Pope Francis: Apologize to gay people and others

There is a reason why Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed and why the teachings of our forefathers say that LGBT is a slap in the face to Almighty Father... so apologizing to gays for their wickedness is also a slap to God. It is indeed sad and dark times in our dear Catholic Church.

Gloria.TV News on the 27th of June 2016

When we will see? Holy Father? Really? Liberalism and Peter cannot co-exist THINK ABOUT IT.

Caption contest anyone? 😀

Bergoglio: "Listen... i had it up to here with those hermenuticals, those who practice the traditions of old, again their old they are of no use!"

“Most Of The Words That Come Out Of My Mouth Are Invalid,” Pope Francis Suggests | EOTT LLC

@Uncle Joe Thanks for your words...
And Abramo just to be clear I asked you because you posted this news and I know you are fearful of our Lord... Please don't think that I am trying to cause any problems, on the contrary by addressing you my hope is to made people think because there's a lot of people who don't even know what Liberalism is.. Thanks Uncle and may Jesus Christ make you an awesome …More
@Uncle Joe Thanks for your words...

And Abramo just to be clear I asked you because you posted this news and I know you are fearful of our Lord... Please don't think that I am trying to cause any problems, on the contrary by addressing you my hope is to made people think because there's a lot of people who don't even know what Liberalism is.. Thanks Uncle and may Jesus Christ make you an awesome saint. Amen

“Most Of The Words That Come Out Of My Mouth Are Invalid,” Pope Francis Suggests | EOTT LLC

@Abramo I would like your honest opinion...
Catholics who read this piece will fall back on their recliners and breath hard thinking that they just "dodge a bullet" by him saying this... Priests who were worried will "breathe" a little better because they will think the same, while all the harm that he has done is out there.
My Lesbian sister is looking for another female to create scandal and when …More
@Abramo I would like your honest opinion...

Catholics who read this piece will fall back on their recliners and breath hard thinking that they just "dodge a bullet" by him saying this... Priests who were worried will "breathe" a little better because they will think the same, while all the harm that he has done is out there.

My Lesbian sister is looking for another female to create scandal and when I approach her about her situation and quoted St Paul in Corinthians, her response was... "your pope said who am I to judge"

Tell me dear Abramo or anyone... can Peter and Liberalism co-exist? How many souls with the 'who am I to judge' alone has gone to eternal perdition? How many souls have thought that all paths leads to God seeing Muslims pray in the Vatican and 'papa' telling them that "the faith of their Fathers will take them far"? Two out of the 4 Churches I used in different time slots due to my job and life, 2 priests ARE giving the Eucharist to divorce and remarried people because of this pope...

If 'papa' Bergoglio knew for the longest time that his words were null, why he doesn't correct them so that Priests don't err? To tell you the truth Abramo, 'papa' Bergoglio must be feeling the 'heat' to say such a thing and expect for the waters to calm while his heresies have flowing before, during and after his 'election.

Abramo... do you really think that God will 'look away' about any heresies that we commit if we don't try to resolved them? To be clear... he is not apologizing from his 'off the cuff' words nor correcting them, he just says 'yeah they are null' whatever... It is my hope that Catholics don't fall to sleep with this fallacy, because it is false to say that his words don't matter without amending them, just read Evangelii Gaudium and Amoris Laetitia Abramo for you to get nausea and the most amazing headache of your life.

A sincere hug and affection in our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

“Most Of The Words That Come Out Of My Mouth Are Invalid,” Pope Francis Suggests | EOTT LLC

'papa' Bergoglio said this coming from Mexico: "there will be no communion to the divorce and remarried", then coming back from Lesbos on giving communion to some divorce and remarried: "YES, period... but this is a short response, go to Bishop Schonborn presentation..."
While coming from the Philippines he said: "I made homilies, exhortations, encyclical... this ARE teachings, true magisterium"
'papa' Bergoglio said this coming from Mexico: "there will be no communion to the divorce and remarried", then coming back from Lesbos on giving communion to some divorce and remarried: "YES, period... but this is a short response, go to Bishop Schonborn presentation..."

While coming from the Philippines he said: "I made homilies, exhortations, encyclical... this ARE teachings, true magisterium"

This is a brilliant man who wrote in his autobiography that other religions needs to be left alone with their traditions... but surely attacks our traditions as 'hermenutical', 'rosary counters', 'dead Christians' and heretics...

On Evangelli Gaudium he teaches in one paragraph about how evil abortion is and in another paragraph says on how the church hasn't adequately accompany those who were raped and in extreme poverty who a quick abortion is presented as a solution to their anguish...

Destroys and poison thriving communities with Kesel and Volpi... praises LGBT priests and enemies of the Church... Somewhere the top freemasons and Illuminati are laughing their butts off with the on and off blabber mouth put on top.

So, it begins..

@aderito My dear aderito, it is wonderful that you or anyone hopes for the next pope... I know that the next pope will be handpicked from the Most High, there is a historical precedent, in 2000 years each and every time an antipope comes forth the pope that follows it's a true pope and most times it's a saint, our Lord will cleanse the Church and their evil efforts to flood it with lukewarmth, bad …More
@aderito My dear aderito, it is wonderful that you or anyone hopes for the next pope... I know that the next pope will be handpicked from the Most High, there is a historical precedent, in 2000 years each and every time an antipope comes forth the pope that follows it's a true pope and most times it's a saint, our Lord will cleanse the Church and their evil efforts to flood it with lukewarmth, bad and evil priests. They boast that 90% of all seats of power are taken by liberal men, but God only needs one good man, only one for the Church to be alive, like St Athanasius back then. What we need to do is to fulfill the desires of our Lord, to remain in Love, Truth and Sacrifice... sacrifice which it'll go as far as martyrdom.

Gloria.TV News on the 17th of June 2016

Another good thing destroyed...

Gloria.TV News on the 16th of June 2016

The SSPX is more catholic than the Vatican... sad but true.

Evangelization Requires Authentic Catholicism

The most heretic teaching of 'papa' Bergoglio: "proselytism is nonsense" then after that teaches that conversion is by attraction... but hey, what he says is 'holy' and what the gospel says he compares to the proselytism of ISIS.

Bergoglio's rhetoric against ‘fundamentalist’ Catholics could help pave way for active persecution

St Francis of assisi said it will happen, those who hold truth dear will be persecuted, will be called rebels and schismatic... blind those who don't see this as true.

Florida Bishop Blames Orlando Massacre on Catholic ‘Contempt’ for Homosexuality

Here's a Bishop who paid 150,000 dollars for an improper homosexual behavior, he needs to defend his own.

Gloria.TV News on the 13th of June 2016

Orthodoxy is our lifeline right now, we must remain faithful while resisting the kool aid, La Salette warned us and has become true... Canada, England, Ireland, USA, some Europe countries are becoming the lands were new martyrdom will happened, it is a sad and dark times

Gloria.TV News on the 13th of June 2016

Like when 'papa' Bergoglio met in secret with the homo gang in Argentina and told them that he supports civil unions and not a 'marriage' in the midst of a congressional showdown about gay marriage, it seems Judas Schonborn has given indications that gay stuff is ok by the top... it doesn't surprise us.... Rome has lost the faith Ladies and Gentlemen the ONLY thing that is left from us is to retreat …More
Like when 'papa' Bergoglio met in secret with the homo gang in Argentina and told them that he supports civil unions and not a 'marriage' in the midst of a congressional showdown about gay marriage, it seems Judas Schonborn has given indications that gay stuff is ok by the top... it doesn't surprise us.... Rome has lost the faith Ladies and Gentlemen the ONLY thing that is left from us is to retreat to the traditions of old, finding a traditional minded priest today who celebrates the the eternal mass: the tridentine mass is a must.

Gloria.TV News on the 10th of June 2016

@Abramo it is the teaching of the Church that we are (all of us), kings, prophets and priests if this is true (and yes it is true), then bergoglio IS a false prophet, false king and false priest like Judas was as he is teaching falseness knowingly...
Second Jesus did appoint Judas as a disciple BUT Jesus is God, He knew Judas was a traitor from the get go, JPII and Benedict despite they represent …More
@Abramo it is the teaching of the Church that we are (all of us), kings, prophets and priests if this is true (and yes it is true), then bergoglio IS a false prophet, false king and false priest like Judas was as he is teaching falseness knowingly...

Second Jesus did appoint Judas as a disciple BUT Jesus is God, He knew Judas was a traitor from the get go, JPII and Benedict despite they represent Jesus, they are not, they're not divine, so, they rely in the opinions of others... didn't pope Benedict elevate Cardinal Burke and cardinal Sarah? Didn't JPII elevate cardinal Arinze?

Yes we have many who priests who are liberal, who are modernists, but JPII and Benedict didn't have a crystal ball... even Bergoglio when he was a Bishop gave traditionalists a church when the motu propio came out, but we all know that was all to keep the appearances as he is disgusted on traditional minded people...

I assure you that most popes of the past did appoint a judas or two...

So please Abramo, JPII is dead and Benedict is suffering for a church in the depths of apostasy, stop blaming someone specifically from the past about the crisis of today, the crisis is being permitted by God for us rejecting the truth as 2 Thes 2 reveals, truth was negated in Vatican II by the whole Church, and when I say the whole church I include the whole laity, the SSPX were the only ones who actually said something about it, anyways, have a blessed day.

The Mercy game..

@GEORGE AROKIA 'papa' Bergoglio only speaks his falseness to Catholics, he is trying his best to change the minds of Catholics, he doesn't do this about anyone else... this demonstrates intention towards one group, in other words this speaks about how sharp is his mind, he isn't crazy or has senile dementia like others (not you), have implied. He knows what he is doing, which is: Corrupting those …More
@GEORGE AROKIA 'papa' Bergoglio only speaks his falseness to Catholics, he is trying his best to change the minds of Catholics, he doesn't do this about anyone else... this demonstrates intention towards one group, in other words this speaks about how sharp is his mind, he isn't crazy or has senile dementia like others (not you), have implied. He knows what he is doing, which is: Corrupting those who don't know their faith well, which is more than 90% of Catholics.

Once they are poisoned, it'll be hard for them to realize the truth from a lie, this is how false teachers have always work, they don't believe in Jesus (and yes Bergoglio doesn't believe Jesus is God as Francis deeds have shown: "proselytism is nonsense', 'there is no catholic God'), and with their lies they seize souls for hell... just ask those muslims who heard from him saying 'continue following the faith of their fathers'

I do believe that those who are innocent, Almighty Father will protect them, those who never heard the the good news of Jesus... but those who heard this lie from a 'pope' their hearts are now, more than ever, following a lie.

Gloria.TV News on the 10th of June 2016

@Abramo When pope Benedict lifted the excommunications to the SSPX, he didn't know Bishop Williamson had Jewish 'issues', when the Vatican accepted the reign of communists in China by inviting the 'priests' appointed by the communists in China a holy man stood up against it, Cardinal Kung... but Benedict who is the most brilliant disciple of pope JPII who stood against communism would never go …More
@Abramo When pope Benedict lifted the excommunications to the SSPX, he didn't know Bishop Williamson had Jewish 'issues', when the Vatican accepted the reign of communists in China by inviting the 'priests' appointed by the communists in China a holy man stood up against it, Cardinal Kung... but Benedict who is the most brilliant disciple of pope JPII who stood against communism would never go against his friend and pope JPII the great, this is one of many things that happened while he being in office, things were happening without him knowing and with his approval.

"My power doesn't reach beyond the doors of my office" was once reported that Benedict said, since Vatican II popes relied more and more on the men around them to appoint men in places of power, popes of the past did too, but weren't in haste to appoint anyone.

JPII and Benedict appointed many men who are now liberal... but didn't JPII stood against communion to remarried? Didn't JPII proclaimed people living in sin to live as brother and sister? Didn't Benedict spoke against ecumenism when he said Nostra Atate was dangerous? Didn't pope Benedict the brave said in summary that Islam was dangerous? JPII and Benedict laid the foundations for us to fight the Liberal priests of today who stumble on their words, as familiaris consortio and Benedict's summorum pontificum are a headache for all those Judas.

It is easy to blame JPII or Benedict the brave for their respective papacies, for their 'hasty' appointments, and I understand your pain and others because the practices of old took a hit since Vatican II... but it is hard to see between the lines and the truth is that they became popes and got a ring of liberal people around them, JPII was almost killed and Benedict's was too as a plot to kill him was planned and revealed during vatileaks.

2 Thes 2, Fatima and la Salette reveals the same thing that happened to the Jewish top back then: apostasy.

Apostasy closed the kingdom of heaven for the common people, Jesus told those pharisees that they don't go in and didn't let anyone in, the same is happening at an alarming rate and Catholics embrace this as 'heavenly and merciful'... sorry for the long post, but many blame this on JPII and Benedict when the blame is to be pointed to the mirror: us.

But we are alive and we can always repent and amend, we can do now what we didn't do back then... resist while remain faithful, Bergoglio IS a false prophet as he is proclaiming what the world wants and what their leaders have planned since long.

Gloria.TV News on the 10th of June 2016

If people didn't open their eyes with his deadly teachings before this one, they will continue their papal worship... Bergoglio has CLEARLY proclaimed heresies, but we have few priests, bishops and cardinals that have courage.

Hatred against a 'Saint'?

We can't stay silent about any destructive lies... at the same time, we need to pray for all dark souls including Francis, whose soul is in a dark place because he doesn't believe in Jesus, He doesn't love our Lord, if Francis did truly believed, he wouldn't preach what he preaches.


People tend to judge what they are reading by a tiny piece that gets stuck into their heads, PLEASE READ THE WHOLE ARTICLE and then judge. 😇