gladys Lopes
gladys Lopes

A Pentecostal vision of unity. CNS on Oct 13, 2016 Joe Tosini, a Pentecostal Christian and friend of …

Learn your faith. Its not he came from God, and is returning to God. He is God, one with the father.
gladys Lopes

Bergoglio's rhetoric against ‘fundamentalist’ Catholics could help pave way for active persecution

I do not care what my so call friends call me who refuse to accept the truth. I will have one person to answer to and that is God. I will not follow this teaching.
gladys Lopes

Gloria.TV News on the 17th of June 2016

If there was no wrong doing why are they suppressing the new-rite Fraternity of the Holy Apostles? The Holy Apostoles were teaching the TRUTH, teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Not Satan's teachings which is being shoved down our throats. Look at his picture, his vestments, its a mockery of God's Church. Why are they trying to force their Anti-Catholic teachings upon us. This is what he is trying …More
If there was no wrong doing why are they suppressing the new-rite Fraternity of the Holy Apostles? The Holy Apostoles were teaching the TRUTH, teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Not Satan's teachings which is being shoved down our throats. Look at his picture, his vestments, its a mockery of God's Church. Why are they trying to force their Anti-Catholic teachings upon us. This is what he is trying to promote: When asked about active homosexuals, he answered, "I have much respect for gays," including "their way of living their sexuality."
Archbishop Jozef De Kesel
I have no intention in following this teaching, or any other teaching that I know is not the TRUTH. The TRUTH comes from God, and he alone shall I bow down too in Love, honor, respect, devotion and obedience. With God we are complete, without him we are noting. Lord Jesus, please come and take possession of your Church and your world, I pray.
gladys Lopes

Homosexualist Malefactor, "Bishop" Robert Lynch of St. Petersburg, Florida, accuses Catholics of …

Bishop Robert Lynch should spend a few hours a day in front of the Blessed Sacrament. He should beg God for mercy for leading souls astray, and he should plead for removal of Satan in his soul. He is not young, may be a few years on this earth. He should make reparation now or else he will be damned to eternal fire.
gladys Lopes

33 Mary Catholic Advent Devotion

Please sign me up for the 33 days of total
consecration. Thanks
gladys Lopes

Dives in Misericordia. A talk by Fr. Jason Worthley on the Encyclical of Saint John Paul the Great, …

Yes I did watch the whole video, however I did watch it again. You did briefly mention the sacrament of reconciliation, but "Mercy" was spoken more often then the importance of reparation. The Divine Mercy was given to Sister Faustina by Jesus, which Blessed St. John Paul brought to us all. He knew the importance of this Mercy. Jesus gave us a perfect way for pleading for Mercy by the recitation of …More
Yes I did watch the whole video, however I did watch it again. You did briefly mention the sacrament of reconciliation, but "Mercy" was spoken more often then the importance of reparation. The Divine Mercy was given to Sister Faustina by Jesus, which Blessed St. John Paul brought to us all. He knew the importance of this Mercy. Jesus gave us a perfect way for pleading for Mercy by the recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Just like the father in the parable was looking out for his son, as you said he was waiting for him, God is also looking and waiting for us to come back to him. The story of the fire is very true. We all have good deep down within us, but unless we allow all the crap removed we will not see the light. We need to realize that when preaching of Mercy we must not use it in a deceptive way. I will say it again, God is Merciful but he is also Just. Though when you speak about justice, you speak of it as being revengeful, and eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. Are you trying to tell us that God is revengeful because he is just? Should God not be Just, but totally merciful to us human-beings regardless of our actions? God the Father did not prevent his only begotten son from the torture, torment, desecration, abuse, and his crucifixion. His only begotten Son had to make reparation for our sins on himself, not for noting. By doing that he gave us an opportunity for redemption for our sins. That is why when Jesus resurrected from the dead, and stayed on earth for 40 days, he breathed on his apostles and gave them the sacrament of reconciliation, saying who's sins you forgive are forgiven, who's sins you retain are retained. He knew we would keep falling into sin, and because of God's deep love for us, he gave us tools to come back into union with him. We pray in the Apostle Creed, that Jesus will come to judge the living and the dead. We will be judged. We will have to to be accountable for our actions, without a doubt, and we will not have a second chance once we are dead. Even when you talk about Our Blessed Mother, whom I happen to love dearly, and know how she is pleading for us to turn to her Son. His Mercy is from generation to generation to those who fear him. This is not emphasized. Humanity is more important than God. The pain that we as human beings go through from generation to generation, only now worse than ever, is from our own evil doings. Pope Francis is mentioned so many times, its as if you are trying to speak on his behalf, explaining his actions. Am I judging you? May be I am. If I am judging you wrongly, than I apologize, and say I am sorry.
gladys Lopes

Dives in Misericordia. A talk by Fr. Jason Worthley on the Encyclical of Saint John Paul the Great, …

It is very strange that a lot of the talks on Mercy is reflected on the "parable of the Prodigal Son", and elaborated on the father's mercy. If as you said the father did not have mercy on his only begotten son, he pleaded for mercy and did not get it. Justice had to be done. Do you not think that we have to repent, turn back from our evil ways, like the prodigal son did, he turned back to his father …More
It is very strange that a lot of the talks on Mercy is reflected on the "parable of the Prodigal Son", and elaborated on the father's mercy. If as you said the father did not have mercy on his only begotten son, he pleaded for mercy and did not get it. Justice had to be done. Do you not think that we have to repent, turn back from our evil ways, like the prodigal son did, he turned back to his father and repented for his wrong doing. But this part is not elaborated on, just the father's mercy. What about Mary's Magnificate, God will have mercy on those who fear him. You mentioned that justice and mercy are not the same. But you did not explain the difference. Why are you always trying to compare what St. John Paul wrote with Pope Francis. They are totally two different people. The Holy Eucharist is not a medicine for the sick. You have to be free from mortal sin to receive it.
Twisting the meaning of St. John Paul is not acceptable. You are using certain passages to make your point about Mercy. Read the whole passage not just part. We are concentrating on human dignity. We are aware to respect each other's dignity, but we need to Love God with all our heart, all our Soul, and all our might, and Love our neighbour as ourselves. Let us learn to give God Adoration, follow his Commandments, and sacraments he has given us, and pray more often. We must not assume that we can keep on sinning because God is merciful. That is a lack of respect and Love for God. God is a very Loving and Merciful God, but he is also a Just God. Justice has to be done. Why is this not being preached. Leading Souls astray will also be judged.
We have to face consequences when we disobey laws of the land, do you not think we have to face consequences for breaking God's laws? Why did he give us the Ten Commandments? God is willing to forgive us without a doubt, no matter how grievous our sins are, but we have to repent, go for confession and make amends. We would need to do the same thing if we wronged a person. We should go to the person, say we are sorry, and make amends with them. Only then they will forgive us and are willing to be friends with us again. That shows humility.