@On Guard It is not destructive to point out the view of those who are defending Bergoglio, they defend the indefensible...
Yes it is a sarcasm, because those who defend him to the teeth don't want to see how DESTRUCTIVE and UNCATHOLIC this man is... I mean, are you going to seat there and say this man is catholic when by his own words on May 26th 2016 in Santa Marta, he claimed that Jesus "knew …More
@On Guard It is not destructive to point out the view of those who are defending Bergoglio, they defend the indefensible...

Yes it is a sarcasm, because those who defend him to the teeth don't want to see how DESTRUCTIVE and UNCATHOLIC this man is... I mean, are you going to seat there and say this man is catholic when by his own words on May 26th 2016 in Santa Marta, he claimed that Jesus "knew temptation to Himself" once more, throwing questions on our Lord's divinity (this is not the first time he does this, see Francis claim about the miracle of the fish and many more) and he did this only to throw more mud to those who defend to not give the Eucharist to those in living in sin... are you going to defend him? What about when he said gays are not living in sin? Or when he throw to the mud family with amoris laetitia and in his fruits we see it when he open the Holy Temple to those pushing liberal ideas like George Clooney...

Sorry on Guard, to me Francis has hung himself a long time ago, and those who defend him: the bergoglian clan, always say that his actions are catholic when their not.


It is just sad what we are seeing today with this man speaking at the top, but even worse, seen his bergoglian minions speaking to defend his cause. Poor choice of words, poor discernment... repent and convert to Catholicism you all bergoglian minions.

When you speak truth you get the boot

Francis liberalism gang, which ARE wolves in sheep clothing... think about it, those he has elevated to places in power (not necessarily the ones he found there), places which controls certain aspects of the Church, they either believe in homosexual, cohabitation, and don't like to follow Divine law as they should.

Gloria.TV News on the 31st of May 2016

Rome has lost the faith and becomes the seat of the antichrist is in LINE with the Gospel (directly with 2 thes 2), as the Top of the days of Jesus did apostasy, the same, as revealed by our Blessed Lady in La Salette, IS happening...
The 'pope' has no power at all to change anything... but he is suggesting we turn our backs to God with his uncatholic and heretic stance, and no one seems to care. …More
Rome has lost the faith and becomes the seat of the antichrist is in LINE with the Gospel (directly with 2 thes 2), as the Top of the days of Jesus did apostasy, the same, as revealed by our Blessed Lady in La Salette, IS happening...

The 'pope' has no power at all to change anything... but he is suggesting we turn our backs to God with his uncatholic and heretic stance, and no one seems to care.

Like all Catholics once suffered certain antipope back in the day, we are surprised by the fact, that we are living the same thing as those who suffered those 30+ antipopes, and yet, they too had to receive the ridicule and persecution by millions who loved their wicked pope, today is no different, it's just, that the platform was laid out carefully by the spin off at Vatican II...

Reasonable would've been abandoned a man who said that they have to eat His Flesh and drink His blood, reasonable would've been not to abandoned the security of the riches that St Francis of Assisi had in his Father, Catholic would've been stand by pope Liberius at the time when ERROR was the most beautiful and "CORRECT" thing.

Few stood up and obeyed God rather than men...

Logic and sometimes the 'Catholic thing' in our Catholic surroundings is not the way to go, due to the fact that our surroundings are full of 'good people' who cheers for the right thing to do...

When pope Francis proclaimed that Italian abortionist female as brave among the brave, I tried not to vomit, but according to the Catholic world nowadays, that wasn't only beautiful, that was 'Catholic' too, because 'pope' Francis is seeking those in the margins...

It is preferable to speak, than to stay silent, preferable to flee from those who are very famous priest bringing 'everybody' together, It is preferable to resist LOUD, and always to question everything they say is Catholic, because today there are many things presented to us as catholic that aren't at all...

Francis OPINIONS and OFF-THE-CUFF insanity is the most catholic thing right now and everybody is embracing such insanity that comes only from the evil one, 2/3 of all priests are embracing his merciful but deadly teachings. We must wake up and start to battle everywhere we can, pray for perseverance, discernment and a Holy priest to guide us away from all this filth, through the teachings and traditions laid by our forefathers... in other words: RESIST and stay faithful.

The Holiest ‘pope’ ever…

"Pope" Francis never was catholic and his fruits reveal this... when he was a mere bishop, he allow his beloved curas villeros to give the Eucharist to irregular couples, in his autobiography reveals that it is ok NOT to evangelize rather let people with different religions to CONTINUE their own traditions.... if this would've happen 200 years ago he would've been excommunicated.

Rupture this Francis!

That's all we need... but as you might imagine, the "future" of the Church is grim with this man, imagine cohabitation, homos couples and divorced and remarried setting the bar inside the Church... It is time to GO back to the traditions of all, like St Vincent of Lerins said in order to remain in line with what our Forefathers envisioned... poor Catholics, they are walking into a trap and some who …More
That's all we need... but as you might imagine, the "future" of the Church is grim with this man, imagine cohabitation, homos couples and divorced and remarried setting the bar inside the Church... It is time to GO back to the traditions of all, like St Vincent of Lerins said in order to remain in line with what our Forefathers envisioned... poor Catholics, they are walking into a trap and some who know their faith don't care because they have rejected their Master and Teacher.

Why priests are cheerfully crucifying our Lord Jesus?

People are getting condemned out of their disobedience, and the roads of hell are being constructed with the skulls of Bishops and priests who cheer for the world.

Why priests are cheerfully crucifying our Lord Jesus?

Kaczkadziwaczka1.... I agree that some people have to do it for reasons that are obvious, BUT nobody puts a gun to your head in order to go and get the Eucharist, depending on the situation you can get an annulment (which is not a divorce), there are mechanism by the Holy and Apostolic Church to see if your marriage was never one... Now if you Love your Lord and know about this commandment why …More
Kaczkadziwaczka1.... I agree that some people have to do it for reasons that are obvious, BUT nobody puts a gun to your head in order to go and get the Eucharist, depending on the situation you can get an annulment (which is not a divorce), there are mechanism by the Holy and Apostolic Church to see if your marriage was never one... Now if you Love your Lord and know about this commandment why disobey Him? A priest should know better.