Gloria.TV News on the 8th of July 2016 Extremism: Pope Francis has named the extremist Chicago archbishop Blasé J. Cupich as a member of the very important Congregation for the Bishops. This will give …More
Gloria.TV News on the 8th of July 2016
Extremism: Pope Francis has named the extremist Chicago archbishop Blasé J. Cupich as a member of the very important Congregation for the Bishops. This will give Cupich the power to influence the nomination of new bishops in the U.S. and worldwide. Pope Francis’ nomination of Cupich to Chicago has already led to a drop of vocations in this archdiocese.
Cardinal Contradiction: Extremist Vienna Cardinal Schönborn praises Amoris Laetitia in an interview with La Civiltà cattolica as a – quote – “pontifical document of very high quality”. According to him, after Amoris Laetitia it is not any longer possible to say that people who live in sin, live in sin. Accordingly Cardinal Schönborn should also say that mercy and forgiveness are not important anymore because they are only important for sinners.
Removed: Pope Francis has accepted the forced resignation of 66-year-old archbishop Aldo di Cillo Pagotto of Paraiba, Brazil. Pagotto is accused of not having …More
Uncle Joe
Simply looking at this pic of Victor Manuel Fernández and my 'gaydar' enters the danger zone. Knowing that he's the pope's 'go to man' for theological advise and his writing a book on “The Art of Kissing” (in addition to be scandalous) would be like Hillary writing a book on “How to Have a Happy Marriage.” 😀
Dr Bobus
Amoris Laetitia and the rise of Abp Cupich is evidence that the influence of Karl Rahner is still with us. JPII's reform of moral theology was good, but it was not nearly enough.
Dr Bobus
It's nothing new for someone other than the pope to write papal document. Only about 25% of Veritatis Splendor was written by JPII. Humani Generis was the product of Garrigou-LaGrange. And most of Ordinatio Sacerdotalis was written by one of my profs.
Uncle Joe
Cardinal Contradiction:
Unlike his predecessors, John Paul II and Benedict the XVI, Pope Francis is no scholar. He's also no writer. Amoris Laetitia was not written by Francis but rather by a ghostwriter. Who is the pope's ghostwriter? Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernández is that man.
Twenty years ago Victor wrote a book first published in 1995 in Argentina called Saname con tu boca ("Heal Me …More
Cardinal Contradiction:

Unlike his predecessors, John Paul II and Benedict the XVI, Pope Francis is no scholar. He's also no writer. Amoris Laetitia was not written by Francis but rather by a ghostwriter. Who is the pope's ghostwriter? Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernández is that man.
Twenty years ago Victor wrote a book first published in 1995 in Argentina called Saname con tu boca ("Heal Me With Your Mouth, The Art of Kissing"). Now what in the world would a priest know about "healing with my mouth"? 😘
Fernández actually gave an answer in an interview:
I want to clarify that this book is not written from my own experience, but from the lives of people kissing. In these pages I want to synthesize the popular feeling, what people feel when they think of a kiss, what they experienced when they kiss. For that I chatted at length with many people who have abundant experience in this area, and also with many young people learn to kiss. In addition, I consulted many books, and I wanted to show how the poets talk about the kiss. So, I tried to synthesize the immense richness of life, these pages, out of the kiss. I hope they help you kiss better, and motivate you to release the best of your being in a kiss. 😊 😘 🚬
So this is the figure that Francis keeps close as his thinker of reference, the man who put down in writing large parts of “Evangelii Gaudium,” the program of the pontificate, of “Laudato Si’,” the encyclical on the environment, and finally of “Amoris Laetitia,” the post-synodal exhortation on the family. Who really wrote Amoris Laetitia?
la verdad prevalece
Ora pro nobis,sancta Dei Genetrix We already have the most dangerous anti-pope his name is Bergoglio
Another Francis interview!
Where does he get his energy from?
An excerpt from Francis’ latest interview with Joaquín Morales Solá ofLa Nacion and published 3 July 2016. If one can read Spanish and would like to read the interview in its entirety they can click here.
— How it is going with the ultraconservatives of the Church?
— They do their job and I do mine. I want an open, comprehensive Church …More
Another Francis interview!

Where does he get his energy from?

An excerpt from Francis’ latest interview with Joaquín Morales Solá ofLa Nacion and published 3 July 2016. If one can read Spanish and would like to read the interview in its entirety they can click here.

— How it is going with the ultraconservatives of the Church?
— They do their job and I do mine. I want an open, comprehensive Church that accompanies the families with wounds. They [ultraconservatives] will say no to everything. I will continue my way ahead without looking to the side [over the shoulder]. No short heads.* I never liked to. I repeat: I reject the conflict. And he [Francis] concludes with a broad smile: “The nails are removed by pressing upwards. Or they are put to rest, next, when retirement age arrives.” [The] Genius and figure of Pope Bergoglio.
* Francis here is alluding to cutting off heads and how he doesn’t operate that way
adeste fideles
Ese articulo es muy bueno, imperdible.
la verdad prevalece
adeste fideles Y todavía algunos piensan que la persecución cristiana de sacerdotes buenos no ha comenzado se les olvido que esta practica de Bergoglio viene desde Argentina "Los peones de Bergoglio" por De la Cigoña y aquello que hace poco aqui denunciaron que "en el Vaticano la venganza es un plato que se come caliente"
adeste fideles
Excelente La Verdad Prevalece muchas gracias por traducir las noticias. Dios te bendiga.
la verdad prevalece
Francisco ha aceptado la renuncia forzada del arzobispo de 66 años de edad Aldo di Cillo Pagotto de Paraiba, Brasil. Pagotto es acusado de no haber perseguidos sin piedad suficiente a los abusadores homosexuales. Fuentes anónimas también afirmaron que él mismo tenía una relación homosexual. Pagotto negó la acusación. Su seminario lo apoya y declaró que las acusaciones …More
Francisco ha aceptado la renuncia forzada del arzobispo de 66 años de edad Aldo di Cillo Pagotto de Paraiba, Brasil. Pagotto es acusado de no haber perseguidos sin piedad suficiente a los abusadores homosexuales. Fuentes anónimas también afirmaron que él mismo tenía una relación homosexual. Pagotto negó la acusación. Su seminario lo apoya y declaró que las acusaciones fueron inventadas por los clérigos homosexuales.

Un buen hombre: El arzobispo eliminado de Pagotto fue un valiente defensor de la Fe. Luchó contra el comunismo, el aborto y el homosexualismo. En 2015 fue uno de los primeros en firmar una colección de firmas para exigir a Francisco emitir palabras de claridad en la enseñanza de la Iglesia sobre el matrimonio y la familia. Junto con el Obispo Robert Vasa de Santa Rosa y el obispo Atanasio Schneider de Kazajstán fue co-autor de un libro crítico del controvertido Sínodo sobre la Familia.
Mais il ne prend donc jamais de vacances ?... Il est incroyable, ce François... 🥴
@Reesorville ... Jesus own words fulfills the old testament:
"Haven't you read" He replied, "that at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,' and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh' So they are no longer two. but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate." Mark 19:4-6 …More
@Reesorville ... Jesus own words fulfills the old testament:

"Haven't you read" He replied, "that at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,' and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh' So they are no longer two. but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate." Mark 19:4-6

Did you all notice the words: "Haven't you read" He replied, "that at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female'....

Almighty Father all throughout the Old testament allowed situations BUT never He is noticed for whatever wickedness that happened as right, Jesus brings Light to what the Gospel REALLY taught from the beginning,

When Abraham and Samuel did what they did, and God allowed this because, 1st there is free will and 2nd if God commanded you to do something you better do it, just ask King Saul who didn't do what God asked, did God told Abraham to have relations to his maid? No, it was the wife, now what happened to that his kid and the maid? they were cast out into the desert and today they are known as Islam...

Remember St Paul was a murderer, St Dismas, many Saints were thieves, prostitutes, murderers, wieners, etc... eventually, they found righteousness and sainthood through God's Divine Mercy, GOD allowed many things for a reason and through Jesus we know today that all the Apostles, saints and prophets did amending with a contrite heart, which is one of many things that it'll push you to sainthood.

Amoris Laetitia is NOT correct and is not even close, a priest, in this case Francis... should know their Lord better, Jesus didn't say something so that His priests stab Him in His back and do exactly the opposite of what He taught. King Davis, Solomon, etc... they were allowed to this or can you find in scripture that God told him to take many wives? Exactly... saying that He did it'll be God contradicting Himself.

The Church always taught that divorce and remarried is a sin and IF ANY PRIEST encounters such who did not know, THEN you teach them that for the sake of their children (if the have any)... they should live as brother and sister, hands down.

Sheeps be watchful God will NEVER contradict Himself.
In the bible, Abraham had relations with his wife's maid, but he was still counted as righteous. Jacob had two wives and God blessed him. David had many more and he was counted among the prophets. Samuel ordered the killing of infants, and he was a holy prophet. Moses instructed the Israelites to pursue genocide and he was God's friend, who spoke to Him face to face.
All these people were violating …More
In the bible, Abraham had relations with his wife's maid, but he was still counted as righteous. Jacob had two wives and God blessed him. David had many more and he was counted among the prophets. Samuel ordered the killing of infants, and he was a holy prophet. Moses instructed the Israelites to pursue genocide and he was God's friend, who spoke to Him face to face.

All these people were violating God's law when they did these things, because His law is the same for all times in all places. However, they were not counted as wicked for doing these things, because they did not realize that these things were contrary to God's will and they were people who would not have done these things had they realized it was something He did not want. It is therefore possible for a person to commit such a grave violation of His law and not actually be in mortal sin.

For that reason, Amoris Laetitia is correct when it says that not every person who does these things is necessarily in a state of mortal sin. However, if a person does these things because they do not realize it is against God's will, then this person, while perhaps not being in a state of sin, nevertheless is not qualified to take communion, because it means that they either do not know or do not believe in what the church teaches. If David lived today, he would be required to put away all of his extra wives if he wanted to get baptism.

Amoris Laetitia, states that we cannot assume that they are necessarily in mortal sin, and I think the document is right in that, but it also does not state in any part of the document that such people can take communion. Nothing has changed with regard to that.
Uncle Joe
Why is Balse Cupich an extremist? 😲 Is it simply because:
1) As Bishop of Spokane, Washington, he was reported to have “told the priests of his diocese not to be involved with the 40 Days for Life campaign” because he didn’t want them to be “identified with the ‘extremists’ of the pro-life movement.”
2) He allegedly went “ballistic” over the dearth of females in the sanctuary at his …More
Why is Balse Cupich an extremist? 😲 Is it simply because:
1) As Bishop of Spokane, Washington, he was reported to have “told the priests of his diocese not to be involved with the 40 Days for Life campaign” because he didn’t want them to be “identified with the ‘extremists’ of the pro-life movement.”
2) He allegedly went “ballistic” over the dearth of females in the sanctuary at his installation Mass to his near-instantaneous collaboration with pro-abortion politicians (to whom he refuses to deny Holy Communion) to his unruffled, almost acquiescent statement on the SCOTUS ruling on so-called “gay marriage,” the impression is given that Cupich has little real interest in fighting for the Catholic Faith.
3) He wrote in an op-ed published in the Chicago Tribune, directly equating the moral severity of abortion (as exposed in the recent Planned Parenthood videos) to other Social Justice issues(i.e. we should be no less appalled by the indifference toward the thousands of people who die daily for lack of decent medical care; who are denied rights by a broken immigration system and by racism; who suffer in hunger, joblessness and want; who pay the price of violence in gun-saturated neighborhoods; or who are executed by the state in the name of justice.)
Or is he an extremist because he is a successful business man with a chain of pizzerias? 👌