Bergoglio's rhetoric against ‘fundamentalist’ Catholics could help pave way for active persecution

Pius XII, Radio Message, March 23, 1952, l.c., pp. 274f: "Thus the accusation of oppressive harshness brought against the Church by the 'new morality' is really first aimed at the adorable person of …More
Pius XII, Radio Message, March 23, 1952, l.c., pp. 274f:
"Thus the accusation of oppressive harshness brought against the Church by the 'new morality' is really first aimed at the adorable person of Christ himself."
June 15, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – It’s one of the most frequent talking points of Pope Francis. It’s definitely part of his appeal for the media and simultaneously one of the most hurtful things for those inside the Church for whom the faith means everything. I’m speaking of the Pope’s penchant for castigating faithful adherents of the Catholic faith as “obsessed,” “doctors of the law,” “neo-pelagian,” “self-absorbed,” “restorationist,” “fundamentalist,” “rigid,” “ideological,” “hypocritical,” and much more.
The effect of the all-too-frequent barrage from the lips of the Pontiff himself is potentially deadly. It confirms the prejudice of the world against faithful Christians as the media constantly portrays them – as hypocrites and worse. Moreover, it permits the false …More
I hope that all clergy ,in the world who does not teach the Truth of our Lord Jesus Christ ,to be exposed as ,an herectic ,and if possible removed from their position in the Church
la verdad prevalece
@gladys Lopes saint Bernard explain: Vain is the excuse "I did to obey the man", when (the act) is committed against God.
Bergoglio is acting as a false-pope.
"The Holy Spirit was not promised to the successors of Peter that they might disclose new doctrine, but that they might guard revelation and the deposit of faith."
--Vatican I (1870), Denzinger 1836
So to be faithful to God we must say as St …More
@gladys Lopes saint Bernard explain: Vain is the excuse "I did to obey the man", when (the act) is committed against God.

Bergoglio is acting as a false-pope.
"The Holy Spirit was not promised to the successors of Peter that they might disclose new doctrine, but that they might guard revelation and the deposit of faith."
--Vatican I (1870), Denzinger 1836

So to be faithful to God we must say as St Thomas Moro “I do not care if I have against me all the Bishops; I have with me the Saints and all the doctors of the Church.”
gladys Lopes
I do not care what my so call friends call me who refuse to accept the truth. I will have one person to answer to and that is God. I will not follow this teaching.
St Francis of assisi said it will happen, those who hold truth dear will be persecuted, will be called rebels and schismatic... blind those who don't see this as true.
"Rebels are idolaters", the pope said. This obviously means that Francis is an idolater, too. He is always being praised for the revolution in the Vatican. Revolution is not inspired by the Holy spirit. Obedience is what matters. Pope stick to catholicism and do not invent your own religion.