
The Brits Flatter ISIS And Mistreat the Christians

@Lisi Sterndorfer modern "civilization" is nothing if not stupid.

Cardinal Defends Gay-Pride Against Brave Muslims

Can't choose sides here. Darwin principle invoked.

Vatican Secretary of State Invited To Oligarch Conference

Hey charitable geniuses who are supposed to defend your church: if you get invited to your neighbor's house, it doesn't mean you actually went there or if you did, that you agree with his habit of beating his wife.

Pope Francis – Russian-Orthodox Must Not Become Catholic

The things we could (must) learn from a Church that Suffered.

Pro-Abortion Mantra: Archbishop Martin Calls For "Safe, Rare and Legal" Abortion

Call the bluff. Make it "rare". It's like martial arts: use your opponents offensive against him.

Pro-Abortion Mantra: Archbishop Martin Calls For "Safe, Rare and Legal" Abortion

Legal? Check.
Safe? Relatively so, for the mother at least.
Rare? Not so much.
Cdl Dolan used the same phrase years ago. It was related that the context was, "OK, if you say you want abortion to be safe, rare and legal, then let's work to make that happen" (paraphrase). The idea being, if I'm not mistaken, that abortion was already legal, and relatively safe (for the mother), so now let's make it rare. …More
Legal? Check.
Safe? Relatively so, for the mother at least.
Rare? Not so much.

Cdl Dolan used the same phrase years ago. It was related that the context was, "OK, if you say you want abortion to be safe, rare and legal, then let's work to make that happen" (paraphrase). The idea being, if I'm not mistaken, that abortion was already legal, and relatively safe (for the mother), so now let's make it rare.

A strategy of pragmatism, it would seem. A very clever toehold on the enemy's rhetoric. Think it through, Catholics. These guys cannot catch a break in the media. EVERYTHING they say is going to be distorted and spun.

Cardinal: The West Has Nothing to Offer but Emptiness

We got McDonald's!

Novichok Gas Princesse Theresa May Celebrates Abortion in Ireland

Let meditate on the very public celebration of the practice of killing infants by the Princes of the This World.

Novichok Gas Princesse Theresa May Celebrates Abortion in Ireland

It was an impressive show of the manipulation of democracy.

Archdiocese Will Close Down Its Cathedral

To paraphrase Fr. Malachi Martin, "Catholicism is in retreat across the globe."

“God Made You Gay” - Pope Francis

"According to Cruz...." You trust Cruz more than your pope? With faithful like that, who needs apostates?

Homophobia Does Not Exist, Is Totalitarian Invention, Cardinal Müller

Been saying it since they first unveiled the word. Glad to know there's someone in the Church who still agrees with me once in a while.

“God Made You Gay” - Pope Francis

How quickly the "faithful" give wings to slander.

Unjust: All Chilean Bishops Resigned – No Individual Case Will Be Investigated

All this abuse is homosexual in nearly all cases. That really ought to be discussed.

Kenya versus Kasper: Polygamy Is against the Will of God

Have we "advanced" to the point where we have to settle this stuff all over again?

Archbishop: Francis Has De Facto "Allowed" Protestant Communion

"To a hammer, everything's a nail".

Met Gala: Cardinal Dolan Makes a Fool Out of Himself

@mccallansteve Can't happen soon enough.

Met Gala: Cardinal Dolan Makes a Fool Out of Himself

Cardinal Dolan makes a fool out of the Archdiocese of NY and the Church.