
My Response to Jimmy Akin on @PintsWithAquinas w/ Matt Fradd (Aliens, Catholicism, the Catechism)

I agree, but he fell for the Luisa Piccaretta nonsense

Traditional Liturgy and the Power of Non-Verbal Communication

@Dr Bobus Then you're not paying attention. They're everywhere.

Traditional Liturgy and the Power of Non-Verbal Communication

@Slave of the Immaculata I agree with you completely about this man!

Pope prays Way of the Cross from Casa Santa Marta

Why? He is destroying the Church and driving people from the faith. He deserves our prayers but certainly not our respect as he is an antipope.

Pope prays Way of the Cross from Casa Santa Marta

Yes, but it is not nearly puffy nor pale enough. May well be AI.

The people in power in UK. What do you think?

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Coffee affogato is an Italian dessert made with vanilla ice-cream and espresso

Oh, @Italian Lover, couldn't you have waited till after Lent to post this? I'm dying' here!

Revelations From Heaven: Wake Up! The Divine Reconquest Over Church's Infiltration Begins Now

I am always skeptical of this myriad of private "revelations" and pray to discern them as I think many are intended to distract and draw people away from the legitimate. approved ones such as Our Lady's messages at Fatima and Akita. In many of these messages we are being told that the restoration or the reconquest has begun, so people are not preparing themselves for the chastisement that most likely …More
I am always skeptical of this myriad of private "revelations" and pray to discern them as I think many are intended to distract and draw people away from the legitimate. approved ones such as Our Lady's messages at Fatima and Akita. In many of these messages we are being told that the restoration or the reconquest has begun, so people are not preparing themselves for the chastisement that most likely will come first. Pray the rosary daily and stay confessed!

Turkmenistan leader brings puppy for Putin on his birthday

This video is 6 years old. Why is it being posted now? To soften Putin's image, perhaps?

I veggenti di Medjugorje sono un patrimonio dell'umanità - BLOG DI P.LIVIO DIRETTORE DI RADIO MARIA

Really @petrus100452 ? This is a "gospa" who says that in God's eyes all religions are the same. That right there should be enough to tell you that these so-called visionaries are phonies, or, in the alternative, if they really are "seeing" something, it certainly isn't the Blessed Virgin. This is a mass satanic illusion designed to draw attention away from the real messages of Fatima and Akita.

Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, U.S. Army retired and founder of Temple of Set has died by suicide

This is what happens when Satan is finished using his "disciples." So sad.

Is Archbishop Viganò in Schism?

I think it should be fairly obvious by now to anyone with two functioning brain cells that it is the faux church in Rome led by the faux "pope" squatting on the Chair of Peter that is in schism. Please, people, stop attacking the good men who are trying to rescue the Bride of Christ from her captivity.

🔥 Tucker calls out Trudeau over systemic anti-Christian hate in Canada in SCATHING Alberta Speech:…

Not sure Tucker can be trusted completely. Search online and you will find photos of Mr. Carlson wearing the red Kabbalah bracelet. Could he possibly be controlled opposition? Scripture advises us to not put our trust in men or horses. Pray for discernment, my fellow Catholics, and trust only on Our Lord and Hid Blessed Mother.

History of coffee

And your point is what exactly?

Strickland goes to Medjugorje (misspelled in his post)

@English Catholic. I so agree. I have seen much of this evidence as well. But even without it, all one has to see is a "gospa" who says that in the eyes of God ALL religions are the same. REALLY?! Hopefully, now that he has been removed from the NO atmosphere, God may open his eyes to the true nature of the Ape of the Church! Prayers for Bp. Strickland.

Voris Falls for the Second Time — Culture Wars

I am so done with Jones. I am no fan of Voris, but Jones has degenerated into wallowing in garbage, rejoicing it seems in other people's failings and misery. Take the mote out of your own eye, EMJ!

This is Fr. Matt Lowry

This guy is the living personification of my late father's favorite expletive:
Judas Priest!

Very Important from Sr. Lucy Truth. Excellent summary. Please pass on to others on social media. Thank you!

@Liam Ronan but has your entire face and teeth changed shape? Get real! Nothing about these two is the same. I'm 50 lbs thinner than I was 40 years ago and you can still see the similarities in pics from then and now.

When Did Commercials Become Filled With Ugly People? – Allah's Willing Executioners

When Satan decided to destroy all beauty to mock God who IS beauty. that's when!