Sean Johnson

Is This Operation Suicide?

From the author:

An analysis of the evidence relating to an agreement between the Society of Saint Pius X and the Conciliar Church of Rome
I seek to analyse the evidence relating to a possible agreement between the Society of Saint Pius X and the Conciliar Church. I conclude that many of the Superiors of the Society are prepared to enter into an agreement with the Conciliar Church, where that …More
From the author:

An analysis of the evidence relating to an agreement between the Society of Saint Pius X and the Conciliar Church of Rome

I seek to analyse the evidence relating to a possible agreement between the Society of Saint Pius X and the Conciliar Church. I conclude that many of the Superiors of the Society are prepared to enter into an agreement with the Conciliar Church, where that agreement is a practical agreement (only), without a doctrinal resolution and the terms of which would mean that the Society would be subject to the Conciliar Church.

I conclude that the conduct of many of the Superiors of the Society in relation to a possible agreement with the Conciliar Church represents a staggering change from the Society’s principles and direction. I conclude that the position adopted by many of the Superiors of the Society in relation to such an agreement is contrary to the position of the Society’s founder, Archbishop Lefebvre.”
Sean Johnson

Dieter Stein: "Robert Habeck zieht im Bundestag eine Verbindung von der AfD zum Attentat auf den …

Dante placed the sodomites in the hell of the violent, because of their attack on natural law (they take that which was intended to be fertile and render it barren).
Sean Johnson

"An Apostate Pope, Under Control of Satan?" - Fr. Malachi Martin et al on the Real Third Secret of …

Actually, 100% of the hierarchy, minus Vigano.
Sean Johnson

Bishop Williamson sermon for the Sunday within the Octave of the Ascension, 12th May 2024

Interesting tunnel vision you have: You’re “outraged” by Williamson, but won’t discuss Fellay. Where is your concern for the people hurt? Were you trained under His Lordship?
Sean Johnson


I just got moderated for calling her the “s” word, but the blasphemous post on our Lord’s crucifixion stands unmolested. Pull your head out, GTV!
Sean Johnson

Archbishop Viganò: Globalist 'extermination plan' serves Satan's goal to kill both body and soul - …

The only faithful uncensored bishop in the church today.
Sean Johnson

They’re literally showing you

I thought he’d be nude, perhaps having his morning cup of adrenochrome while reading the Zionist tabloids.
Sean Johnson

Peaceful Pro-Life Advocate Lauren Handy Faces "Miscarriage of Justice," Sentenced to 57 Months in …

I’ll bet the judge had 5-6 abortions. Hopefully her next waiter pisses in her coffee.
Sean Johnson

Canada’s intelligence agency classifies opponents of LGBT gender ideology as a ‘violent threat’ - …

We’d better move to Russia soon if we want to remain free.
Sean Johnson

Erection on the Cross? No Blasphemy Off-Limits

GTV allows every manner of blasphemy, but you’d better not say anything against the Jews!
Sean Johnson

Bishop Williamson sermon for the Sunday within the Octave of the Ascension, 12th May 2024

Alex: Why am I not surprised to see you quote from him?
Sean Johnson

Bishop Williamson sermon for the Sunday within the Octave of the Ascension, 12th May 2024

Alex: Williamson, like Lefebvre (but unlike Fellay), has no desire to be in Union with a conciliar church. But why you babble on about sedevacantism is anyone’s guess.
Sean Johnson

Bishop Williamson sermon for the Sunday within the Octave of the Ascension, 12th May 2024

I wonder how many personas Carol has on GTV?
Sean Johnson

Bishop Williamson sermon for the Sunday within the Octave of the Ascension, 12th May 2024

Carol: Guess you’ll have to sink Fellay then, for all the pedophiles he’s harbored?
Sean Johnson

Bishop Williamson sermon for the Sunday within the Octave of the Ascension, 12th May 2024

Carol: You are outmaneuvering yourself again🤣