Reports that three Christians in Borno, Nigeria, have been martryred by Islamic State in West Africa.
Klaus Elmar Müller
Und immer noch versteht niemand Israel, und man redet von einem Konflikt zwischen Opfern und Tätern.
Billy F
Both sides of that conflict are antichrist. Talmudic Zionists are the ones pushing for more Mohammedans to be brought to the Western nations. Their hatred for Catholics is covert. The Mohammedans hatred is overt. Look up Barbara Learner Spectre.
Klaus Elmar Müller
@Billy F
It's so easy to take a stance on a mythological "meta level." But it's unnatural. Don't you see that on October 7th Muslims (according to the teachings of the Koran) massacred Jewish people?
Billy F
Israel has the most secure borders. They let it happen. I’ve listened to a lot of former IDF who said it was allowed and they stood down. This is all planned. All I know is my Christians Brothers have been persecuted by both sides and it is they who I support. Since 1948 Catholics have been wiped out in the Holy Land! My eyes are open now to Talmudic Zionists as well as Mohammadans!
Klaus Elmar Müller
@Billy F
The Catholics own a lot of property in Israel and develop their religion there. Especially when the pilgrims come. October 7th was a holiday in Israel and Netanyahu no longer saw the danger in Hamas, but in western Jordan.
Billy F
Look deeper to the ties of Israel and Hamas!
Billy F
Are you a Catholic? Do you work for the Israeli Government? We will have to agree to disagree on this. I’ll just say that millions of Catholics now are looking at the Secular Humanist State of Israel in a different light. We are awakening! We’ve been sleeping far too long. Even though you want us to believe that it is only ‘mythological meta level’ view.
Klaus Elmar Müller
@Billy F Anyone, who has retained a natural sense of facts and justice, can - as in my case - be a conservative German and Catholic. Not everyone, who thinks differently than you, works for your "favorite enemies"
Billy F
Sense of facts?!?! OoFaa! If you’re German, is it even legal to criticize Israel?
Sean Johnson
Klaus Elmar Müller
@Bill F You know little about the world and polemically fantasize about Germany. And you keep accusing me of dishonesty. You are not someone, who wants to have a sincere discussion. You probably can't. You are caught in the spiritual spider web of your anti-Jewish advantages, fantasies and ancient fairy tales. @Sean Johnson
Billy F
I will let you have the last word. I pray a 10 fold blessing upon you and bid you peace. I pray that the Mohammedans and the Talmudic Zionist come to the the Messiah and leave their religions of the flesh behind them and that they become true Brothers in the Kingdom.
Romans 10:9
Sean Johnson
Here’s McCain posing with Isis fighters.
The Arizona RepublicMore
Here’s McCain posing with Isis fighters.

The Arizona Republic
Billy F
McCain was a just another ‘Conservative’ Classical Liberal Fraud! Mercy on his soul!
Sean Johnson
Were the executioners Jews or Americans (or American Jews)?
They were Irish!
Josefa Menendez
requiescat in pace
Tom Jones
They now wear the red crown of the martyrs.
Billy F
Mohammadism is evil!!!