Gloria.TV News on the 4th of July 2016 Leftist Speech: In an interview the Argentinean paper La Nación asked Pope Francis, “How are your relations with the Conservatives?” His answer: “They do their …More
Gloria.TV News on the 4th of July 2016

Leftist Speech: In an interview the Argentinean paper La Nación asked Pope Francis, “How are your relations with the Conservatives?” His answer: “They do their job and I do mine. I want an open, understanding Church, which accompanies the hurt families. The ultra conservative say no to everything. I continue my way without looking to the side. I do not cut heads. I never liked doing it. I repeat to you: I refuse the conflict. Nails are removed by applying pressure toward the top. Or you leave them aside to rest once the age of retirement has come.”

A Revolutionary: About the former Benedict XVI Francis said: “He was a revolutionary”. And, “His resignation made all the problems of the Church manifest.

Excellent Health: Pope Bergoglio said that a complete medical exam has revealed that he is in excellent health. His doctor said to him, “The results are those of a person of 40 years.”

Gay Lobby: In September the former Benedict XVI will publish a fourth interview book with the German author Peter Seewald. In it the former Pope admits that he found out about a gay lobby in the Vatican, which was composed of four or five persons. He claims that he was able to crush this power group.

Bad Governor: The former Benedict XVI admits his lack of determination in governing. He also recounts that he took notes during the pontificate about many issues, but says he intends to destroy them not without claiming that these notes would be very valuable for historians.
Hlava katolíckej cirkvi ocenila 89-ročného emeritného pápeža ako “revolučného”. František ďalej uviedol, že Benediktova abdikácia “obnažila všetky problémy cirkvi” a sama osebe bola “jeho posledným činom riadenia (cirkvi)”.
........čo ste hluchí a slepí ako Bergoglio uráža Jeho Svätosť Benedikta XVI,? Ved ho volali železný kardinál ! Takže ak bol ako kardinál …More
Hlava katolíckej cirkvi ocenila 89-ročného emeritného pápeža ako “revolučného”. František ďalej uviedol, že Benediktova abdikácia “obnažila všetky problémy cirkvi” a sama osebe bola “jeho posledným činom riadenia (cirkvi)”.
........čo ste hluchí a slepí ako Bergoglio uráža Jeho Svätosť Benedikta XVI,? Ved ho volali železný kardinál ! Takže ak bol ako kardinál poriadne tvrdý vo veciach viery a mravov, lebo stál na čele tej Kongregácie, tak ešte väčšiu zodpovednosť mal ako pápež a preto on nariadil súdy s pedofilnými kňazmi, on začal čistky v seminároch od týchto Judášov, tak čo potom roztrubuje ten rotarián Bergoglio takéto nechutné klamstvá?? 😡 Ved to neurobil ani sv Ján Pavol II. !!! Ako mohli "abdikáciou" vyjsť na povrch všetky klamstvá??? ako??? TEN KTO KLAME CELU CIRKEV JE BERGOGLIO!!! oBKLOPIL SA LIBERáLNYMI KARDINáLMI a arcibiskupmi = ALCHYMISTAMI NA ´lásku´ / Kasper, Schönborn, Marx a spol. a pomocou nich zostrojili tu nehoráznu encykliku Amoris Laeticia!!!

18.7.2016 Kardinál Walter Brandmüller zpochybnil platnost papežství Františka

Benedikt XVI. zůstal papežem dle kánonu 188 církevního práva CIC 1983
One more comment from ľubica
Hlava katolíckej cirkvi ocenila 89-ročného emeritného pápeža ako “revolučného”. František ďalej uviedol, že Benediktova abdikácia “obnažila všetky problémy cirkvi” a sama osebe bola “jeho posledným činom riadenia (cirkvi)”.
Hlava katolíckej cirkvi ocenila 89-ročného emeritného pápeža ako “revolučného”. František ďalej uviedol, že Benediktova abdikácia “obnažila všetky problémy cirkvi” a sama osebe bola “jeho posledným činom riadenia (cirkvi)”.

For someone who says they don't like conflict, Pope Francis has a very odd way of showing it.
Thanks for this most unpleasant news.
Gloria.TV The More Catholic the Better
The health of a 40 years old... yet, he excuses himself not to kneel before the Eucharist and avoids genuflection like the devil avoids the cross.
Uncle Joe
Excellent Health? 🤨
Only if one were to ignore sciatica, a back problem and missing most of one lung due to an infection in his youth.
In addition, observers have claimed the pontiff has gained weight since his election and is having difficulty breathing, which could be a sign of a heart condition.
Excellent Health? 🤨

Only if one were to ignore sciatica, a back problem and missing most of one lung due to an infection in his youth.
In addition, observers have claimed the pontiff has gained weight since his election and is having difficulty breathing, which could be a sign of a heart condition.
