Gloria.TV News on the 30th of June 2016 Today’s Major Heresy: Cardinal Napier of Durban, South Africa, replied to an idea spread by Pope Francis and radical Munich Cardinal Marx that the Church should …More
Gloria.TV News on the 30th of June 2016
Today’s Major Heresy: Cardinal Napier of Durban, South Africa, replied to an idea spread by Pope Francis and radical Munich Cardinal Marx that the Church should apologize to practicing homosexuals. Napier writes on Twitter: “God help us! Next we’ll have to apologize for teaching that adultery is a sin! Political Correctness is today’s major heresy.”
Arbitary and Excessive: During an event in Germany, radical Vienna Cardinal Schönborn claimed that adulterors may receive communion – quote - "in individual cases" which in practice means “always”. Schönborn burdens the individual priest with the task to decide according to a specific situation. For Schönborn this is – quote - "neither arbitrary nor an excessive demand” for the priest.
Failure: The recently concluded Pan-Orthodox Council on Crete has been a failure. Four of fourteen Churches did not attend, among them the Russians who constitute by far the biggest Orthodox church of the world. Further …More
Chris Schmid posted this Bud Spencer cartoon.
My dear Bud, farewell... God doesn't forget your love.
Adulterers receiving communion in individual cases at the discretion of the priest? or the bishop? It certainly already exists that some Catholic parishes have done this for some time with adulterers and active homosexuals. And so it becomes like the legalization of abortion: The same doctors, in the same offices, with the same instruments that performed abortions before it was legal performed them …More
Adulterers receiving communion in individual cases at the discretion of the priest? or the bishop? It certainly already exists that some Catholic parishes have done this for some time with adulterers and active homosexuals. And so it becomes like the legalization of abortion: The same doctors, in the same offices, with the same instruments that performed abortions before it was legal performed them after it was legal. If the Catholic Church is determined to call "good" what is sinful, then give us priests who actually are free to use their discretion and not be silenced. Now that would be, "new"!
la verdad prevalece
@NovusOrdoWatch ask on Twitter:
So, will # Vatican now apologize to “Mgr” Charamsa who was fired for coming out?
Dr Bobus
Radical Vienna Cardinal Schönborn should read Cowardly Vienna Cardinal . . .
Libor Halik shares this
František superpapež a supercírkev.
Prorokoval o nich D. Wilkerson r.1973 velmi smutné věci.More
František superpapež a supercírkev.

Prorokoval o nich D. Wilkerson r.1973 velmi smutné věci.
Uncle Joe
RIP, Bud.
We have never had a serious fight in our lives. 😲
The key word here is “serious.” Italians love to fight and argue with anyone and everyone. It's in their/our DNA. It is cathartic, an important part of a healthy life. 🤬
By “serious fight” I am sure he means that one of the parties did not murder the other. 🤫More
RIP, Bud.


We have never had a serious fight in our lives. 😲


The key word here is “serious.” Italians love to fight and argue with anyone and everyone. It's in their/our DNA. It is cathartic, an important part of a healthy life. 🤬

By “serious fight” I am sure he means that one of the parties did not murder the other. 🤫
Libor Halik
(česky video) Dnešní hlavní blud: Kardinál Napier z Durbanu v Jižní Africe odpověděl na nápad šířený papežem Františkem a radikálním mnichovským kardinálem Marxem, že Církev by se měla omluvit homosexuálům konajícím homosex. Napier píše na Twitteru: "Bůh nás od toho chraň! Příště se budeme muset omlouvat za to, že učíme, že manželská nevěra je hřích! Politická korektnost je dnešním …More
(česky video) Dnešní hlavní blud: Kardinál Napier z Durbanu v Jižní Africe odpověděl na nápad šířený papežem Františkem a radikálním mnichovským kardinálem Marxem, že Církev by se měla omluvit homosexuálům konajícím homosex. Napier píše na Twitteru: "Bůh nás od toho chraň! Příště se budeme muset omlouvat za to, že učíme, že manželská nevěra je hřích! Politická korektnost je dnešním hlavním bludem."
Today’s Major Heresy: Cardinal Napier of Durban, South Africa, replied to an idea spread by Pope Francis and radical Munich Cardinal Marx that the Church should apologize to practicing homosexuals. Napier writes on Twitter: “God help us! Next we’ll have to apologize for teaching that adultery is a sin! Political Correctness is today’s major heresy.”