Gloria.TV News on the 1st of July 2016 Selling Out: Dr Ashraf Ramelah is the president of Voice of the Copts, a human rights organization with offices in Italy and the U.S.. Ramelah criticizes Pope …More
Gloria.TV News on the 1st of July 2016
Selling Out: Dr Ashraf Ramelah is the president of Voice of the Copts, a human rights organization with offices in Italy and the U.S.. Ramelah criticizes Pope Francis for – quote – “selling out Egyptian Christians to buy good relations with Islam.” Referring to Francis’ meeting with the grand imam Ahmed El-Tayeb of Cairo’s Al-Ahzar Mosque Institute, Ramelah writes: “The Catholic pope gives the “sign of peace” to the grand imam who has yet been unwilling to denounce ISIS.”
No Words: Ramelah notices, that two days before the meeting, a Muslim mob attacked a Christian-majority village in Upper Egypt. Homes where razed and a grandmother was stripped naked, dragged from her house and beaten in the street. Ramelah comments: “No words came from either of the leaders in the “Jubilee of Mercy” meeting (its official title) to address this incident.”
Wrong Message: Pope Francis said that the meeting with the grand imam was the message. Ramelah comments that …More
@Enzo de la Virgen : This is a certain sign that the "messages of Bernave" are not authentic.
Enzo de la Virgen
VIRGEN APOYA AL PAPA FRANCISCO EN TODAS SUS APARICIONES Hace unos años nos visito en Venezuela el Director Espíritual de Bernave y nos dijo que El Agonizante Jesucristo, en repetidos mensajes a Bernave daba apoyo total al Papa Francisco.
Dr Bobus
@Abramo: After I wrote the comment, I revised it to include Europe.
@Dr Bobus: And what about the Ukrainian project of the NATO?
Dr Bobus
Such a sad situation is the usual modus operandi of international politics. In relations among larger nations, they are more than willing to sacrifice smaller nations. This has been happening with the US and Russia: Obama needed Russia for his big gamble with Iran, which mitigated the US and European response to Putin's Ukrainian project.
If the Vatican does not listen to the Catholic critics they may listen perhaps to the Copts?
Is anybody, anyone reading this surprised? Liberalism and Peter cannot co-exist... But yet most won't listen.
Libor Halik
(česky) Zaprodává: Dr. Ashraf Ramelah je prezidentem Hlasu Coptů, lidskoprávní organizace s pobočkami v Itálii a USA. Ramelah kritizuje papeže Františka za - cituji - "zaprodávání egyptských křesťanů výměnou za dobré vztahy s islámem." Odkazujíce k Františkovu setkání s velkým imámem Ahmed El-Tayeb z Káhirské mešity Al-Ahzar, Ramelah píše: "Katolický papež dává "znamení míru" velkému …More
(česky) Zaprodává: Dr. Ashraf Ramelah je prezidentem Hlasu Coptů, lidskoprávní organizace s pobočkami v Itálii a USA. Ramelah kritizuje papeže Františka za - cituji - "zaprodávání egyptských křesťanů výměnou za dobré vztahy s islámem." Odkazujíce k Františkovu setkání s velkým imámem Ahmed El-Tayeb z Káhirské mešity Al-Ahzar, Ramelah píše: "Katolický papež dává "znamení míru" velkému imámovi, který dosud nebyl ochoten odsoudit ISIS (Islámský stát)."
Ani slůvko: Ramelah poznamenává, že dva dny před setkáním, muslimský dav napadl křesťansky-většinovou vesnici v Horním Egyptě. Domy zbořili a babičku svlékli donaha, nahou ji vytáhli z jejího domu a zbili na ulici. Ramelah poznamenává: "Ani slůvkem tento incident neodsoudili vůdci setkání "Jubilea milosrdenství" (oficiální název Františkova setkání s imámem)."
Selling Out: Dr Ashraf Ramelah is the president of Voice of the Copts, a human rights organization with offices in Italy and the U.S.. Ramelah criticizes Pope Francis for – quote – “selling out Egyptian Christians to buy good relations with Islam.” Referring to Francis’ meeting with the grand imam Ahmed El-Tayeb of Cairo’s Al-Ahzar Mosque Institute, Ramelah writes: “The Catholic pope gives the “sign of peace” to the grand imam who has yet been unwilling to denounce ISIS.”
No Words: Ramelah notices, that two days before the meeting, a Muslim mob attacked a Christian-majority village in Upper Egypt. Homes where razed and a grandmother was stripped naked, dragged from her house and beaten in the street. Ramelah comments: “No words came from either of the leaders in the “Jubilee of Mercy” meeting (its official title) to address this incident.”
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