The Scientific Naturalist will defnd their false gods with all the money the Federal Government and court rulings there are given. (your tax dollars) Repent and pray, this religion preaches that there …More
The Scientific Naturalist will defnd their false gods with all the money the Federal Government and court rulings there are given. (your tax dollars)
Repent and pray, this religion preaches that there is no right oe wrong, just the doctrine that might makes right.

Evolution is Religion—Not Science [Part II] - Apologetics Press

Evolution is Religion—Not Science [Part II] R&R Volume 27 #12 [EDITOR’S NOTE: Part Iof this two-part article appeared in the November …
this tenant of scientific naturalism is taught as fact (it has been proven false) and no opposing opinions are allowed Ten Major Court Cases about Evolution and Creationism | National Center for Science …More
this tenant of scientific naturalism is taught as fact (it has been proven false) and no opposing opinions are allowed Ten Major Court Cases about Evolution and Creationism | National Center for Science Education
This is an argument for home schooling. Sending your kids to public school is hazardous to their souls.

Evolution is Religion—Not Science [Part I] - Apologetics Press

Evolution is Religion—Not Science [Part I] R&R Volume 27 #11 EDITOR’S NOTE: The following article was written by one of A.P.’s auxiliary …
Jeffrey Ade
@Tom Jones Thanks for posting this! Fr. Collins has a wonderful sermon in the Coming Out of Egypt series on this topic. I think the mental manipulation …More
@Tom Jones Thanks for posting this! Fr. Collins has a wonderful sermon in the Coming Out of Egypt series on this topic. I think the mental manipulation we receive from the organs of propaganda will cause cognitive dissonance and then the populace shut down rational thinking. We are at this stage now and it is the point of no return! Our Lady of Fatima, save us!
The Rising Influence of Intelligent Design

The Rising Influence of Intelligent Design

Beginning in the fourteenth century, Western Civilization, based on the teaching of Christ, has come under severe attack. The battle between those who worship …
Jeffrey Ade
I love Intelligent design!

We must fight for justice where it is possible.

"Dying with dignity in our society is made possible by the delivery of compassionate, supportive and expert care by medical providers — not by turning them into agents of assisted suicide." Pledge to …More
"Dying with dignity in our society is made possible by the delivery of compassionate, supportive and expert care by medical providers — not by turning them into agents of assisted suicide."
Pledge to ‘do no harm’ and say no to physician-assisted suicide • Minnesota Reformer
To die in God's grace, receiving God's salvation is dying with dignity. There is no dignity in hell.

Some evils just keep going and going and...

NSSM-200 continues to be the foundational document on U.S. government population control. It therefore continues to represent official United States policy on government population control Kissinger …More
NSSM-200 continues to be the foundational document on U.S. government population control. It therefore continues to represent official United States policy on government population control
Kissinger Report (NSSM-200): A Population Control Agenda
This election vote for a real Catholic, not just a phony bologna one.
Meet Peter Sonski, the Catholic you’ve never heard of who’s running for president
It is time to stop pretending that there is a deal with China.

The Catholic Church in China, AD 2024: A Tale of Two Sinicizations and Two Dragons

The Catholic Church in China, AD 2024: A Tale of Two Sinicizations and Two Dragons 02/21/2024Marco Respinti A+ | A- This …
Tom Jones shares this
It is time to stop pretending that there is a deal with China.
2 more comments

What we support in other countries

will arrive here. Just as US support of heroin, and later cocaine plantations, refineries, transport and distribution in other countries came to the US…cs/1971-07-14 FACTS SURFACES ON THE …More
will arrive here. Just as US support of heroin, and later cocaine plantations, refineries, transport and distribution in other countries came to the US…cs/1971-07-14 FACTS SURFACES ON THE HEROIN WAR.pdf
OUR support of abortion that in Nigeria is extreme "Major General Christopher Musa...He added that the military had been fully transparent with its international partners about its activities. “Everybody sees what we're doing, and that we're abiding by the rules.”
West backs Nigeria's war on extremists, and backs off on human rights
Most abortions in the US are due to coercion
"The concept of evolution did not originate with Charles Darwin. It has been the essential ingredient of all pagan religions and philosophies from time immemorial (e.g., atomism, pantheism, stoicism, …More
"The concept of evolution did not originate with Charles Darwin. It has been the essential ingredient of all pagan religions and philosophies from time immemorial (e.g., atomism, pantheism, stoicism, gnosticism and all other humanistic and polytheistic systems)."
I like this picture better

Evolution Is Religion, Not Science | The Institute for Creation Research

Evolutionists often insist that evolution is a proved fact of science, providing the very framework of As a matter of fact, many …

Medical devices are killing the patient, and the FDA can do little about it.

Deep flaws in FDA oversight of medical devices, and patient harm, exposed in lawsuits and records • Minnesota Reformer "During an inspection at Medtronic’s plant in Northridge, California, FDA officials …More
Deep flaws in FDA oversight of medical devices, and patient harm, exposed in lawsuits and records • Minnesota Reformer
"During an inspection at Medtronic’s plant in Northridge, California, FDA officials learned the company had logged more than 74,000 ring complaints between 2016 and the November 2019 recall. More than 800 complaints weren’t investigated at all, according to the FDA, which sharply criticized the company in a December 2021 warning letter."
… “not intended to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of medical devices”
Tom Jones shares this
Tom Jones
When we start holding Corporate Officials personally and criminality responsible (prison, etc.) then the possibility of justice will return, as it is …More
When we start holding Corporate Officials personally and criminality responsible (prison, etc.) then the possibility of justice will return, as it is now the cost of making a good product is weighed against the loss in lawsuits, and the cheaper will win. (remember in the 1970's-80 when people were killed to save ten dollars a car?

Planned Parenthood is the 4th leading cause of death in the U.S.

Bombshell Report: Planned Parenthood Abortions 4th Leading Cause of Death in America - SBA Pro-Life America they ended nearly 393,000 American lives in a single year. This puts abortions performed by …More
Bombshell Report: Planned Parenthood Abortions 4th Leading Cause of Death in America - SBA Pro-Life America
they ended nearly 393,000 American lives in a single year. This puts abortions performed by Planned Parenthood in the top four leading causes of death in the United States, after heart disease, cancer and COVID-19.

Will SCOTUS make abortion through the mails.

beyond the jurisdiction of any state or court to regulate? Abortion Drugs at the Supreme Court - SBA Pro-Life America already corporations are held above the law concerning any law they are convicted …More
beyond the jurisdiction of any state or court to regulate?
Abortion Drugs at the Supreme Court - SBA Pro-Life America
already corporations are held above the law concerning any law they are convicted of in a court of law as any fine they are assessed are paid by others (customers, tax write-offs, etc.,)
Why is it possible that an industry that uses synthetic. opioids to cause mass addiction to drive profits…-attorney-general-sues-opioid-maker-purdue-pharma/be in charge of the life of the unborn in this country.
Murder by mail must be fought by spiritual means as this is a spiritual war.
Remember no one is going to jail for OXYCONTIN. and the drug epidemic and no one will go to jail over the murder of GOD's precious children.
The Sacklers, Who Made Billions From OxyContin, Win Immunity From Opioid Lawsuits
Pray, Fast and do penance, and like the city of Nineva. GOD will show mercy to us.
The mountain as the Bible mentions is a very symbolic feature.

What Do Mountains Symbolize In The Bible? — Catholics & Bible

The stories of the Bible were set in a hilly and mountainous landscape. For this and many other reasons, mountains and hills are mentioned …
To force someone to kill their child is an abomination, yet that is what the new abortion laws encourage every day. "Did you know most abortions are unwanted, including as much as 64 percent of U.S. …More
To force someone to kill their child is an abomination, yet that is what the new abortion laws encourage every day.
"Did you know most abortions are unwanted, including as much as 64 percent of U.S. abortions involving coercion? Abortion-related coercion can lead to violence, including even homicide—the leading cause of death among pregnant women."

Forced Abortions in America

Did you know most abortions are unwanted, including as much as 64 percent of U.S. abortions involving coercion? Abortion-related coercion can lead to violence, including even …
chris griffin
Sorry, but the results shown here are inaccurate. They are inaccurate because they are culled from personal and phone interviews with post abortive …More
Sorry, but the results shown here are inaccurate. They are inaccurate because they are culled from personal and phone interviews with post abortive women. If a woman will murder her baby, then obviously they will lie to an interviewer.
I have been at the abortion mill sidewalk and watched about 100,000 walk in to murder her baby. This is a long story, but bottom line is the vast, vast majority of abortive women are not victims.
Many are complicit in the sin of abortion.
As good stewards, repairing and restoring our art and architecture for the Greater Glory of God, might be a wise undertaking.

China's Cultural Revolution and Its Parallel in the Church - Catholic Stand

While my family and I lived in mainland China, we had the opportunity to visit Hangzhou. This city, along the famous West Lake …
The war on life is being fought on twenty fronts this year in this nation. We need to fight with the tools GOD gave us.More
The war on life is being fought on twenty fronts this year in this nation.
We need to fight with the tools GOD gave us.

Here’s every state where abortion is on the ballot in 2024

CNA Staff, Dec 28, 2023 / 06:00 am The 2024 elections are less than a year away. While all eyes are on the presidential matchup, there are also …
"Toleration is valued more than truth. Pope Benedict XVI just prior to his election called it a "dictatorship of relativism."

Library : They Just Won't Go Away: Ancient Heresies in Post-Modern Dress

They Just Won't Go Away: Ancient Heresies in Post-Modern Dress With strange names like Arianism, Nestorianism, Monophysitism, …

The 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States...

It refers simply to “persons”, and provides that no state may “deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law” or deny any person “the equal protection of the laws.” …More
It refers simply to “persons”, and provides that no state may “deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law” or deny any person “the equal protection of the laws.”
Lincoln Proposal - Americans United for Life
Science, across the fields of embryology, physiology, and genetics, instructs unequivocally that the preborn are members of the human species
This explains why lawyers refer to infants in the womb as undefined embryos, If the children in the womb were acknowledged as human the Constitution would prohibit abortion without a court hearing with an attorney to defend the interest of the child.
Abortion is illegal yet is being sold as a right, it is a lie yet sold as a truth, It is a sin yet sold as a virtue.
Lets attack this lie with the tools GOD gave us, politicians will fail us because they are fighting the wrong war.
Pray the Rosary every day, have every Parish and Catholic chapel ring the bells and say the Angelus 3 times a day, hold hours of reparation …More

The Church in a dash to be seen as a part of the

modern world has forgotten that "Built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone: 21 In whom all the building, being framed together, groweth …More
modern world has forgotten that "Built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone:
21 In whom all the building, being framed together, groweth up into an holy temple in the Lord. " Epistle of St Paul to the Ephesians chapter 2
We need to practice and believe that the prince of this world practices war in the spiritual realm, and so should the church.
The battle Is real: A guide for spiritual warfare
And the forces that threaten to collapse this nation can only be defeated by GOD, we need to turn to him in humility.
It’s Time the Church Declared the Personhood of the Unborn
"I have given them thy word, and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world; as I also am not of the world." [John 17:14] We should …More
"I have given them thy word, and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world; as I also am not of the world." [John 17:14] We should NOT be trying to be partners with the world.
How we got here.

The Roots of Woke: The Devil and Bella Dodd

Where did all this woke stuff come from? The Devil and Bella Dodd shows that today’s progressives follow the same strategy, script, and seeds American communists …
Our Lady of Fatima talked of the errors of Russia -- Sociialism/Communism/Marxism -- where government takes the place of God.

These guys are proud to make evil

a part of every neighborhood Florida Abortion Measure Win Motivates 2024 Petition Circulators The Planned Parenthood Action Fund is advising abortion ballot campaigns in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, and …More
a part of every neighborhood
Florida Abortion Measure Win Motivates 2024 Petition Circulators
The Planned Parenthood Action Fund is advising abortion ballot campaigns in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, and six other states.
We must combat this by telling people the truth, Abortion is nothing short of legalized murder, and that having rights requires that every person practice discipline. Babies do not just happen, and there is a male who shares responsibility and must help take care of the life he fathered.
To do otherwise is omitting the truth and people will know it. As Dwight Eisenhower said "A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both."
Tom Jones shares this
We must stop just reacting and take this fight to a whole new plain. We must fight like the soul of every one we know is in peril because they are.