Sorry, Miss Swift, you can't be more wrong. I ask that you truly look into your heart and ask the loving God to forgive you, repent, and be forgiven. You have an enormous opportunity to promote life and good.
#TaylorSwift #ProLifeMore
Sorry, Miss Swift, you can't be more wrong. I ask that you truly look into your heart and ask the loving God to forgive you, repent, and be forgiven. You have an enormous opportunity to promote life and good.

#TaylorSwift #ProLife

Taylor Swift: "I'm a Christian" and People With Real "Christian Values" Support Abortion

Taylor Swift seems to believe that she can be a Christian and support the killing of unborn babies in abortions.…
Credo .
Pull the other one! 🤪
Hound of Heaven
"The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
An evil soul producing holy witness
Is like a villain with a smiling cheek,
A goodly apple rotten at the heart:
O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!" Shakespeare (also a Christian)
Dr Bobus
Shakespeare was probably a Catholic.
Hound of Heaven
There is indeed compelling evidence of Shakespeare's (of necessity, given the times) covert Catholicism, however, in this case, I was attempting to 'mirror' the use of the term 'Christian' as it was used (gratuitously, I think) by this celebrity.
Fabulous wealth and fame; It amounts to nothing
Tom Jones
They will be known by their fruits.
God to Swift [who's not too swift 🤪] Commandment #5 "Thou shalt not kill!"