Gloria.TV News on the 2nd of August 2016

@Rafał_Ovile Thank you my dear friend, you are a marvelous Catholic (I mean it), also a great example of the many, many people who read what they want but doesn't actually read the substance of what is written, you yourself have proven my point by your very remarks: "Now who would you rather choose to enter your doors? Someone who would murder you or the other who will only wound you?"
Those …More
@Rafał_Ovile Thank you my dear friend, you are a marvelous Catholic (I mean it), also a great example of the many, many people who read what they want but doesn't actually read the substance of what is written, you yourself have proven my point by your very remarks: "Now who would you rather choose to enter your doors? Someone who would murder you or the other who will only wound you?"

Those are your words admitting that Hillary is evil and Trump is the "lesser" evil, conceding that I am right, "evil or the lesser evil" goes against our Lords commands that was my point, but all you read is that Trump is a freemason which I never said, I said that WHOEVER WINS freemasons will be happy with them.

My Lord knows me and not voting for ANY of this two is not going to take me to hell, telling people that they SHOULDN'T vote for anyone who represents evil is not going to take me or them to hell, telling people that should love their Lord not matter what, above all else that is what I'm aiming for, despite He knows how dumb I am to do His work, proclaiming His Gospel.

We are not bound to any human laws that compromises our relationship with the Lord, sorry. Blessings

Trump = Hillary, freemasons win

Nonsense... even St Paul didn't wait for those Jews to kill him so he fled in a basket, why he didn't stay and convert them? You admitted that Trump is a lesser evil because you said:
"Now who would you rather choose to enter your doors? Someone who would murder you or the other who will only wound you?"
I prefer NEITHER, I will get my family out from a window, If I can't then I'll accept martyrdom …More
Nonsense... even St Paul didn't wait for those Jews to kill him so he fled in a basket, why he didn't stay and convert them? You admitted that Trump is a lesser evil because you said:

"Now who would you rather choose to enter your doors? Someone who would murder you or the other who will only wound you?"

I prefer NEITHER, I will get my family out from a window, If I can't then I'll accept martyrdom and my blood will be in their hands.

I am pro life BUT I will not break God's commands because of a "little wound"

So... I have the fallacy? Despite you admitting the lesser evil is better by taking the little wound for a higher and righteous cause? You sound like the CIA when they formed the "pepes" in colombia trying to take out Pablo Escobar and then the CIA calling the pepes a necessary evil and boy did the pepes did a lot of evil and the CIA couldn't control them anymore.

U.S. Vice President Biden Officiates So-called Same-Sex Wedding

Now that's an outstanding Catholic and I bet that's what the top nowadays envision as a merciful and wonderful catholic.

Trump = Hillary, freemasons win

whatever you say rafal... come here and vote. I know I will not... I will not compromise my conscience, but come here and compromise all you want. 😊

Gloria.TV News on the 2nd of August 2016

The only hope for this country Rafal is for Jesus to come back again, both Trump and Hillary are nothing but bad news. If you disagree come here and vote, I will NOT vote for neither of them, I prefer my conscience to be at peace, I day in the beach or go and play billiards. This is my final reply on this matter, I consider this matter closed.

Gloria.TV News on the 2nd of August 2016

@Jungerheld are you surprised? Didn't Catholics put Obama in power? Catholics will vote for evil (Hillary) or the lesser evil (Trump); Is anybody surprised that a huge mass with muslims was performed? But for Francis cheerers that's nothing, for those, of the white flag church is nothing...
On the contrary, they will sing to the song of 'Mercy'... I am not surprised, for them is about: accompanying …More
@Jungerheld are you surprised? Didn't Catholics put Obama in power? Catholics will vote for evil (Hillary) or the lesser evil (Trump); Is anybody surprised that a huge mass with muslims was performed? But for Francis cheerers that's nothing, for those, of the white flag church is nothing...

On the contrary, they will sing to the song of 'Mercy'... I am not surprised, for them is about: accompanying people, seeing people's gifts, that we are all children of God, not doing proselytism, repentance and amend...

Sad, very sad, APOSTASY has set in and we are still debating over it, most (the majority) are cheerfully blind to what's going on.

Trump = Hillary, freemasons win

Reality, that's a word used by the enemies of the Church everyday to push their agenda on us, a word used too much by salt and light tv (Fr Rosica's poison TV), now this is not the case with you Rafal, I now that you are a good Catholic, unfortunately not a good reader, again I've never said that Mr Trump is a freemason yet it wouldn't surprise me if he is one, but I never said that …More

Reality, that's a word used by the enemies of the Church everyday to push their agenda on us, a word used too much by salt and light tv (Fr Rosica's poison TV), now this is not the case with you Rafal, I now that you are a good Catholic, unfortunately not a good reader, again I've never said that Mr Trump is a freemason yet it wouldn't surprise me if he is one, but I never said that in this article, yet you continue to push something I haven't said.

Despair about what? I don't care... you don't vote in this country, unfortunately I do and I choose not to, the beach is worth more for me than voting for a man or a woman who in the end will make freemasons happy even if they're not freemasons (which I doubt).

Do you really think that Freemasons are wearing satanic robes behind whoever is the president and putting a sword to their necks to execute their agenda? No, money and political obligations is what is required. George Soros is one of their own and he is backing Hillary with 25 million dollars, Hillary has 1 billion dollars in donations already, Soros is one of many.

Michael Cohen advised Trump, a zionist, who joined Trump in 2006 and backed Obama in 2008: what a nice coincidence; Steward Rahr is another illuminati backing Trump, a billionaire who is at the 183rd position as the richest man in America.

I'm 100% sure that Trump (who was a democrat), is being used to let democrats win, but perhaps this is despair too, maybe the Clintons will return the 100,000 dollars Trump contributed to them once...

Hillary did a crime and the FBI let her go, but if I'm the one who had those crimes I'm sure I would go to jail... it doesn't matter because whoever wins (Hillary is leading Trump by 8%), will do what the big boys behind the scenes wants.

Rafal my friend I will not vote for Trump, I will not vote for Clinton, I will not vote at all, because voting for one of the two is voting for what they stand for and I assure you that's not pleasing God in all His commandments, on the contrary, voting for them to me it's a sin and that's one of the things I wanted to say, I never said they were freemasons, unfortunately you read what you wanted to read.

the end, Blessings.

Trump = Hillary, freemasons win

I've never said he was a freemason Rafal_Ovile (but it wouldn't surprise me if he or Hillary are)...
What I did post was that Catholics will put one of the 2 there (IF there is an election - WWIII will let Obama to extent), regardless freemasons will benefit due to their wicked agenda is now the law everywhere, most Catholics will vote for the most toxic one (Hillary), most priests and Bishops will …More
I've never said he was a freemason Rafal_Ovile (but it wouldn't surprise me if he or Hillary are)...

What I did post was that Catholics will put one of the 2 there (IF there is an election - WWIII will let Obama to extent), regardless freemasons will benefit due to their wicked agenda is now the law everywhere, most Catholics will vote for the most toxic one (Hillary), most priests and Bishops will vote for her (lukewarmth priests/Bishops)...

Good Christians will vote for the lesser evil which is Trump... EVIL IS EVIL doesn't matter who, did the abortion agenda stopped with Bush? Nope...

Holy priests will not vote, I assure you that, why? Because the two are against God's commandments with what they are bringing, both will let the LGBT continue, both will not cancel abortion, Trump's vice president said that he will bring down Roe vs Wade, BUT the republicans had 2 terms with Bush and never did anything against it...

Listen, this country is not like Poland most Americans ARE in favor of contraception, abortion and LGBT and our Bishops (you know this) ARE in favor because they commit tons of omission or cheer for it with subtleness.

Let's face it... this country deserves Heavenly fire out of Divine Justice because everything here is backwards, all that was good is evil and all evil now is good, only a miracle can save us and that's Jesus return, but in the mean time, CATHOLICS WILL SIN VOTING FOR EVIL REGARDLESS IS A LESSER ONE OR A BIG ONE.

Blessings to you, all gloria and Poland who had to entertained the antipope.

Trump = Hillary, freemasons win

@Rafał_Ovile (lengthy post) Look man it is obvious that they're not the same, one is a man and the other a woman, hahaha.
This is exactly the problem with us Catholics, because one of the two candidates (Hillary/Trump) is good enough for one thing we believe in, like when most Latinos voted for Obama, as they thought, by doing so, it would help on immigration issues and rejected he was all about …More
@Rafał_Ovile (lengthy post) Look man it is obvious that they're not the same, one is a man and the other a woman, hahaha.

This is exactly the problem with us Catholics, because one of the two candidates (Hillary/Trump) is good enough for one thing we believe in, like when most Latinos voted for Obama, as they thought, by doing so, it would help on immigration issues and rejected he was all about killing babies among other things...

Freemasons will be happy with whomever get there, that's my point, while most Christians will compromise their conscience as Republicans ARE happy with the LGBT agenda while compromising on abortion issues like when Trump said "women should be held liable (legally) for abortion", then flip flopping with some insanity... Hillary is worst...

Now, will people compromise Jesus commands because they are prolifers and should look the other way on other issues and vote for the lesser evil? Not me and I can see someone voting for Trump and then regret it in the future, it is not a sin not to vote, but it is one if you see that Hillary is pro abortion and vote for her, it's a sin if Trump is all for the LGBT and vote for him, political correctness is a heresy and applies for all of us.

I tell you what... whoever wins: freemasons will be happy, that's what I'm saying and Catholics will vote big for the big evil and for the lesser evil, which it's a contradiction. 😇

Vatican Confirms: SSPX Will Get Personal Prelature

Poor SSPX, they don't know what they're getting into, because everything that Francis touches turns into a teletubbies and barney doing cocaine Woodstock rock concert...

Bergoglio spoke of ‘decentralizing’ decisions on Communion for divorced/remarried : Polish bishops …

Everywhere he goes beautiful words are heard, but rotten to its core when you try to compare them with the Bible and Catholic Tradition.

What The Media And The Church Are Not Telling You As To Why Muslims Beheaded A French Catholic Priest …

Rome has given up to the devil... Rome has lost the faith and has become the seat of the antichrist, soon we will see how our Lord is cast out in favor of acceptance, the future reflects the hypocrisy and ambiguity of today... the antichrist will seize the opportunity his servant provides.

Gloria.TV News on the 8th of July 2016

@Reesorville ... Jesus own words fulfills the old testament:
"Haven't you read" He replied, "that at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,' and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh' So they are no longer two. but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate." Mark 19:4-6 …More
@Reesorville ... Jesus own words fulfills the old testament:

"Haven't you read" He replied, "that at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,' and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh' So they are no longer two. but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate." Mark 19:4-6

Did you all notice the words: "Haven't you read" He replied, "that at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female'....

Almighty Father all throughout the Old testament allowed situations BUT never He is noticed for whatever wickedness that happened as right, Jesus brings Light to what the Gospel REALLY taught from the beginning,

When Abraham and Samuel did what they did, and God allowed this because, 1st there is free will and 2nd if God commanded you to do something you better do it, just ask King Saul who didn't do what God asked, did God told Abraham to have relations to his maid? No, it was the wife, now what happened to that his kid and the maid? they were cast out into the desert and today they are known as Islam...

Remember St Paul was a murderer, St Dismas, many Saints were thieves, prostitutes, murderers, wieners, etc... eventually, they found righteousness and sainthood through God's Divine Mercy, GOD allowed many things for a reason and through Jesus we know today that all the Apostles, saints and prophets did amending with a contrite heart, which is one of many things that it'll push you to sainthood.

Amoris Laetitia is NOT correct and is not even close, a priest, in this case Francis... should know their Lord better, Jesus didn't say something so that His priests stab Him in His back and do exactly the opposite of what He taught. King Davis, Solomon, etc... they were allowed to this or can you find in scripture that God told him to take many wives? Exactly... saying that He did it'll be God contradicting Himself.

The Church always taught that divorce and remarried is a sin and IF ANY PRIEST encounters such who did not know, THEN you teach them that for the sake of their children (if the have any)... they should live as brother and sister, hands down.

Sheeps be watchful God will NEVER contradict Himself.

Gloria.TV News on the 4th of July 2016

The health of a 40 years old... yet, he excuses himself not to kneel before the Eucharist and avoids genuflection like the devil avoids the cross.

Gloria.TV News on the 1st of July 2016

Is anybody, anyone reading this surprised? Liberalism and Peter cannot co-exist... But yet most won't listen.

Gloria.TV News on the 30th of June 2016

My dear Bud, farewell... God doesn't forget your love.

Gloria.TV News on the 29th of June 2016

And regarding my sweet pope Benedict XVI all I can say: yes... continue 'papa' bergoglio with the so called 'divine mercy' the more you push the Liberal agenda of yours, the soon Jesus returns to deal with your diabolical mess! I hope pope Benedict XVI one day looks back and see that It would've been best to suffer his passion in Peter's throne than to let the 'wolves' take the reigns and destroyed …More
And regarding my sweet pope Benedict XVI all I can say: yes... continue 'papa' bergoglio with the so called 'divine mercy' the more you push the Liberal agenda of yours, the soon Jesus returns to deal with your diabolical mess! I hope pope Benedict XVI one day looks back and see that It would've been best to suffer his passion in Peter's throne than to let the 'wolves' take the reigns and destroyed what he left.

Gloria.TV News on the 29th of June 2016

When a devote Catholic nation like for example the Philippines, chooses a president like this man, you can tell something on their people and how the Church has taught their catechism to the flock... we see how they threw away the teachings, we see how populism can erase those teachings laid in weak foundations as people embrace worldly things... The Philippines like the USA, Canada, England, etc.…More
When a devote Catholic nation like for example the Philippines, chooses a president like this man, you can tell something on their people and how the Church has taught their catechism to the flock... we see how they threw away the teachings, we see how populism can erase those teachings laid in weak foundations as people embrace worldly things... The Philippines like the USA, Canada, England, etc... deserved their rulers, so cheers!

Gloria.TV News on the 28th of June 2016

Please, Gloria TV and all of you out there... ALL saints and doctors of the one true faith the Catholic Church has taught what the Gospel says: Homosexuality is an abomination before the eyes of God... you hear? An abomination... NO practicing gay will enter heaven, and ANYONE who cheers, teaches, or proclaims different from His Holy Word, the Gospel, it teaches: "let them be anathema"
Now, the …More
Please, Gloria TV and all of you out there... ALL saints and doctors of the one true faith the Catholic Church has taught what the Gospel says: Homosexuality is an abomination before the eyes of God... you hear? An abomination... NO practicing gay will enter heaven, and ANYONE who cheers, teaches, or proclaims different from His Holy Word, the Gospel, it teaches: "let them be anathema"

Now, the college of Cardinals will not stand by that teaching because bergoglio has most of the seats of power covered!

Bless those who have seen what it's happening: We are living the La Salette prophecy as we speak, we are living the reign of a destroyer, an antipope, a judas.

My words are strong, I know, but they are the truth... our only life line is to GO BACK TO THE PRACTICES OF OLD like our forefathers taught us to do. All of you who like me grew up in the practices of the novus ordo, OPEN YOUR EYES... if God wanted homosexuality, contraception, abortion and ecumenism HE would've send barney the dinosaur to reveal the Gospel, but it wasn't... Sodoma got destroyed, Jesus suffered a terrible death, all the prophets, apostles, priests, nuns, laity who gave us their martyrdom and the proclamation of the Gospel... now all of the sudden with the teachings flowing from Francis and his minions, we see that Henry VII was right, Luther was a saint and all 38,000 churches out there were all along 'right' and all the past popes wrong.

OPEN YOUR EYES... go back to the traditions of old and resist!

Catholic Church should apologize to gays, says papal adviser Cardinal Marx

Antipope Francis has said so many blasphemies and heresies... some of them were kind of 'in your face heresy' but people don't want to listen, why is this? Because 90% of Catholics don't know their faith well, 90% of Catholics practice in deed or creed some of the popular evils of the world like contraception, abortion, homosexuality, euthanasia, etc... 80% of Catholics don't go to mass and don't …More
Antipope Francis has said so many blasphemies and heresies... some of them were kind of 'in your face heresy' but people don't want to listen, why is this? Because 90% of Catholics don't know their faith well, 90% of Catholics practice in deed or creed some of the popular evils of the world like contraception, abortion, homosexuality, euthanasia, etc... 80% of Catholics don't go to mass and don't use the sacrament of confession... and to put the cherry on top on the 90%, the 100% don't believe in one or more sacrament.

Why most people defend and cheer for this antipope? Because they love to sin and defend their 'right' to sin and others... No one can tell me that apologizing to gays for their wicked and scandalous behavior comes from God.