man said: "What is that guy doing?" An old woman with him replied: "That's Jesus. Show respect."

"This is so moving! It is the first time I have seen it done outside. I can't wait to tell my parish priest!"

Thanks to Sean Zaniboni, Gerardo Gonzalez and the team for filming and producing the video.
Dobison shares this
Lift the city
J'aime beaucoup !
@haran : It happens at every sacrifice of the Holy Mass at every Catholic Church - " Kneel before Him,for He is Lord,Our God" - the call of Prophet of old rings through till this very day,especially today when the sophisticated minds in Wesern Europe ( German Scholars,Journalists) are talking about all religions being equal and are presenting Jesus as mere prophet. It starts with Catholics indifference …More
@haran : It happens at every sacrifice of the Holy Mass at every Catholic Church - " Kneel before Him,for He is Lord,Our God" - the call of Prophet of old rings through till this very day,especially today when the sophisticated minds in Wesern Europe ( German Scholars,Journalists) are talking about all religions being equal and are presenting Jesus as mere prophet. It starts with Catholics indifference to the Real Presence of Christ. Those walking casually by remind me so much of fellow Catholics talking inside the Church and leaving before the Holy Mass ends and priest gives the final blessing,encouraging us to go and share the good news of The Living Word with others. What any Catholic can do? - start KNEELING while receiving His Body and Blood, attend Masses at different parishes and witness to your belief in the Real Presence by receiving It worthily,kneeling - the domino effect starts with you!
This is wonderful, if only this could happen in all towns and cities - Preston, was Priest Town - a great centre of English Catholicism, and the city I studied in (when it still but a town).
Holy Cannoli
Faith comes by hearing
This was said/written long before there were books. If today most of us had to depend on what we hear (at mass or in the middle of a busy shopping center, for example) to maintaiin our faith, I'm afraid we wouldn't have much faith at all.
Faith comes by hearing

This was said/written long before there were books. If today most of us had to depend on what we hear (at mass or in the middle of a busy shopping center, for example) to maintaiin our faith, I'm afraid we wouldn't have much faith at all.

5:15 - 5:25 ...Faith comes by hearing 🙏 👏 🙏
I would in now way doubt that Our Lord can touch souls in whichever manner or circumstances that He sees fit, but the points about the correct and reverant treatment of the Blessed Sacrament remain. They exist for a reason and should be followed. Like I said, I in no way doubt the zeal and intentions of these friars, they obviously have the best intentions, but the reverant treatment of the Holy …More
I would in now way doubt that Our Lord can touch souls in whichever manner or circumstances that He sees fit, but the points about the correct and reverant treatment of the Blessed Sacrament remain. They exist for a reason and should be followed. Like I said, I in no way doubt the zeal and intentions of these friars, they obviously have the best intentions, but the reverant treatment of the Holy Sacrament is of paramount importance. Our Lord also touched a lot of other souls that day also, when He was received by Catholics in Holy Communion.
Holy Cannoli
The Novus Ordo way
The Traditional way
We live in a time where there is widespread insensitivity for the sacred in our culture—and obviously in our parishes. Fr. Vincent Serpa, O.P.
An ordinary traditional Catholic who has had enough of the lack of respect and reverence …More
The Novus Ordo way

The Traditional way

We live in a time where there is widespread insensitivity for the sacred in our culture—and obviously in our parishes. Fr. Vincent Serpa, O.P.
An ordinary traditional Catholic who has had enough of the lack of respect and reverence that has repeatedly been shown (as in this video) toward my King.
I was part of this wonderful experience and believe me Jesus was truly present in the Blessed Sacrament and also in each and every one of us who took part. He touched our souls and we felt His Joy, His Peace and His Love. May He touch your soul today as he did to all of us on that wonderful day. A Proud Catholic Prestonian
While this idea is obviouly well intentioned I think that it is poorly thought out and executed. Its also worth remembering that there are clear guidelines for the exposition and procession of the Most Blessed Sacrament that it is vitally important to follow. I am also quite sure that necessary permissions are needed from the diocesan ordinary and canons that stipulate the exact paramteres tobe …More
While this idea is obviouly well intentioned I think that it is poorly thought out and executed. Its also worth remembering that there are clear guidelines for the exposition and procession of the Most Blessed Sacrament that it is vitally important to follow. I am also quite sure that necessary permissions are needed from the diocesan ordinary and canons that stipulate the exact paramteres tobe followed, and I would think these have not been followed. While the idea and the zeal are very highly comended, I think that, to retain reverance for this, the most Holy Sacament, its is important the these points are followed so that the Eucharist doesnt become just another object of popular interest and curiosity. Pope Saint Pius V didnt need flash mobs, he exhorted his ministers and faithful to tru devotion and discipline, and I think that this is what is needed now.
May God bless this Franciscain.
Too beautiful for words. And that is Jesus. Pax†
Holy Cannoli
😀 😀 😀 The Brown and White St. Bernard formerly known as Holy Cannoli...
Holy Cannoli
How wonderful!
Franciscan Novus Ordinarians, eliminating many of those overdone traditional solemnities and employing the higher mathematics of their brilliant minds, have decided that it is perfectly permissible to transport the Blessed Sacrament in what looks to be a cheap gym bag typically used to carry t-shirts, shorts, and smelly sweat socks. Welcome to the New Springtime ™
2.bp.blogspot.com …More
How wonderful!

Franciscan Novus Ordinarians, eliminating many of those overdone traditional solemnities and employing the higher mathematics of their brilliant minds, have decided that it is perfectly permissible to transport the Blessed Sacrament in what looks to be a cheap gym bag typically used to carry t-shirts, shorts, and smelly sweat socks. Welcome to the New Springtime ™



The Brown and White St. Bernard formerlly known as Holy Cannoli
What a wonderful way to celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi!!!
Thank you 👏
Ah! 😀 Not to worry man! 🙂
Holy Cannoli
What I wrote was an hypothetical not based on actual facts. However, it seems reasonable to me that after the first time the "give witness" folks would have decided that, as in all forms of advertising (if I may be so mundane), the key is a consistent message and, more importantly repetition.
So, (again, sorry for the poor metaphor) if the product here is selling a certain religious belief …More

What I wrote was an hypothetical not based on actual facts. However, it seems reasonable to me that after the first time the "give witness" folks would have decided that, as in all forms of advertising (if I may be so mundane), the key is a consistent message and, more importantly repetition.

So, (again, sorry for the poor metaphor) if the product here is selling a certain religious belief system (Catholicism), then, as in prayer, one shot is not nearly enough. It would then be understandable that the original promoters of such a spectacle would indeed seek to repeat the message with regularity.

The comments listed are speculative and a continuation of the hypothetical and are based on the proposed repeated "Eucharistic Flash Mob" and not on what actually took place during this one incident.

Sorry for not being clearer in my earlier post.

@ Cannoli - I am with you on this! Ok, it went well the first time; why o why did they go ahead with mulitiple appearances?
Too much of a good thing a good for nothing!!! (Imagine having chocolate bonbons everry day, 12hrs/day for a week!! OR the EF high Mass 4x daily for a week!! All just too much of a good thing 😁 ....)More
@ Cannoli - I am with you on this! Ok, it went well the first time; why o why did they go ahead with mulitiple appearances?

Too much of a good thing a good for nothing!!! (Imagine having chocolate bonbons everry day, 12hrs/day for a week!! OR the EF high Mass 4x daily for a week!! All just too much of a good thing 😁 ....)