padre geremia

Catholic Voter Quandry (8/24/2012)

✍️ who will you vote? Vote those who are faithful to the teachings of the catholic faith! 😲
padre geremia

Gloria.TV News on the 10th of August

🤦 I cant understand why this gay activist or those homosexual who want that others respect their right do not respect also the rights of others most specially the rights of God! 😲
padre geremia

Ludwig van Beethoven - Piano Sonata No. 14 (Moonlight / Chiaro di luna)

👌 what a beautiful masterpiece of beethoven,I'm sure Pope Benedict XVI appreciated it so much. I dont know if the pianist is from china, korea or Japan? ✍️
padre geremia

Knights of Columbus and Masons Have Pancake Breakfast!

🤨 I agree with you, but one must be aware to what the other is being united that is if you are talking about masonry the church has already given his judgment that is: masonry go against the catholic church teaching and he/she who belong to it is excommunicated from the church and recent Popes renew this affermation. I hope you understand, God bless you! 😇
padre geremia

Gloria.TV News on the 24th of July

😡 Thanks be to God that the spanish parlament still uses their reason to protect the innocent bishop against gay and lesbian activist. The peruvian episcopal conference is just an example of those group of bishop who disobey the Pope and the Church teaching, there are for me the modern day "Judas Scariot"(traitor). 🤐
padre geremia

La coraggiosa conversione cattolica dell’islamico Ilyas Khan

👌 siete tutti due bravi carlo 72 e simone nel valutare balthasar solo che vorrei ricordarvi di essere critiche anche riguarda questi altri maestri di sospetti (Balthasar, Hans Kung, Henry de Lubac, Schilebeck, Karl Rahner...)e ogni conversione è frutto dalla grazia e aiuto dello spirito santo grazie alla chiesa cattolica!!! ✍️
padre geremia

Michael Voris on the scandal of gay clergy – UPDATED

🤦 What diabolic courage this priest has to quote the catechism and cardinal ratzinger out of context to favor his evil position and belief.
Lets pray a Hail Mary and Our Father for this priest and others like him. 👌
padre geremia

Special Report III. Join Michael Voris for concluding comments on the recent United States Supreme …

😲 Notwithstanding what had happened to the Forthnight we had to continue to fight a good fight of faith and not be discouraged!
padre geremia

Chesterton in Sight & Sound. Some of all four of the only known sound recordings in existence made by …

GK Chesterton is one of those great catholic writers who defend the catholic faith. I hope God would raise another like him! 🧐
padre geremia

Gloria TV News on the 29th of June

👍 I agree with bishop Tartaglia without religious freedom we are facing a comunist regime in the faith and the death of a real democratic society! 🥴
padre geremia

Gloria TV News on the 27th of June

👌 I agree with Carl Anderson thats why there is no need and it against good conscience to re-elect Obama for president!!! 🥴
padre geremia

Militant vs. Nice. It's come down to this .. The Church of Nice vs. the Church Militant. Which side …

🤮 nice people yucks! the catholic church does not need nice people!
padre geremia

Gloria TV News on the 26th of June

🤐 the protestant reformation admits and affirms most the place of men in religion/in faith and put aside the place and sovreignty of God because of the sola scriptura and sole fidei. This is a root cause of every comunist ideology substituting God with men or with the government! 🤨
padre geremia

Gloria TV News on the 26th of June

✍️ I agree of what Cardinal Koch said about the celebration of the reformation and I agree also that those catholic dissenter are the one who should live the church not those who are faithful to the magisterium! 🤦
padre geremia

Church of Nice! The Church of NICE has got to go!

🙂 I agree the church of love is not the church of nice. Sad to say the root cause of this church of nice are those priest and bishop sent by the devil or what fr.john hardon said those posessed by the devil to create many nice church inside the catholic church! 🤐
padre geremia

Catholic News Roundup 06-20 Today's stories - - Homophobic Snitching - Mayors Uniting For Murder - …

😡 This homophobic thing is only a manifestation that homosexual activist does not had a slight and valid reason to defend their cause and what they affirm is only a big LIE!! 🤮
padre geremia

Gloria TV News on the 22nd of June

🤨 When people is far away from God they look at others not as a gift but a burden this is the case with regards to those old or elderly people in the eyes of an atheistic society as England! 🤦
padre geremia

Gloria TV News on the 21st of June

✍️ Sad to say there are more liberal catholics in the church today than those traditional or faithful to the Pope 😇
padre geremia

Rainbows. The use of the rainbow flag by the homosexual movement is offensive and insulting

🤨 This rainbow flag used by homosexual activist disgraced its true meaning found in the Bible (GENESIS). 😡
padre geremia

Gloria TV News on the 19th of June

👌 Good work! Michael Vorris keep it up!
I think those nun be better off became anglican than remain catholic and give scandal to others!
Tomato has an image of a cross in it, Yipee! that's a sign that God manifest even in fruits/vegetables that the real religion that He founded is the Catholic Church! 😇