Tom Jones

Is your doctor Prolife?

Pro-Life Physician and Pharmacists Database Pro-Life Physician List | Children of God for Life How about the vaccines you are given? Pray …More
Pro-Life Physician and Pharmacists Database
Pro-Life Physician List | Children of God for Life
How about the vaccines you are given?
Pray for the souls of these children.…-content/uploads/Aborted-Fetal-Cell-Line-Chart.pdf
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Tom Jones

The student athletes from the St. Joseph Academy High School

join together at the end of each game to honor Our Lady in song. Listen to this football team singing "Ave Maria" in LatinMore
join together at the end of each game to honor Our Lady in song.
Listen to this football team singing "Ave Maria" in Latin
Tom Jones

The bishops urged that the final days and weeks of life

should be lived as fully and richly as possible. Not shortened for convenience. Irish bishops pen open letter to legislators on euthanasiaMore
should be lived as fully and richly as possible.
Not shortened for convenience.
Irish bishops pen open letter to legislators on euthanasia
Tom Jones shares this
Tom Jones

October is the Month of the Rosary

Tom Jones shares from Tom Jones

If Issue 1 passes, it will enshrine abortion-until-birth,

with zero restrictions, into Ohio’s constitution. Defeating The Abortion Ballot Initiative | Ohio Right to Life Start locally by informing your pastor, priest, and church about the upcoming ballot …More
with zero restrictions, into Ohio’s constitution.
Defeating The Abortion Ballot Initiative | Ohio Right to Life
Start locally by informing your pastor, priest, and church about the upcoming ballot initiative. Recruit volunteers to help in the cause!
Vote NO on Issue 1 on (or before) November 7, 2023.
Michigan Previews What Will Happen Should Issue 1 Pass in Ohio; Pro-Life, Pro-Woman Protections to be Repealed - Protect Women Ohio
chris griffin
@Tom Jones... Thank you for posting. Prolife always and forever with no exceptions. Pray and act for the babies.
Tom Jones

Ut autem impleti sunt, dixit discipulis suis:

Colligite quæ superaverunt fragmenta, ne pereant. (And when they were filled, He said to his disciples: gather up the fragments that remain, lest they be lost.) John 6,12…More
Colligite quæ superaverunt fragmenta, ne pereant. (And when they were filled, He said to his disciples: gather up the fragments that remain, lest they be lost.) John 6,12
Tom Jones

This is the month of the Rosary

Pray one every day. History of the RosaryMore
Pray one every day.
History of the Rosary
7-years' indulgence for praying the Rosary in October!
Tom Jones

If Issue 1 passes, it will enshrine abortion-until-birth,

with zero restrictions, into Ohio’s constitution. Defeating The Abortion Ballot Initiative | Ohio Right to Life Start locally by informing your pastor, priest, and church about the upcoming ballot …More
with zero restrictions, into Ohio’s constitution.
Defeating The Abortion Ballot Initiative | Ohio Right to Life
Start locally by informing your pastor, priest, and church about the upcoming ballot initiative. Recruit volunteers to help in the cause!
Vote NO on Issue 1 on (or before) November 7, 2023.
Michigan Previews What Will Happen Should Issue 1 Pass in Ohio; Pro-Life, Pro-Woman Protections to be Repealed - Protect Women Ohio
Tom Jones shares this
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Tom Jones
Ohioans will vote on the extreme abortion ballot initiative Issue 1, which threatens to enshrine abortion into the state constitution and strip parental rights Politico is on Point: The Pro-Life …More
Ohioans will vote on the extreme abortion ballot initiative Issue 1, which threatens to enshrine abortion into the state constitution and strip parental rights
Politico is on Point: The Pro-Life Generation Has Zeroed in on Ohio Issue 1, Aiming for a Victory for Life - Students For Life of America
abortion rights could be on the ballot in Arizona, Florida, and Missouri and will feature heavily in Democratic efforts to hold the White House, and win a swath of state and federal seats.
Abortion is expanding in this country, lets put on the brakes while thay still work or it will be unstoppable.
The Chemical Abortion Cartel Deals in Death: Pharmacies Have Begun Dispensing the Deadly Drugs - Students For Life of America
Pray the rosary every day in attonment for the sins of our nation.

Politico is on Point: The Pro-Life Generation Has Zeroed in on Ohio Issue 1, Aiming for a Victory for …

A recent Politico piece reminded readers that in just four weeks, Ohioans will vote on the extreme …
True Mass shares this
Ohioans will vote on the extreme abortion ballot initiative Issue 1, which threatens to enshrine abortion into the state constitution and strip parental …More
Ohioans will vote on the extreme abortion ballot initiative Issue 1, which threatens to enshrine abortion into the state constitution and strip parental rights
Politico is on Point: The Pro-Life Generation Has Zeroed in on Ohio Issue 1, Aiming for a Victory for Life - Students For Life of America
abortion rights could be on the ballot in Arizona, Florida, and Missouri and will feature heavily in Democratic efforts to hold the White House, and win a swath of state and federal seats.
Abortion is expanding in this country, lets put on the brakes while thay still work or it will be unstoppable.
The Chemical Abortion Cartel Deals in Death: Pharmacies Have Begun Dispensing the Deadly Drugs - Students For Life of America
Pray the rosary every day in attonment for the sins of our nation.
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Tom Jones

"...the pope surprised her by saying, “Why don’t you become a missionary?”

Though she and her sisters suffered much from the Ku Klux Klan and other people of hate, they persevered. St. Katharine Drexel: A Life Dedicated to Native American Indians and African Americans – …More
Though she and her sisters suffered much from the Ku Klux Klan and other people of hate, they persevered.
St. Katharine Drexel: A Life Dedicated to Native American Indians and African Americans – Mission Priest
Her work continues even today
Mission of St. Katharine Drexel Continues on Rosebud Reservation
By igniting faith and hope in the hearts of the Rosebud Reservation youth, Black Bear’s ministry is transforming lives, one child at a time.
Tom Jones

Former CIA director’s tweet suggests US senator...

… should be removed from ‘the human race’ Former CIA director's tweet suggests US senator should be removed from 'the human race' In ancient Rome there was held the practice of political change thru …More
… should be removed from ‘the human race’
Former CIA director's tweet suggests US senator should be removed from 'the human race'
In ancient Rome there was held the practice of political change thru assignation, the CIA would have this return.
Tom Jones

Colorado Celebrates Cabrini Day

Colorado makes a holiday to recognize Mother Cabrini Colorado Celebrates Cabrini Day, an American First Here is a history of the order she founded.
Colorado makes a holiday to recognize Mother Cabrini
Colorado Celebrates Cabrini Day, an American First
Here is a history of the order she founded.
Tom Jones

Letter of St. Athanasius to Catholics Suffering at the Hand of Arian Heretics

We can learn from our ancestors endured Letter of St. Athanasius to Catholics For behold they that hold the Place are charged by them that love God with making it a den of thieves, and with madly making …More
We can learn from our ancestors endured
Letter of St. Athanasius to Catholics
For behold they that hold the Place are charged by them that love God with making it a den of thieves, and with madly making the Holy Place a house of merchandise, and a house of judicial business for themselves to whom it was unlawful to enter there.
Tom Jones

St. Charles Lwanga And Companions, pray for USA

Heroes and intercessors for our times of synod, communist insurrection called "racial justice", "progressive, and politically correct" we can learn what may be required of us all. …More
Heroes and intercessors for our times of synod, communist insurrection called "racial justice", "progressive, and politically correct" we can learn what may be required of us all.…/uploads/st-charles-lwanga-companions-w740x549.jpg
St. Charles Lwanga and companions
To go down fighting is no shame.
You have to resist to evil twice to get both cheeks slapped. "But I say to you not to resist evil: but if one strike thee on thy right cheek, turn to …More
You have to resist to evil twice to get both cheeks slapped.
"But I say to you not to resist evil: but if one strike thee on thy right cheek, turn to him also the other:" [Matthew 5:39]
Tom Jones

Death toll in Mexican church collapse during mass rises to 10.

Pray for the departed, and the living. Death toll in Mexican church collapse during mass rises to 10 Please say a rosary today for the families of this parish today.More
Pray for the departed, and the living.
Death toll in Mexican church collapse during mass rises to 10
Please say a rosary today for the families of this parish today.
Tom Jones shares from Tom Jones

Pray for the intercession of your heavenly mother daily

She will strengthen your resolve to do what is right. Heroine of The Sound of Music refused an abortion Pray the rosary Liturgical Year : October, Month of the Holy RosaryMore
She will strengthen your resolve to do what is right.
Heroine of The Sound of Music refused an abortion
Pray the rosary
Liturgical Year : October, Month of the Holy Rosary
7-year indulgence for devoutly praying the Rosary in October!
Tom Jones shares from Tom Jones

Nigeria needs our attention, Pray the Rosary daily

There the church is being legally murdered (Genocide) and no one wants to do a thing about it. Over 3,000 Christians Killed in Nigeria in 2021, Highest in Years: Intersociety Report …More
There the church is being legally murdered (Genocide) and no one wants to do a thing about it.
Over 3,000 Christians Killed in Nigeria in 2021, Highest in Years: Intersociety Report…ans-In-Nigeria-In-The-First-Six-Months-Of-2023.pdf
Pray for the dead
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
and let Your perpetual light shine upon them.
May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed
rest in peace. Amen.
The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church.
In the Middle Ages there would be a crusade to save them. Now, most Catholics are too politically correct to even pray for them...
Malki Tzedek
In the midst of such pain and suffering the current 'sinod' is equivalent to the Church's 'twiddling of its thumbs'. God help the Nigerian Church; God …More
In the midst of such pain and suffering the current 'sinod' is equivalent to the Church's 'twiddling of its thumbs'. God help the Nigerian Church; God forgive us.
Tom Jones

Pray for the intercession of your heavenly mother daily

She will strengthen your resolve to do what is right. Heroine of The Sound of Music refused an abortion Pray the rosary Liturgical Year : October, Month of the Holy RosaryMore
She will strengthen your resolve to do what is right.
Heroine of The Sound of Music refused an abortion
Pray the rosary
Liturgical Year : October, Month of the Holy Rosary
Tom Jones shares this
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Tom Jones

Nigeria needs our attention, Pray the Rosary daily

There the church is being legally murdered (Genocide) and no one wants to do a thing about it. Over 3,000 Christians Killed in Nigeria in 2021, Highest in Years: Intersociety Report …More
There the church is being legally murdered (Genocide) and no one wants to do a thing about it.
Over 3,000 Christians Killed in Nigeria in 2021, Highest in Years: Intersociety Report…ans-In-Nigeria-In-The-First-Six-Months-Of-2023.pdf
Pray for the dead
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
and let Your perpetual light shine upon them.
May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed
rest in peace. Amen.
The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church.
Tom Jones shares this
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Tom Jones shares from Marysrose
Please be prepared for the 4th and call out to God!

5G and the Zombie Apocalypse!

Electromagnetic waves can activate nanoparticles and graphene oxide and other things in the jabs. 5G towers send out those waves. When you see people suddenly being unreasonably aggressive and filled …More
Electromagnetic waves can activate nanoparticles and graphene oxide and other things in the jabs. 5G towers send out those waves. When you see people suddenly being unreasonably aggressive and filled with rage and even biting, be aware it may be the jab being activated. This is punishment from God, yet most are not turning back to God and rejecting their worldly ways.…cc-plan-nationwide-emergency-alert-test-oct-4-2023
5G REMOTE KILL VECTOR: Science paper reveals cell phone signals can activate the release of biological PAYLOADS from graphene oxide injected into the body –
Jab zombies: THE AMERICAN JOURNAL [1 of 3] Thursday 9/28/23 • BIDEN IMPEACHMENT INQUIRY, News, Reports & Analysis
Catholics need to unite if prayer and fasting/penance, asking Almighty God to save us:
🙏 🙏
FEMA announced it!