Gloria.TV News on the 4th of August 2016 Who Am I To Judge? Father Dwight Longenecker asks the question whether Catholics can vote for Donald Trump. His answer: “Because of his serious character faults …More
Gloria.TV News on the 4th of August 2016
Who Am I To Judge? Father Dwight Longenecker asks the question whether Catholics can vote for Donald Trump. His answer: “Because of his serious character faults, his lack of experience, his ignorance on the issues and his bullying personality I would answer, ‘No.’” Longenecker even believes that one could vote – quote – “with good reason” for Hillary Clinton and – quote – “hope for the best”.
Discredited: Gerald Posner who was raised as a Catholic, has accused the Church in the New York Times of refusing to release alleged “secret wartime files.” Catholic League’s Bill Donohue comments: “Posner has been accused of serial plagiarism, and his work on this subject has already been discredited.” And: “Pius XII did more to save Jews than any other world leader.” Donohue concludes: “I can’t wait until there is a more complete disclosure of the Vatican Holocaust archives. If I were Posner, I would want to keep them 'secret'.”
The Problem Is Liberalism:More
Gary Johnson is probably the lesser of four evils, but i will probably just write in Ron Paul or Benedict the XVI and live with a clean conscience....
It seems to me we are drowning in, "hoping for the best" in the "D'N'C" and GOP. What we need is not, "I hope so" hope. I long for some Church leaders that would just speak the truth rather than constantly anticipate the trajectory of their words.
To all the European listeners don't believe the lies the liberal media and what stupid priests are saying about Donald Trump. Trump is a good man, and is now against abortion. He is a much much better person than Hillary Clinton. Because of Political correctness in this world, Trump has been demonised. Trump just says it how it is and because of this is ridiculed. Hillary is an evil person and has …More
To all the European listeners don't believe the lies the liberal media and what stupid priests are saying about Donald Trump. Trump is a good man, and is now against abortion. He is a much much better person than Hillary Clinton. Because of Political correctness in this world, Trump has been demonised. Trump just says it how it is and because of this is ridiculed. Hillary is an evil person and has violated many laws and is even responsible for murders. Don't be fooled by the devils minions, Donald Trump is a good man. Pray for the USA and that Trump is elected. If hillary is elected the world will continue to rot in the state it is in. God have mercy! 🙏
If was living in the USA I would have a big problem ,to vote for either Trump or Hillary ,probably I wouldn,t vote
Regarding father Dwight seems like the abortion holocaust does not bother him ,and a lot of other clergy ,its sad to hear that from our church leaders ,who are more in love of this world ,than things of heaven
One more comment from aderito
Some of the news here about the Jesuits if they are trUE they are very troubling ,and sad ,because we catholics expect better and true teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ instead we get heresy and faulty doctrine ,those that don,t want to be true teachersgo and do something else ,like cleaning toylets
Uncle Joe
Who Am I To Judge?
Fr. Dwight is obviously playing both sides in order NOT to alienate either Dims or Republicans and he looks stupid by doing it.
Fr. Dwight wrote:
However, it is my own opinion that a Catholic just might, holding his nose and with great reservations, vote for the Republican Party platform and hope for the best.
But I realize others would say (with good reason) they are going …
Who Am I To Judge?
Fr. Dwight is obviously playing both sides in order NOT to alienate either Dims or Republicans and he looks stupid by doing it.
Fr. Dwight wrote:
However, it is my own opinion that a Catholic just might, holding his nose and with great reservations, vote for the Republican Party platform and hope for the best.

But I realize others would say (with good reason) they are going to hold their nose and vote Democrat and hope for the best.

So, Fr. Dwight offers his readers this profound bit of advice: to "hope for the best" if you vote Dim and "hope for the best" if you vote for the GOP. That's what I mean about making a stupid self-serving remark. How about we "hope for the best" that you will refrain from giving public political opinions till after the November election. 🙏
Here's some free advice for Fr. Dwight. Stay the *heck* out of politics in your public proclamations. Isn't it bad enough we have a pontiff who is an embarrassment to all of Catholicism by not exercising some degree of self-control simply by keeping his mouth shut but now we've got priests (a married convert no less – oy vey!) getting into the action as well? 🤦
Father Longenecker did not say that you can vote for Hillary!
We should ask ourselves: "Can a faithful Catholic vote Democrat in the coming election"?
The answer is NO.
Why vote for Mr. Trump?
In a speech last week, Hillary Clinton said.
“Far too many women are still denied critical access to reproductive health care and safe childbirth. All the laws we’ve passed don’t count for much if they’re not enforced,” Clinton said, using the euphemism for abortion.
“Rights have to exist in practice — not just on paper,” Clinton argued. “Laws have to be backed up with …More
Why vote for Mr. Trump?
In a speech last week, Hillary Clinton said.

“Far too many women are still denied critical access to reproductive health care and safe childbirth. All the laws we’ve passed don’t count for much if they’re not enforced,” Clinton said, using the euphemism for abortion.

“Rights have to exist in practice — not just on paper,” Clinton argued. “Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will. And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed,"

What was surprising was her comment on the need to change religious beliefs on abortion,In others words, Hillary has a problem with the Church’s teachings on abortionthey must be changed.

Never before have I seen a presidential candidate be this bold about directly confronting the Church’s teachings on abortion. It’s time for Hillary to take the next step and tell us exactly what she plans to do about delivering on her pledge. Not only would practicing Catholics like to know, so would Evangelicals, Orthodox Jews, Muslims, and all those who value life from conception to natural death
Billy Bean? I wonder why Oakland hasn't been in the Fall Classic in awhile.
Fr Longenecker must have spent too much time in the Church of England to come up with this.
Francesco I
Donald TRUMP: "As far as Planned Parenthood is concerned, I'm pro-life. I'm totally against abortion, having to do with Planned Parenthood. But millions and millions of women -- cervical cancer, breast cancer -- are helped by Planned Parenthood. So you can say whatever you want, but they have millions of women going through Planned Parenthood that are helped greatly. And I wouldn't fund it. I would …More
Donald TRUMP: "As far as Planned Parenthood is concerned, I'm pro-life. I'm totally against abortion, having to do with Planned Parenthood. But millions and millions of women -- cervical cancer, breast cancer -- are helped by Planned Parenthood. So you can say whatever you want, but they have millions of women going through Planned Parenthood that are helped greatly. And I wouldn't fund it. I would defund it because of the abortion factor, which they say is 3 percent. I don't know what percentage it is. They say it's 3%. But I would defund it, because I'm pro-life. But millions of women are helped by Planned Parenthood."

Hillary Clinton: "I think abortion should remain legal, but it needs to be safe and rare. And I have spent many years now, as a private citizen, as first lady, and now as senator, trying to make it rare, trying to create the conditions where women had other choices."

Therefore Rev. Father Dwight Longenecker is in favor of abortion!
Jesuits today are synonym of Liberalism, so there's no surprise there... my surprise is why Catholics STILL defend the MOST Liberal antipope ever to be seated in St Peter's throne as a 'true' pope and a saint. 😡
Dwight longernacker sounds like his talking about himself, he and Billy would get along just fine both babbling nonsense!
Uncle Joe
Who Am I To Judge? Can [Catholics] vote for Donald Trump. His (Fr. Dwight Longenecker's] answer: “Because of his serious character faults, his lack of experience, his ignorance on the issues and his bullying personality I would answer, ‘No.’”

These are the typical negative talking points used repeatedly by leftist media to evoke doubt and fear mainly in female voters. They are nothing but flat …More
Who Am I To Judge? Can [Catholics] vote for Donald Trump. His (Fr. Dwight Longenecker's] answer: “Because of his serious character faults, his lack of experience, his ignorance on the issues and his bullying personality I would answer, ‘No.’”

These are the typical negative talking points used repeatedly by leftist media to evoke doubt and fear mainly in female voters. They are nothing but flat out psychological manipulation. I believe people are finally waking up to what the establishment media, including wannabees like Fr. Dwight, are really all about, which is shilling for the Democrats, and trying to move votes into Crooked Hillary's column.
Besides, why should a traditional Catholic pay attention to Fr. Dwight anymore after his diatribes lambasting traditional Catholics? In addition, does he not have a family as a married priest? What about his parish? How is he able to visit the sick, bury the dead, give spiritual direction, offer the Mass, and otherwise manage a parish and still have time to blog and blog and blog and this time about the virtue in voting for the pro-baby killing Crooked Hillary Clinton?Interesting how Trump is “deeply flawed” but is bringing out more voters than in the entire history of the United States.
Look, it's either Trump or a woman who failed to secure and preserve the secrecy of confidential top-secret materials, is currently under investigation, perpetually lies to the American people (it was a video), career pig-at-the-trough politician with Middle Eastern donor backers, Butcher of Benghazi. Are these not 'serious character flaws', Fr. Dwight? 😲
Hmmmmm... What to do, what to do?
Discredited: Catholic League’s Bill Donohue comments

Billy just loves face time in front of a camera and will run to any news reporter with a microphone as he defends all matters Catholic. But, there is a problem. Donahue is a pompous, 500k/year, obese, blowhard who lost any credibility he may have had with informed Catholics when he came to the defense of Donald Wuerl. Bill Donohue knows Card Wuerl and Card Dolan of NY will give communion to anyone and their brother. He also knows the way they both cozy up to the LGBT community. But he socializes, drinks with them and likes them, so he denigrates anyone that badmouths them. 🤫
Donohue has given formal, conscious approval to the mortal sin of giving Communion to pro-aborts. Donohue tries to blur the issue by referring not to “pro-abortion” politicians, but “liberal” politicians—implying that Voris, Niles, Neumayr and other “right-wing nuts” think people should be denied Communion for being LIBERALS.
$500,000 is $500,000 right, chunky Billy? 👌
Con el Papa Francisco