Gloria.TV News on the 1st of September 2016


Gloria.TV News on the 1st of September 2016

St Athanasius, all the saints, patriarchs and 1st Christians ARE the example to follow that's what I said... didn't you read:
"So did those who opened their eyes by his constant preaching, those who stood with him by the truth..."
But you, who in the past hammered with name callings (which doesn't demonstrates traces of Christianity), good people WHO points out the ERRORS and how the law demonstrates …More
St Athanasius, all the saints, patriarchs and 1st Christians ARE the example to follow that's what I said... didn't you read:

"So did those who opened their eyes by his constant preaching, those who stood with him by the truth..."

But you, who in the past hammered with name callings (which doesn't demonstrates traces of Christianity), good people WHO points out the ERRORS and how the law demonstrates that it is an error...

Who am I? Nobody, just a talking mutton according to you, who is more than happy to point out to all that: "atheists who do good and we'll meet there", "who am I to judge", "Christians with the bible, muslims with the coran with the faith of your fathers that it'll take you far...", "proselytism is nonsense"... it's not only an error BUT PURE POISON and sadly most Catholics ARE embracing it as truth while their souls could fall in danger.

My power is my voice and my deeds... IF i remain silent, poor me, poor us.

Your power is the same as I, yet you chose to use it for slandering and name calling, I have seen your doing it for a long time and you never change your constant blabber against those who tell the world about Francis poison, I know I'm wasting my time with you, but someone has to put you in your place.

You said you are barking at me, no... you're not, you have called Gloria TV: "Gloria.tv sinks to a new low on nearly a daily basis.", "Lionel the Anaconda and Cowboy Chuck", and many more with your slandering for years...

If something we can compare about most Francis cheerleaders is the name calling, so congrats cheery cannoli... you make your 'papa' proud.

the end...

Sheeps... Stay faithful and resist!

Gloria.TV News on the 1st of September 2016

Didn't Saint Athanasius remained faithful? So did those who opened their eyes by his constant preaching, those who stood with him by the truth... The Catholic Church is the one true faith despite those Judas on top.
Leadership is supposed to come from those who took the chalice of suffering, the priests... but when priests (almost all of them) have forgotten their oaths, it is teaching of the Church …More
Didn't Saint Athanasius remained faithful? So did those who opened their eyes by his constant preaching, those who stood with him by the truth... The Catholic Church is the one true faith despite those Judas on top.

Leadership is supposed to come from those who took the chalice of suffering, the priests... but when priests (almost all of them) have forgotten their oaths, it is teaching of the Church that when the pastors are sleeping, the dogs should bark...

I don't hear you barking... but complaining, targeting those who try to constantly open eyes, say whatever... but it is written that we must call the error as error and the wolf clothed as sheep as wolf. God bless

Mutton out!

Gloria.TV News on the 1st of September 2016

When antipopes of the past appeared, sometimes they were put in power by a group on top, most Catholics back then fell in apostasy in line with their erroneous teachings, BUT those who saw it didn't ran away, they remained faithful, those who actually ran away didn't know their faith well... 🙏

Gloria.TV News on the 1st of September 2016

There is tons of evidence that Bergoglio is not Catholic making him an antipope; now... it is also true that the Catholic Church is full of coward priests and prefer not to say or do something about it, only a handful, sure are fulfilling their oaths to our Lord and the people who can't see that, are swimming in their own "knowledge" rejecting clear and overwhelming evidence... God allow people …More
There is tons of evidence that Bergoglio is not Catholic making him an antipope; now... it is also true that the Catholic Church is full of coward priests and prefer not to say or do something about it, only a handful, sure are fulfilling their oaths to our Lord and the people who can't see that, are swimming in their own "knowledge" rejecting clear and overwhelming evidence... God allow people during the flood to not see the truth, allowed 95% of Catholics to fall to arianism and are allowing people to fall in Bergoglio/Barney the dinosaur mentality for rejecting Truth.

Gloria.TV News on the 26th of August 2016

Thank you pope Benedict, it is true, Divine Providence has given us something: a Destroyer, true, it is the will of Almighty Father for us having rejected the truth in the traditions of old, even if you don't want to be our pope, I don't care, you still my pope, poison incarnate has sat in St Peter's chair and I will resist... the higher the mess, the more rapidly our Lord will come, the only sad …More
Thank you pope Benedict, it is true, Divine Providence has given us something: a Destroyer, true, it is the will of Almighty Father for us having rejected the truth in the traditions of old, even if you don't want to be our pope, I don't care, you still my pope, poison incarnate has sat in St Peter's chair and I will resist... the higher the mess, the more rapidly our Lord will come, the only sad part is the loss of gazillions of souls by Bergoglio.

The first step needed to get the Church out of the current crisis

If the title its a question then the answer is simple: For Jesus to come back again and put order... no one can rectify this mess by human effort alone, the world has gone miles away beyond spiritual insanity, is like the whole world is Sodom and Gomorrah again with everyone cheering while orgies and genocide happens...

Anointed Full Movie. Twenty Five Years a Priest of the Traditional Latin Mass. Father Anthony Mary, …

@Jungerheld I had to watch the video twice to understand... the sign Fr Anthony speaks about is when the song was chanted, the phrase 'spiritual unction', fell exactly at the same time when Fr Anthony was anointed... it didn't happened before nor after, it was at the same time he was anointed, that's the sign he saw 2 years later, there (i think), he had no more doubts, no more questions... only …More
@Jungerheld I had to watch the video twice to understand... the sign Fr Anthony speaks about is when the song was chanted, the phrase 'spiritual unction', fell exactly at the same time when Fr Anthony was anointed... it didn't happened before nor after, it was at the same time he was anointed, that's the sign he saw 2 years later, there (i think), he had no more doubts, no more questions... only comfort, he's a priest forever. That's what I understood, blessings.

BREAKING! Video Confession: Baby Brains Dissected by High School Students

This man is considered as of now, as innovative, courageous, scientific, by demons who are now in power, all throughout our land and on top of our Church. This is another scandal in which no one will go to jail. Outrageous!

Gloria.TV News on the 23rd of August 2016

In 2013 right after the bullying of the Franciscans of the Immaculate, I knew that pope Francis was the DESTROYER sent to us, in the light of the prophecy of Saint Francis of Assisi, his prophecy open my eyes and I did warned all of my friends and family, that Francis SHOULDN'T be trusted... then, in the middle of the CELAM conference, Francis mocked all those who counted Rosaries which were offered …More
In 2013 right after the bullying of the Franciscans of the Immaculate, I knew that pope Francis was the DESTROYER sent to us, in the light of the prophecy of Saint Francis of Assisi, his prophecy open my eyes and I did warned all of my friends and family, that Francis SHOULDN'T be trusted... then, in the middle of the CELAM conference, Francis mocked all those who counted Rosaries which were offered as sacrifice in his favor...

SINCE then, the departure from faith has increased to levels beyond the Arianism era, in 3 years of antipope Francis 'personal opinions' and poisonous exhortations, his blabber has been embraced by almost all, as the path to follow. Muslims getting inside Catholic Temples to mock Jesus, Messianic Jews receiving the news that we shouldn't evangelize Jews or anyone as proselytism is a 'solemn nonsense'...

So, it's not a surprise that abortionists are praised as heroes by Francis, pagans are embraced because they have 'gifts', atheists are OK, LGBT should be left alone as we shouldn't intervene in their spirituality, sex should be taught in schools eclipsing what church always taught about parents beings the ones to do so, masses should be 'quick' with a comedian priest tossing jokes, letting mortal sin stand and putting enemies of God in places of power...

We can talk all day about antipope Francis, his poisonous teachings, the demolition of our Church and how we are giving away what is sacred to the enemies of God... RESISTING is the only solution, PERSEVERING through this wave of darkness can only be achieve by knowledge and our trust in Jesus while remaining FAITHFUL... the BEST WAY TO RESIST IS TO GO BACK TO THE TEACHINGS OF OLD, abandon the novus ordo mass IF you have a Latin Mass in your city, abandon all priests who are teaching poison... again, go back to the Traditions of old like St Vincent of Lerins and our Forefathers taught. OPEN YOUR EYES.

Gloria.TV News on the 23rd of August 2016

All throughout the world we see the departure from faith, cowards pleasing antipope Francis... Now those who truly love our Lord and Savior would've never received such praises from those who are sworn enemies of Jesus, never would've allow such poison published in the Italian Bishops magazine and never would've let Catholicism die in a country while not lifting a finger, on the contrary it's common …More
All throughout the world we see the departure from faith, cowards pleasing antipope Francis... Now those who truly love our Lord and Savior would've never received such praises from those who are sworn enemies of Jesus, never would've allow such poison published in the Italian Bishops magazine and never would've let Catholicism die in a country while not lifting a finger, on the contrary it's common knowledge that separation between Church and state is what antipope Bergoglio likes... Catholics this is precisely what happens when you compromise to receive 30 coins... when will Catholics see that Rome has lost the faith and this is an antipope era.

Anointed. The Film Team have been at it again in Christchurch, New Zealand, where we run the Latin …

I wonder, what would've be my life if from the start, from my very first day of existence, my family, instead of a novus ordo family, would've raised me in the latin mass... I thank you filiiSSR for uploading this treasure. My dear Catholic Church took the Holy Mass away from me for decades, Thanks to be God I found it, thanks to God for brave man who offer the Holy Sacrifice the correct way, I hope …More
I wonder, what would've be my life if from the start, from my very first day of existence, my family, instead of a novus ordo family, would've raised me in the latin mass... I thank you filiiSSR for uploading this treasure. My dear Catholic Church took the Holy Mass away from me for decades, Thanks to be God I found it, thanks to God for brave man who offer the Holy Sacrifice the correct way, I hope that more brave men comes forth to offer the Holy Sacrifice the correct way.

Thank you Fr. Anthony and tons of blessings.

Eight Symptoms of False Teaching

Each symptom is shown beautifully by 'pope' Francis

Gloria.TV News on the 18th of August 2016

Open your eyes Brothers and sisters:
Each day the persecution increases worldwide, like water heated in a pot, slowly but steady, the temperature rises...
The world is proclaiming Laws of 'tolerance and understanding' which the top doesn't fight any longer, but praises who for years have persevered in the killing of the womb, the sodomy agenda and the new world order insanity.
Luke-warmth priests …More
Open your eyes Brothers and sisters:

Each day the persecution increases worldwide, like water heated in a pot, slowly but steady, the temperature rises...

The world is proclaiming Laws of 'tolerance and understanding' which the top doesn't fight any longer, but praises who for years have persevered in the killing of the womb, the sodomy agenda and the new world order insanity.

Luke-warmth priests are exalted, anti gospel Bishops are elevated and those who warn about this things are cast out as heretics...

Like when the flood came while Noah was alive, ruin and horror will come for us, for having rejected the call to get saved...

This exactly why it is so difficult for a priest to get saved, because each soul lost hangs on their necks, this is why standing by the truth is critical as truth never changes, it remains the same forever.

Many remain silent despite seeing the danger with fear of persecution, a few try indirectly to preach around the confusion, others (the smallest group) take the bulls by the horns and call the sword as sword and the wolf dressed as sheep as a false pope, uncatholic... antipope.

This people don't have the authority by themselves, the authority comes by the teachings of old: our Forefathers, prophecies from the Most High and the Gospel itself.

Many Judas are walking the earth and the few who are brave enough call them as they are, without hate or indecencies... only with what Heaven has given through the Gospel... Brethren WAKE UP!

Gloria.TV News on the 17th of August 2016

False Teaching is given by a false Teacher, a false prophet...
Catholics still don't care, Francis kneels to kiss the feet of the Muslims as he washes their feet, brings them out of 'mercy' to the Vatican leaving behind Christians fleeing horror, does not condemn actively the clear genocide of Christians, DOESN'T like to kneel before the Eucharist and all his defenders claim health, but his doctor …More
False Teaching is given by a false Teacher, a false prophet...

Catholics still don't care, Francis kneels to kiss the feet of the Muslims as he washes their feet, brings them out of 'mercy' to the Vatican leaving behind Christians fleeing horror, does not condemn actively the clear genocide of Christians, DOESN'T like to kneel before the Eucharist and all his defenders claim health, but his doctor says he is as healthy as a 40 year old.

This is another symbolism and literal meaning of his intentions, how does the heart of a FALSE prophet lies with: not with the sacred things, poor blind Catholics who don't know right from left as they cheer everything he claims.

CNS - Vatican Takes Sides in Katy Perry Convent War

All this was allowed by God Himself, for the Church letting Truth to be replaced by a beautiful lie: tolerance, ecumenism and 'new humanity' gospel, despite that people still cheer for the Barney the dinosaur church, while the True Church is cast out because they're radicals... SPIRITUAL FAMINE, but very few knows the sign of the times.

Freemasons will be happy. Trump and Hillary, Hillary and Trump whoever wins will get there by Catholic …

In the upper corner of the photo Hillary receives the blessing of a shaman, George Soros one of the greatest anti american ever supports Hillary, above Soros there's one of the Rothchild's: a family who supports Hillary... Now Trump is supported by Stewart Rahr and Michael Cohen who are zionists... Jesus said "by their fruits you shall know them", can you trust Trump, Hillary or anyone on the …More
In the upper corner of the photo Hillary receives the blessing of a shaman, George Soros one of the greatest anti american ever supports Hillary, above Soros there's one of the Rothchild's: a family who supports Hillary... Now Trump is supported by Stewart Rahr and Michael Cohen who are zionists... Jesus said "by their fruits you shall know them", can you trust Trump, Hillary or anyone on the Libertarian progressive party. TRUST Jesus and if you love Him in all His Commandments you will not cast a vote for Evil or a 'Lesser evil'

Pope Benedict and the Coming Catholic Realignment

It is sad to see how a star falls from the sky to poison the waters of life... poor Fr. Longenecker.

Gloria.TV News on the 4th of August 2016

Jesuits today are synonym of Liberalism, so there's no surprise there... my surprise is why Catholics STILL defend the MOST Liberal antipope ever to be seated in St Peter's throne as a 'true' pope and a saint. 😡

Gloria.TV News on the 3rd of August 2016

When will Catholics open their eyes about this antipope.