Hay Zeus

Church Militant TV News (9-25-13)

The first gay federal circuit court judge has been named. How would like going before a Sodomite in court? Despicable as it gets! ...then there's the gay speaker who gets cancelled to speak at the college...how blantantly we see the fight between good and evil all around us. I don't know what more can be proven to understand the test that we are all being put through. May we hold on tight to our …More
The first gay federal circuit court judge has been named. How would like going before a Sodomite in court? Despicable as it gets! ...then there's the gay speaker who gets cancelled to speak at the college...how blantantly we see the fight between good and evil all around us. I don't know what more can be proven to understand the test that we are all being put through. May we hold on tight to our faith to the very end!
Hay Zeus

Gloria.TV News on the 26th of September 2013

There's so much talk out there about pope Francis. Even if the liberal clergy don't think he's quite what they'd like in a pope, he has given them enough rope to play with in order for them to push their heretical beliefs. The next 6 mos should also be interesting. Heaven help us all.
Hay Zeus

Pope Francis Excommunicates Melbourne Priest

I wouldn't hold my breath...with tens of thousands of these heretical priests, homosexual ones..there would have to be continuous action taken with these dissidents, or nothing will change.. maybe Fr. Pfleger could be next in line. 🧐
I wouldn't hold my breath...with tens of thousands of these heretical priests, homosexual ones..there would have to be continuous action taken with these dissidents, or nothing will change.. maybe Fr. Pfleger could be next in line. 🧐

Hay Zeus

Gloria.TV News on the 19th of September 2013

Thanks for news!
Hay Zeus

Gloria.TV News on the 18th of September 2013

Thanks for news! 🤗
Thanks for news! 🤗

Hay Zeus

Gloria.TV News on the 17th of September 2013

Isn't it wonderful to be able to thank a bishop or priest for having the courage to speak the truth boldly? If only we had more of them!
Hay Zeus

Gloria.TV News on the 12th of September 2013

Lucia..I can understand you better now. Thanks for the news!
Hay Zeus

Tensions Escalate As North Korea Threatens To Deploy LCWR Nuns On West

Ha! Good one....I say lets round them all up and send them on a shuttle to the Moon...one way!
Hay Zeus

Gloria.TV News on the 9th of September 2013

Thanks for the News! 🤗
Thanks for the News! 🤗


Hay Zeus

Gloria.TV News - September 5, 2013

Your getting better each day 🤗
Hay Zeus

Do We Need Fr. Dwight Longenecker? From the Excellent Ars Orandi Blog

I have to admit, that I have seen for quite some time the little punches of sarcasm Staples has dished out on Voris. Quite the infantile...could it be jealously?
Hay Zeus

Gloria.TV News - September 2, 2013

Thanks for the news..pretty soon he'll be spinning a pencil around his finger. 😀
Hay Zeus

Like Their Waffen SS Forefathers, German Police Brutalize Homeschooling Family

And Obama wouldn't allow them to remain in the U.S. Why? Scum! yet he has an aunt and an uncle here illegally! Lets in 40% of illegals and wants Americans to pay for everything!
This guy is going to do a lot more damage if he's allowed to remain the rest of his 3 yr term... Just wait and see!
Dirty boot thug Germans! 😡More
And Obama wouldn't allow them to remain in the U.S. Why? Scum! yet he has an aunt and an uncle here illegally! Lets in 40% of illegals and wants Americans to pay for everything!

This guy is going to do a lot more damage if he's allowed to remain the rest of his 3 yr term... Just wait and see!

Dirty boot thug Germans! 😡
Hay Zeus

Gloria.TV News on the 27th of August

Bishop Lopez..a disgrace to the Mexican people and to the world. Shame on him!
Hay Zeus

Rehoľníčka tancuje. úplný hnus

Modernist novus ordo people think this is just great...they are the ones who keep the Church from restoring its beautiful image with garbage like this.
Hay Zeus

California students no longer have to kneel before their principal

lunacy, pure lunacy
Hay Zeus

The Dome of Home revived. An Update on the Dome of Home in the Wirral, the home of the Institute of …

This is the only True Mass of the Roman Catholic Church. Beautiful!