Gloria.TV News on the 29th of June 2016 More “Mercy”: On the occasion of the 65th jubilee of his priestly ordination the former Benedict XVI thanked Pope Francis in the Sala Clementina and expressed …More
Gloria.TV News on the 29th of June 2016

More “Mercy”: On the occasion of the 65th jubilee of his priestly ordination the former Benedict XVI thanked Pope Francis in the Sala Clementina and expressed his hope that Francis – quote – “may continue on this road of the divine mercy.”

Lots Of Protestants: During Pope Francis’ Mass for today’s feast of Saint Peter and Paul the Lutheran Windsbacher Knabenchor from Dresden, Germany, and the Anglican choir of New College, Oxford, will be performing. Gloria.tv hopes that nevertheless there will still be some Catholics attending the celebration.

The Wrong Marx: The news agency AP reported that Pope Francis was asked Sunday en route home from Armenia if he agreed with one of his top advisers, German Cardinal Karl Marx who claims that the Church owes an apology to homosexualists. Now AP issued an official correction. Quote: “We mistook pope adviser Cardinal Reinhard Marx for, uh, Karl Marx.”

He Speaks Like a Modern Bishop: Filipino President-elect Rodrigo Duterte, a lapsed Catholic, said during his last ceremony as Davao City mayor: “I believe in one God Allah. Period.” When he was a child, his mother would punish him by asking him to kneel before an altar. Quote, “I told Jesus, help me. He said I can’t help a naughty boy.” He added that there are about 5,000 saints to choose from and that St. Peter loves cockfighting.” And: “I go against the Church because its position is not realistic.” He also questions the relevance of the Scriptures: “Those were written 3000 years ago. What do we care about them?”
And regarding my sweet pope Benedict XVI all I can say: yes... continue 'papa' bergoglio with the so called 'divine mercy' the more you push the Liberal agenda of yours, the soon Jesus returns to deal with your diabolical mess! I hope pope Benedict XVI one day looks back and see that It would've been best to suffer his passion in Peter's throne than to let the 'wolves' take the reigns and destroyed …More
And regarding my sweet pope Benedict XVI all I can say: yes... continue 'papa' bergoglio with the so called 'divine mercy' the more you push the Liberal agenda of yours, the soon Jesus returns to deal with your diabolical mess! I hope pope Benedict XVI one day looks back and see that It would've been best to suffer his passion in Peter's throne than to let the 'wolves' take the reigns and destroyed what he left.
When a devote Catholic nation like for example the Philippines, chooses a president like this man, you can tell something on their people and how the Church has taught their catechism to the flock... we see how they threw away the teachings, we see how populism can erase those teachings laid in weak foundations as people embrace worldly things... The Philippines like the USA, Canada, England, etc.…More
When a devote Catholic nation like for example the Philippines, chooses a president like this man, you can tell something on their people and how the Church has taught their catechism to the flock... we see how they threw away the teachings, we see how populism can erase those teachings laid in weak foundations as people embrace worldly things... The Philippines like the USA, Canada, England, etc... deserved their rulers, so cheers!
We should always be prepared with evil spirited people like this Philippine president ,and rebuke him for saying evil things like that ,......the philippians people are one of the most devote catholics