
Hardliner Santiago Archbishop Calls For "Ministries" For Women Like Nuncio

Santiago de Chile Apostolic Administrator Celestino Aós wants for women “ministries” other than the priesthood. He told CruxNow.com (May 13) that women should be teaching and leading parishes [although …More
Santiago de Chile Apostolic Administrator Celestino Aós wants for women “ministries” other than the priesthood.
He told CruxNow.com (May 13) that women should be teaching and leading parishes [although women are not born to obtain random male jobs but to become mothers, as men are born to assist them as fathers],
“And also, going to extremes, there’s no reason why a woman can’t be a nuncio or the head of a Vatican dicastery.”
Aós became famous for refusing Communion to kneeling Catholics on Holy Thursday.
The appointment of extremists like Aós shows that the Chile "abuses crises" was created by homosexuals to replace soft-liberal bishops with pro-gay hardliners.
Picture: Celestino Aós, © Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, CC BY-SA, #newsKnrmujfzfe
God help us, when will this spiritual chastisement be over...🙏
"They want [to treat the Modernists] with oil, soap, and caresses. But they should be beaten with fists. In a duel, you don't count or measure the blows, you strike as you can."
-Pope St. Piux X
“Teaching and leading”? They already are! He’s what I’d call an ‘antifa’ within the church. As corrupt as the swamp.
Free mason!!!
...women are not born to obtain random male jobs but to become mothers, as men are born to assist them as fathers...
Perhaps our current church leadership has joined the One World Gender movement.More
...women are not born to obtain random male jobs but to become mothers, as men are born to assist them as fathers...


Perhaps our current church leadership has joined the One World Gender movement.
Another Francis heretic in the making
No, he's already made.