Gloria.TV News
Gloria.TV News on the 17th of June 2016 Killer-Archbishop: Anti-Catholic Brussels Archbishop Jozef De Kesel whom Pope Francis named last December, suppressed the new-rite Fraternity of the Holy Apostles …More
Gloria.TV News on the 17th of June 2016
Killer-Archbishop: Anti-Catholic Brussels Archbishop Jozef De Kesel whom Pope Francis named last December, suppressed the new-rite Fraternity of the Holy Apostles, founded by his predecessor. The group consisted of 6 priests and 21 seminarians. It was not liquidated because of any wrongdoings. The move is supported by Pope Francis who is fighting new Catholic communities and tries to prevent the foundation of new communities.
A Large Millstone: Last May the British Pro-Lifer John Smeaton quoted in an address in Walsingham from a letter he wrote to the Pope: “I note that there are references to public adultery in Amoris Laetitia which fail to point out the intrinsic evil of adultery. I consider that such references will result in scandalising little ones in the way contained in Jesus Christ’s warning in St Mark 9,42.” This verse says: “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them if a …More
Another good thing destroyed...
il préfère, nourrit, loge, blanchis 10000 migrants anglophone et musulmans mais il dissout une fraternité de cathos blancs européens... c' est le grand remplacement!!! Le Pape François et Jozef de Kesel nous ont abandonnés, nous les européens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cet homme est un salopard! Pas de séminaire ni à Liège, ni à Namur et absolument pas à Bruxelles. Je comprends maintenant que c' est difficile de devenir séminariste quand votre patron local vous met au chômage!
gladys Lopes: Why they were killed? De Kesel does not want a group in his diocese that upholds the Catholic Faith. This is the reason. Bergoglio knew who De Kesel is, when De Kesel was named.
gladys Lopes
If there was no wrong doing why are they suppressing the new-rite Fraternity of the Holy Apostles? The Holy Apostoles were teaching the TRUTH, teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Not Satan's teachings which is being shoved down our throats. Look at his picture, his vestments, its a mockery of God's Church. Why are they trying to force their Anti-Catholic teachings upon us. This is what he is trying …More
If there was no wrong doing why are they suppressing the new-rite Fraternity of the Holy Apostles? The Holy Apostoles were teaching the TRUTH, teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Not Satan's teachings which is being shoved down our throats. Look at his picture, his vestments, its a mockery of God's Church. Why are they trying to force their Anti-Catholic teachings upon us. This is what he is trying to promote: When asked about active homosexuals, he answered, "I have much respect for gays," including "their way of living their sexuality."
Archbishop Jozef De Kesel
I have no intention in following this teaching, or any other teaching that I know is not the TRUTH. The TRUTH comes from God, and he alone shall I bow down too in Love, honor, respect, devotion and obedience. With God we are complete, without him we are noting. Lord Jesus, please come and take possession of your Church and your world, I pray.
@Uncle Joe: De Kesel is an extremely evil man and this seems to have been the reason why Francis appointed him.
@Uncle Joe: Our are not right. The Fraternity has been suppressed. Yes, the seminarians can join French dioceses. But the Fraternity is still gone. This is like saying, let us suppress the Jesuits, and let their seminarians (if they have any...) join dioceses.
Uncle Joe
The priests and seminarians in the Fraternity of the Holy Apostles could go to France. No lasting damage done to them. A much bigger problem is the mezzofinook who heads the archdiocese of Brussels, Belgium.
When asked about active homosexuals, he answered, "I have much respect for gays," including "their way of living their sexuality."
Archbishop Jozef De KeselMore
The priests and seminarians in the Fraternity of the Holy Apostles could go to France. No lasting damage done to them. A much bigger problem is the mezzofinook who heads the archdiocese of Brussels, Belgium.
When asked about active homosexuals, he answered, "I have much respect for gays," including "their way of living their sexuality."

Archbishop Jozef De Kesel