
Gloria TV News on the 31st of October

Aha! I didn't know that October 31 is Protestant day, same as Satan's Day in United States (Holloween).

Did Bishops Diss The Pope?

Ah, I see it. Thank God.
Ah, I see it. Thank God.


Did Bishops Diss The Pope?

Oh no. It broke my heart :(. If the Pope is introducing that dude to the bishops, the dude should be close by the Pope and before he would shake the hands of the bishops, the pope should gesture to the bishops first. But the video shows that the Pope is reaching out to shake the hands of the bishops, but some of the bishops tied their hands closed and did not even greet the Pope.

Peaceful Conversation at Arab Fest. in Dearborn, Mi. 6/2010

I just wish that they were Catholics who preaches the real presence of our Lord in the Holy Euchartist (John 6:48-52). I wonder if that might be? Jesus' dicsiples left Him and did not believe Him because who would accept a teaching that would eat Jesus' flesh and drink His blood? The early Christian martyrs were killed because they were accused of canibalism. Protestants won't accept this either! …More
I just wish that they were Catholics who preaches the real presence of our Lord in the Holy Euchartist (John 6:48-52). I wonder if that might be? Jesus' dicsiples left Him and did not believe Him because who would accept a teaching that would eat Jesus' flesh and drink His blood? The early Christian martyrs were killed because they were accused of canibalism. Protestants won't accept this either! I wonder if some group of Catholics would preach to these non-Catholic "Christians" about the true presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. Will they believe? I pray that this two "Christians" who studied apologetics would see the Truth, then they would be on the right track.

US Spends Billions on Population Control in the Philippines

...and that billions of dollars "might" come from Amercian employees' taxes.

Imprisonment for Sedevacantism. The following press release can be spread by anyone anywhere. Imprisonment …

...Just wanna share my dream around in July 2011. I was reading the Sedevacantist website about the heresies of Vatican 2. Pope JP 2 was beatified. Sedevacantist proclaims that Blessed JP 2 was a heretic and that heretics go to hell. I was so confused because my journey to Catholic faith was just starting. I prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mother for help, and also to Blessed JP 2 – that if he was …More
...Just wanna share my dream around in July 2011. I was reading the Sedevacantist website about the heresies of Vatican 2. Pope JP 2 was beatified. Sedevacantist proclaims that Blessed JP 2 was a heretic and that heretics go to hell. I was so confused because my journey to Catholic faith was just starting. I prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mother for help, and also to Blessed JP 2 – that if he was truly a pope and in heaven, may I be illuminated. Then that night when I was asleep, I dreamt about Blessed JP 2. [I was in a room with my devout Catholic friends (from V2), I was persecuting JP 2, that he was unbelievable and that he lead many astray (according to Sedevacantists). Then my friends were enraged how I treated him. Then they said, "where is your sense of reverense?" Then Blessed JP 2 appeared in the room. He was wearing white, he looked younger, and there was nothing on his head. He was so tamed and he looked at me and asked humbly, "what did you say"? Then I told him, "you're unbelievable". But I had doubt and felt sorry for what I said. As I repeated myself, the meaning of "unbelievable" turned to be a meaning pertaining to a great pope. Then Blessed PJ 2, in humility, nugged his head, closed his eyes - as an expression of justification, he turned around.] Then I woke up.


A Catholic's Last Rites..

It's funny. But on the other side, it's kinna embarassing cuz on some occasion, it's true.

When Attending Mass Becomes an Occasion of Sin

@ACLumsden: I read your passage more than once and it made sense. Indeed, the intentions, that what makes a sin. Adam and Eve were naked until they ate the fruit of good and evil.

When Attending Mass Becomes an Occasion of Sin

In my parish, most women who are assigned for gospel reading wear short skirt, almost backless dresses, exposed cleavage. If wearing pants, they use tight clothing which exposes the shape of their body. Sure, they got all the attention! They humiliate themselves in the presense of the Most High and the parishoners. So sad that no body cares about them to tell them that they are so humiliating and …More
In my parish, most women who are assigned for gospel reading wear short skirt, almost backless dresses, exposed cleavage. If wearing pants, they use tight clothing which exposes the shape of their body. Sure, they got all the attention! They humiliate themselves in the presense of the Most High and the parishoners. So sad that no body cares about them to tell them that they are so humiliating and they think to themselves they are soooo beautiful and attractive. Well, time to write to my parish leaders, I will see if anyone would care to propose dress codes.

Voris: “There Are Many People in the Church Who Have It Out for Us…”

Michael V. is famous and helps souls to realize about the Truth through I did not realize other Catholic agency or media criticize them. Sedevacantists ( as well and pronounce MV and Vatican 2 as heretics. Regarding "approval" of their agenda in Madrid, I agree that they don't need approval. It's just happen that he is famous and he reports the failures of some of the …More
Michael V. is famous and helps souls to realize about the Truth through I did not realize other Catholic agency or media criticize them. Sedevacantists ( as well and pronounce MV and Vatican 2 as heretics. Regarding "approval" of their agenda in Madrid, I agree that they don't need approval. It's just happen that he is famous and he reports the failures of some of the leaders of the Church. My parish priests talks about it too (weaknesses of the people of the Church). As of 'approval' of media, I create my personal flyer too and spread it to my community about the Holy Eucharist as the summit of true Christian faith. I did not ask my parish priests for approval. I don't think anyone would be harmed to read the gospel that supports the Eucharist.

Meet the Exorcist Schoolgirls

There is no Jesus on crucifix...unauthentic. New age movement uses this type of cross and also protestants.

Of Cassocks and Demons

This tells that the Catholic Church is the church established by Jesus Christ, so it has the power over evil...the gates of hell won't prevail over it.

Rainbow in Sedrun :o) Summer 2011

@ Cannolli: Ha it a double purpose driver's sit, front and back?

Exorcist Andrea Gemma on Medjugorje: "Absolutely Diabolical"

James 2:24
You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone.
Indeed, Fatima has the most and has the recent evidence of the message from heaven, and is approved by the Holy See (also in Kibeho). According to the Angel of Peace, only through recieving the Holy Eucharit is the way to holiness (John 6:52-58).
Personal conlusion: The works will save us by doing the …More
James 2:24
You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone.

Indeed, Fatima has the most and has the recent evidence of the message from heaven, and is approved by the Holy See (also in Kibeho). According to the Angel of Peace, only through recieving the Holy Eucharit is the way to holiness (John 6:52-58).

Personal conlusion: The works will save us by doing the commandments of God, participating in His Sacraments. Without works, there is no faith. Works is the manifestion of faith.

The Passion Flower. A victim of love ..


American Psychological Association Supports Same-sex ‘Marriage’ 157-0

I just imagine how God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. It's happening again in this generation...even worse.

Exorcist Andrea Gemma on Medjugorje: "Absolutely Diabolical"

There is no free book prints, conference hall rental and food supply, also some other media equipment. They are expenssive. The spreading of the messages won't be possible if they won't spend money and the money that they will spend for spreading the messages comes from the workers and supporters.
Also, I won't deny Medjugorje. I won't be Catholic and happy if not because of this. Medjurgorje aside …More
There is no free book prints, conference hall rental and food supply, also some other media equipment. They are expenssive. The spreading of the messages won't be possible if they won't spend money and the money that they will spend for spreading the messages comes from the workers and supporters.

Also, I won't deny Medjugorje. I won't be Catholic and happy if not because of this. Medjurgorje aside from Divine Mercy, is a sign for me that Catholic is the church established by Jesus Christ. Believe me, this generation is filled with confusion specially scandals in the church, many are fallen and leave the faith, and join the sects that teaches Catholic is the whore of babylone. Heaven is watching over.

Exorcist Andrea Gemma on Medjugorje: "Absolutely Diabolical"

Whether Medjugorje is authentic or not...I like it's messages; Prayer, fasting, reading the bible, Holy Eucharist, and Confession. The messages are reminders to return to God authentically. I wish most of the Catholic priests reminds their sheperds to pray, fast, read the bible, practice chastity, adore the Holy Eucharist, and go to confession. :)

Exorcist Andrea Gemma on Medjugorje: "Absolutely Diabolical"

How is it diabolical if a Protestant or pagan converted to Catholicism and radically adored the Holy Fr. Donald Calloway, including me.

Exorcist Andrea Gemma on Medjugorje: "Absolutely Diabolical"

For what I know about the Medjugorje seers, they have secrets to be revealed during their life time ofcourse. If these secrets won't be revealed during their life time, then it's not true. If it reaveled during their life time and does not prove anything, then it's not true. It's still under investigation. If the vatican 2 condemned Medjugorje, all of it (the mass, piligrimage, healing testimony, …More
For what I know about the Medjugorje seers, they have secrets to be revealed during their life time ofcourse. If these secrets won't be revealed during their life time, then it's not true. If it reaveled during their life time and does not prove anything, then it's not true. It's still under investigation. If the vatican 2 condemned Medjugorje, all of it (the mass, piligrimage, healing testimony, and so forth) should be discontinued.