Why priests are cheerfully crucifying our Lord Jesus?

Went to this beautiful Parish in St Petersburg Fl, the priest celebrated mass and he gave a nice homily, at the end of mass he was being greeted by everybody, this indeed was a man loved by his flock,…More
Went to this beautiful Parish in St Petersburg Fl, the priest celebrated mass and he gave a nice homily, at the end of mass he was being greeted by everybody, this indeed was a man loved by his flock, I came at the very end and asked if he could confess me, which he said yes.
After having confession, I had a small conversation with him on the 24th of April, right after mass in the evening, this was what we talked about:
“Fr. What do you think about Amoris Laetitia by pope Francis on giving communion to divorce and remarried couples?”
Fr. Cheerful: “Well, it is about giving communion to certain couples who had a pretty nasty divorce.”
“Are you going to give communion to this people Fr.?”
Fr. Cheerful: “Yes right after careful discernment on their situation.”
“But Fr., Jesus said in Luke 16:18 that whoever divorces a spouse to marry another commits adultery”
Fr. Cheerful: “Well yes but Jesus also said that we should give, does that convince you?” Read more at:
voiceofthesheepblog.wordpress.com …More
People are getting condemned out of their disobedience, and the roads of hell are being constructed with the skulls of Bishops and priests who cheer for the world.
Kaczkadziwaczka1.... I agree that some people have to do it for reasons that are obvious, BUT nobody puts a gun to your head in order to go and get the Eucharist, depending on the situation you can get an annulment (which is not a divorce), there are mechanism by the Holy and Apostolic Church to see if your marriage was never one... Now if you Love your Lord and know about this commandment why …More
Kaczkadziwaczka1.... I agree that some people have to do it for reasons that are obvious, BUT nobody puts a gun to your head in order to go and get the Eucharist, depending on the situation you can get an annulment (which is not a divorce), there are mechanism by the Holy and Apostolic Church to see if your marriage was never one... Now if you Love your Lord and know about this commandment why disobey Him? A priest should know better.
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The Sins Against The Holy Spirit “blasphemy against the Spirit”: Obstinacy in sin, Presumption of God's mercy, Final impenitence, Impugning the known truth,
(To "impugn" the known truth means to attack it by word or argument, to resist it, to contradict it, or even to oppose the known truth or to challenge it as false.)
Watering down the known truth
To water down the known truth means to weaken …More
The Sins Against The Holy Spirit “blasphemy against the Spirit”: Obstinacy in sin, Presumption of God's mercy, Final impenitence, Impugning the known truth,
(To "impugn" the known truth means to attack it by word or argument, to resist it, to contradict it, or even to oppose the known truth or to challenge it as false.)

Watering down the known truth
To water down the known truth means to weaken it by making all religious truths subjective (claiming that there is no objective truth), to attack it by word or argument, to resist it, to contradict it, or even to oppose the known truth or to challenge it as false -
Jesus Christ Condem divorce.
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They are disobeying our Lord Jesus Christ and become murderer of souls and they are working for Satan and do not seek the salvation of souls but their condemnation.