
Congress gives Netanyahu 70 standing ovations - Tells Congress to stop applauding and listen - video

Bidi talks to his adoring fans and they love him to death. The ignore the outright genocide happening in Gaza. The only reason Bibi can wage war is that America funds and provides weapons. What a disgrace!

Is this the Church of Sodom?

These smiling faces are really giving God the middle finger. They are very much like their Father, Satan.

This is the way - no screens

The Mother has no modesty and her children won't either due to her example.

2022: Vatican "Authorized" Latin Masses in 55 Parish Churches

Next the Vatican will authorize the sun to shine. Vatican has no rights over the true Mass. They should stick with their protestant service. AKA, Novus Ordo


Kamala can tell that to God at her judgement.

Gratuitous blasphemy at the Olympics opening ceremony in Paris

These demonic pigs who put forth this vomit know exactly what they are doing. Too bad they don't know the price they will have to pay.

J.D. Vance’s Road to Catholicism - Callista L. Gingrich

Yet he supports the abortion pill that destroys innocent life and is toxic to the women who take it. Go figure.

Nuns of Pontcallec: Vatican Imposes Hybrid Rite And More Novus Ordo

The hybrid rite. Like adding deadly poison to water.

WATCH: Communion on the Tongue While Kneeling? We Can’t Possibly Do That!

A thoroughly modern bishop who knows very little about the Catholic faith. What else is new?

Only Hope

Vast majority of politicians are in it for themselves. Our only hope is Christ, the real One, the Catholic one.

Interest Payments on US National Debt Will Shatter $1,140,000,000,000 This Year – Eating 76% of All …

Most Americans are so financially illiterate ( They were never taught in gov't schools) that they don't know what this means. It means higher taxes for us all and eventually will greatly hurt the dollar which will kill our standard of living.

Laisser une parodie de femme pomponnée allumer la flamme olympique à Paris n'est pas tolérant, c'est …

Glad to say that I literally won't waste a second on the Olympic garbage.

Kamala Harris says she supports changing dietary guidelines to reduce red meat consumption because of …

I'm waiting to see how the elites plan on stealing the election for this brainless dope

U.S. Bishops to Biden Administration: Rescind ‘Securing the Border’ Regulations

Most bishops live a very comfortable and secure life. The opposite of what should be.

“Look at my face. This is the high cost of war.” Few people know the true price of war more thanCaptain …

How many young men have their lives destroyed by following orders and fighting useless war? Countless millions.

SS Director Kimberly Cheatle wants 30% of agents to be female. Meanwhile, this is her security detail

The absolute picture of incompetence . Good riddance to her.

Kamala Harris’s Record of Anti-Catholic Bigotry

The cackling witch.

Kamala Harris embodies everything that's wrong with DEI. The next four months will be wild!

I find it hard to believe that someone can be this stupid but I must face the fact that some people are.