Tom Jones
Tom Jones

Climate Change is Climate Geoengineering

Do we care enough to try? Please pray, fast and do penance and it will become a joy to do so,
Tom Jones

Reports that three Christians in Borno, Nigeria, have been martryred by Islamic State in West Africa

They now wear the red crown of the martyrs.
Tom Jones

Bishop "Sincerely" Apologises after "Blasphemy" [against Buddah]

Get rid of any statues, etc. of a false god you might own.
Tom Jones

When people claim violence is protected speech..

Without God all things are permissible.
Tom Jones

Proven Natural Remedies Against the Jab (Covid-19 Vaccine)

Praise the Lord, O my soul, in my life I will praise the Lord: I will sing to my God as long as I shall be. Put not your trust in princes [Psalms 145:2] In other words Don't trust governments, trust GOD.
Tom Jones

Medical devices are killing the patient, and the FDA can do little about it

When we start holding Corporate Officials personally and criminality responsible (prison, etc.) then the possibility of justice will return, as it is now the cost of making a good product is weighed against the loss in lawsuits, and the cheaper will win. (remember in the 1970's-80 when people were killed to save ten dollars a car?
Tom Jones

Silent No More Awareness Campaign: We Lied to Them

This demonstrates that when an evil is given sanction of law people believe it moral, we must all do what we can to overturn unjust laws for the good of the souls of those who are misled by them.
Tom Jones

Cancellation of "Roe vs Wade" Encourages Chemical Abortion

Women can not get pregnant without a male, and any man has a reasonability to take care of the child he fathers.
There are way for every parish to encourage fatherhood in GOD's image. One way is here. That Man is You - Paradisus Dei
Tom Jones

Hard truths about abortion

They are a legally protected monopoly that is like the old Standard Oil Trust.
Feel free to lobby your state Legislators in the hope of creating cracks in their armor. 6 Ways to Be a Politically Active Catholic
Tom Jones

Father loses legal battle to stop his son, 8, from changing gender

Because of our sins rebellions against GOD and HIS laws we are allowed and embrace anti judges sent to destroy us.
Tom Jones

The Remnant Laments NFL Move toward Streaming?

What is there in the NFL that is worth watching? Anything that will help save your soul? Stop worshipping this expensive tripe.
Tom Jones

Disease X and it's jab..

Like the Carthage when they sacrificed the children of the poor to gain victory over Rome.
Tom Jones

Strickland goes to Medjugorje (misspelled in his post)

Francis' Vatican has muddied the waters, but the local bishop wrote a letter declaring it was NOT of God.
Tom Jones

The Pfizer and Moderna Reports Analyzed by Doctors:

Don't trust people who don't care.
Tom Jones

Martyrs of England and Wales

Thanks for the info. St. Anne Line - Encyclopedia Volume - Catholic Encyclopedia - Catholic Online
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace. Amen.
Also pray for the deadMore
Thanks for the info. St. Anne Line - Encyclopedia Volume - Catholic Encyclopedia - Catholic Online

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace. Amen.
Also pray for the dead