
Unjust: All Chilean Bishops Resigned – No Individual Case Will Be Investigated

All Chilean bishops have submitted their written resignation to Pope Francis on May 17. They have been in the Vatican in the last days to meet Francis and talk about alleged homosexual abuses in Chile …More
All Chilean bishops have submitted their written resignation to Pope Francis on May 17.
They have been in the Vatican in the last days to meet Francis and talk about alleged homosexual abuses in Chile which have been greatly exaggerated. The standard accusation against the bishops is that they have "hushed them up" although no proof has been brought forward for this.
Pope Francis will accept only the resignations of those bishops he or the oligarch media considers as their enemies.
The main accuser of the bishops who is strongly pushed by the oligarch media, is a certain Juan Carlos Cruz. A naturalized U.S. citizen and vocal supporter of Hillary Clinton, in July 2017 he posted a photo on Twitter showing him campaigning for gay pseudo-marriage.
Giving in to pressure from such circles will further encourage the homosexual lobby.
Further, the Vatican's procedure is unjust. No just law can support a collective responsibility or collective punishment. If there are credible allegations, the …More
This is a 'set up' of some kind. We will see what 'The Francis' does. Francis also told Juan Carlos Cruz, if we can believe reports, that his homosexuality was 'God ordained'. That 'God made him that way', and to 'embrace who he is'. If this is true, Francis is paving the way for his ultimate goal and the ultimate goal of his A.L........to ordain homosexual relations as 'God given' within the Church …More
This is a 'set up' of some kind. We will see what 'The Francis' does. Francis also told Juan Carlos Cruz, if we can believe reports, that his homosexuality was 'God ordained'. That 'God made him that way', and to 'embrace who he is'. If this is true, Francis is paving the way for his ultimate goal and the ultimate goal of his A.L........to ordain homosexual relations as 'God given' within the Church of Christ. The 'marriage' aspect of A.L. was a Trojan Horse, and was from the very get go.
Gesù è con noi
The Homosexual Priest also are using our money to silence the victims who then live as homosexuals who are enemies of the teachings of the Catholic Church. www.washingtonblade.com/…/lgbt-activists-…
Gesù è con noi
Bergoglio we are also waiting for your resignation. voxcantor.blogspot.com/…/francis-bergogl…
Bergoglio lied and covered them up by accusing Osorno of being a fool and now these scapegoats appear, renouncing altogether, without anyone paying to the Justice for the crime of concealment of child sexual abuse that is paid with jail, not only with resignation. And they must be laicized. These bishops …More
Bergoglio we are also waiting for your resignation. voxcantor.blogspot.com/…/francis-bergogl…
Bergoglio lied and covered them up by accusing Osorno of being a fool and now these scapegoats appear, renouncing altogether, without anyone paying to the Justice for the crime of concealment of child sexual abuse that is paid with jail, not only with resignation. And they must be laicized. These bishops together with Bergoglio had already fallen into apostasy and illicitly continued to occupy a position they lost because of the crime of apostasy. Scandal in Chile "bishops" adore a pagan divinity, participating actively to a witchlike-pagan rite in honour of the god
All this abuse is homosexual in nearly all cases. That really ought to be discussed.
What terrible bargain it turns out to be if personal criminal liability is achieved at the cost of Church responsibility. Especially, at the cost of sustaining moral authority and financial stability necessary for continual apostolate and visibility of the only true Church - Mystical Body of Christ.
Collective culpability for individual crime derives from misunderstanding of the requisites of …More
What terrible bargain it turns out to be if personal criminal liability is achieved at the cost of Church responsibility. Especially, at the cost of sustaining moral authority and financial stability necessary for continual apostolate and visibility of the only true Church - Mystical Body of Christ.

Collective culpability for individual crime derives from misunderstanding of the requisites of justice. Collective crime can not be committed by an individual, a random group, or a collectivity understood as the mere sum of its members. It presupposes the collective intention to commit a particular type of crime:

1. collective awareness about the nature of the intended crime,
2. organized effort to realize the intention (to perform the chosen action),
3. and collective awareness about its consequences.

Thereby construction of collective crime unfolds in three stages, which, taken together, form a peculiar implicit pact between the regime and its subjects. [1]

Today, the concept of collective responsibility is present in the minds of heretic Churchmen who want to apply neo-Mosaistic practices in the Church. In the Old Testament there are records with interpretations of collective responsibility, including culpability of innocent people (i.e. children). Thereafter, the New Testament fulfills the Old forming the Christian civilization based build on Greek philosophy and Latin law with the concept of individual responsibility, which the Church law has also adopted. Therefore in western law should apply the principle of individual responsibility for crime. Following are few examples how collective responsibility as a sign of authoritarian tendencies in societies was and is used to enforce collective punishment.

1. During authoritarian communist rule in the Soviet Gulags, all members of work units were punished for bad performance of any of its members.

2. During World War II the Germans occupying Poland applied collective responsibility for help given to persons of Jewish faith or origin punishable by death (not only for the rescuer but also for his/her family). Moreover, for every German killed by a Pole, 100-400 Poles were shot in retribution. Communities were held collectively responsible for the purported Polish counter-attacks against the invading German troops. Mass executions of "łapanka" hostages were conducted every single day during the Wehrmacht advance across Poland in September 1939 and thereafter.

3. In global business corporate enslavement where the entire workforce is held responsible for failure to achieve corporate targets whatever performance of individual.

4. In political economy as in the case of sanctions against Russia. Guilt of association with government members punishes individual citizens in countries targeted by sanctions.

The notion of collective culpability denies individual moral responsibility and free will. It is most disturbing if Churchmen lack understanding of the requisites of justice which in turn makes feasible the process of the terrible destructive consequences against the Church - Mystical Body of Christ - negatively impacting its earthly visibilty.

[1] www.eurozine.com/moral-responsib…