
Evangelization Requires Authentic Catholicism

June 12 | Liturgy Guy Just as the apostles were sent by Our Lord to make disciples of all nations, we too are called to share the good news with those around us. At a time when the world groans from …More
June 12 | Liturgy Guy
Just as the apostles were sent by Our Lord to make disciples of all nations, we too are called to share the good news with those around us. At a time when the world groans from countless assaults against what is true and good, we often find an ineffective witness given by people of faith. Far from authentically living their faith, many Catholics instead choose the lies of the world over the Gospel truth. In the end, lukewarm Catholicism will always fail to evangelize.
In the Book of Revelation Our Lord reveals His disdain for the indifferent:
“So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth.” (Rev. 3:16)
In the Douay Rheims translation the above verse actually reads, “I will vomit thee out of my mouth.”
In contrast, authentic Catholicism is true, beautiful, and good. It is the furthest thing from a lukewarm faith. The Catholic living their faith authentically stands in stark contrast to the world around us. This authenticity …More
The most heretic teaching of 'papa' Bergoglio: "proselytism is nonsense" then after that teaches that conversion is by attraction... but hey, what he says is 'holy' and what the gospel says he compares to the proselytism of ISIS.
This is the difficulty with Pope Francis. Allegedly he wants the Church to go out, but his message (Amoris Laetitia, Laudato Sii, Evangelii Gaudium) is a message that the world does not need because it has it already.