Exorcist Andrea Gemma on Medjugorje: "Absolutely Diabolical"

Bishop and Exorcist Andrea Gemma on Medjugorje: "Absolutely Diabolical" Vatican City You speak of "underworld interests". Of what kind? "I'm referring to 'the Devil's dung', to money, what else? At …More
Bishop and Exorcist Andrea Gemma on Medjugorje: "Absolutely Diabolical"
Vatican City
You speak of "underworld interests". Of what kind?
"I'm referring to 'the Devil's dung', to money, what else? At Medjugorje everything happens for the sake of money: pilgrimages, overnight stays, the sales of trinkets. In this way, abusing the good faith of the poor people who go there with the idea of meeting the Madonna, the false seers have set themselves up financially, they have married and live a wealthy life, to say the least.
"Just think: one of them, directly from America, with a direct economic profit, organizes tens of pilgrimages every year. These people don't seem to be really disinterested persons to me. Rather, with all the people vulnerable to this noisy swindle, they evidently have a great material interest in getting people to believe that they see and speak with the Virgin Mary."
Source -Catholic Light
St. Lawrence
10 August 2011
Like I said before, if we are not bound to believe in APPROVED private revelation, why do we suddenly need to believe in UNAPPROVED ones?
Here's a sampler of people's bizarre behavior in Medjugorje:
Seriously!? This is why people go there? To stare at the sun and try to destroy their electronic equipment, not to mention the eyes?
"I'll be right there honey. Just a few more …More
Like I said before, if we are not bound to believe in APPROVED private revelation, why do we suddenly need to believe in UNAPPROVED ones?

Here's a sampler of people's bizarre behavior in Medjugorje:


Seriously!? This is why people go there? To stare at the sun and try to destroy their electronic equipment, not to mention the eyes?

"I'll be right there honey. Just a few more shots of the clouds to share with our friends back home"

I see lunacy, not holiness.
Very inspiring!
It is not "one of them " - one of the visionaries,but an American enteprenuer that was organizing the meetings and taking money from people requesting private meetings with the visiting visionary.Keep in mind :" The satan will lie in wait to strike Her heel ,but She will destroy his head " Satan always tries to destroy Virgin Mary's work aimed at salvation of souls and today with whole Europe …More
It is not "one of them " - one of the visionaries,but an American enteprenuer that was organizing the meetings and taking money from people requesting private meetings with the visiting visionary.Keep in mind :" The satan will lie in wait to strike Her heel ,but She will destroy his head " Satan always tries to destroy Virgin Mary's work aimed at salvation of souls and today with whole Europe accepting the idea of reality of one god,with denying the One True God of Judeo- Christianity all devil's efforts are aimed at destroying traditional Marian piety and veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary,Mother of God - to destroy in human minds and hearts the notion of Mother of God,the Redeemer, to present Our Beloved Lord just as a mere prophet, one of "manifestations" of God as were Krishna,Buddha,Abraham,Mohammad,Baha-ullah " ( I know one overly educated ex Catholic seminarian that actually believes it !) . Do we,as Catholics disregard the teachings of the Church based on personal conduct of priests and bishops and the scandals they caused ? " Believe,what they tell you,but do not do as they do " - Jesus Christ. Is it any wonder with smoke of satan entering the Church and " Wisdom nowhere to be found" ,that Mother of God,who always pondered on ALL things regarding her Son and kept them in her heart,who told us to " Do whatever He tells you" tries to warn us ? Wouldn't it be more prudent to live in proper response to Her messages,than to let our pride discard them ? 🙏
Fortunately the USCCB has little influence in the Church because if it did speak for the majority of Churches in the U.S. the sermons would consist of pro-abortion and pro-homosexual tirades!-Nice try though!
That JS Award strike close to home, literally. I'm in Utah, so I can probably make some arrangements.
🧐 😊
"Every diocese in the United States has tours to Medjugorje and to believe that every diocese in the U.S. and worldwide for that matter for the past 2 1/2 decades has been in violation of the Vatican decree is utter foolishness"
That's the USCCB for ya. 😉More
"Every diocese in the United States has tours to Medjugorje and to believe that every diocese in the U.S. and worldwide for that matter for the past 2 1/2 decades has been in violation of the Vatican decree is utter foolishness"

That's the USCCB for ya. 😉
SBpfu - Do behave... 😁 😀 😀 😀 YOu card you...! 👌 👌
Every diocese in the United States has tours to Medjugorje and to believe that every diocese in the U.S. and worldwide for that matter for the past 2 1/2 decades has been in violation of the Vatican decree is utter foolishness. As I have stated, in order for a ban to be placed on an apparition site it has to be deemed false by the Vatican Commission. Medjugorje has not and will not be judged either …More
Every diocese in the United States has tours to Medjugorje and to believe that every diocese in the U.S. and worldwide for that matter for the past 2 1/2 decades has been in violation of the Vatican decree is utter foolishness. As I have stated, in order for a ban to be placed on an apparition site it has to be deemed false by the Vatican Commission. Medjugorje has not and will not be judged either way until: 1. The apparitons have ceased to occur. 2. After the cessation of the apparitions (sometimes years after) the Vatican Commission will render its verdict. Pilgrims are free to go to Medjugorje and continue to do so.
I reiterate. In the Gospel of Luke we see the answer clearly:
"As the crowds increased, Jesus said, "This is a wicked generation. It asks for a miraculous sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah."
Luke 11:29
Signs and wonders are not what the Christian chases after, leave that to the Pagans and soothsayers! Seek God, seek the Truth. How? Through Sacred Scripture, Tradition and Holy …More
I reiterate. In the Gospel of Luke we see the answer clearly:

"As the crowds increased, Jesus said, "This is a wicked generation. It asks for a miraculous sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah."

Luke 11:29

Signs and wonders are not what the Christian chases after, leave that to the Pagans and soothsayers! Seek God, seek the Truth. How? Through Sacred Scripture, Tradition and Holy Mother Church. (full-stop!)
It will be interesting to see how quickly Medjugorje merchants will close shop when the papal commission rules against the alleged visions.
Place your bets now. They will:
1. Close shop immediately
2. Continue spreading the "messages", because "a new papal commission will exonerate them"
3. Become the Medjugorje sheepdogs and offer 50% off all forbidden material before moving on
I'm not really a …More
It will be interesting to see how quickly Medjugorje merchants will close shop when the papal commission rules against the alleged visions.

Place your bets now. They will:

1. Close shop immediately
2. Continue spreading the "messages", because "a new papal commission will exonerate them"
3. Become the Medjugorje sheepdogs and offer 50% off all forbidden material before moving on

I'm not really a betting man, but I think #2 is most likely.
Holy Cannoli
Holy Cannoli
You have proved little other than that you are willing to acknowledge NOTHING that conflicts with your own personal worldview, in this case, with Medjufraud.
The supporters of Medjugorje emphasize that the Holy See has never expressed any position on the matter.
"That's another lie! As I pointed out before, the Vatican has forbidden pilgrimages by priests to the place
You have proved little other than that you are willing to acknowledge NOTHING that conflicts with your own personal worldview, in this case, with Medjufraud.

The supporters of Medjugorje emphasize that the Holy See has never expressed any position on the matter.

"That's another lie! As I pointed out before, the Vatican has forbidden pilgrimages by priests to the place

Exorcist and Bishop Andrea Gemma on Medjugorje


Thanks for playing but you lose.

😀 I've already proven my point and you can choose not to accept it as indeed you will.
Holy Cannoli
"trick the uninformed"?
The uniformed would be you. Add to that, your refusal to acknowledge, much less accept, the informed opinoins of those who have personal knowledge and experience with Medjufraud.
"Absolutely Diabolical"

"The truth is that when the Bishop of Mostar speaks, the Church of Christ speaks, and is it to him, who speaks with the authority …More
"trick the uninformed"?

The uniformed would be you. Add to that, your refusal to acknowledge, much less accept, the informed opinoins of those who have personal knowledge and experience with Medjufraud.
"Absolutely Diabolical"

"The truth is that when the Bishop of Mostar speaks, the Church of Christ speaks, and is it to him, who speaks with the authority conferred to him by the Vatican, that we need to listen. Thus, the Holy See has already expressed itself with the words of the Bishop of Mostar, making evident that Medjugorje is a diabolical trick. But I will share a secret with you. You'll see that soon the Vatican will intervene with something explosive, to unmask once and for all who is behind this swindle."

Exorcist and Bishop Andrea Gemma on Medjugorje: "Absolutely Diabolical"

www.marian-times.com/…/pope-benedict-n…There is no ban on pilgimages to Medjugorje until an apparition site is Proven False. This ban, if it were to occur would happen after the Papal Commission renders its decision on the authenticity of the apparitions in Medjugorje which can only occur after the apparitions have ceased and the Papal Commission has made its declaration.
If you had researched your story you'd find this "ban" never occurred and is in fact put out there to trick the uninformed.
Holy Cannoli
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict, issued a ban on pilgrimages to the site (Medjufraud) but this has been widely ignored.
Father Vlasic was suspended last year by the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith amid an inquiry into his conduct after three commissions failed to find evidence to support the visionaries' claims.
The Vatican also began an inquiry into claims he was …More
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict, issued a ban on pilgrimages to the site (Medjufraud) but this has been widely ignored.

Father Vlasic was suspended last year by the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith amid an inquiry into his conduct after three commissions failed to find evidence to support the visionaries' claims.

The Vatican also began an inquiry into claims he was guilty of sexual immorality after he made a nun pregnant.

The defrocking was secretly signed off by the Pope in March.

Father Vlasic refused to cooperate with the investigation from the outset and he was banished to a monastery in L’Aquila, Italy, where he was forbidden to communicate with anyone, even his lawyers, without the permission of his superior.

It emerged yesterday that he has chosen to leave the priesthood and his order, a move which has brought the investigation to an abrupt halt.

The defrocking of Father Vlasic means he is stripped of his priest status.

This represents a massive blow to millions of Medjugorje followers worldwide who were hoping that the Vatican would one day legitimise the controversial shrine.
