
Cardinal Marx Doesn't Exclude Women Priests

There's a great apostasy in the Church! 😡

U.S. Hispanics leaving Catholic Church for Evangelical churches

I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?" Lk 18:8

How I became a Catholic convert. The long story of how I ended up converting to Catholicism. My …

Thank you for sharing your conversion story. This is not about you, but any soul who shares their conversion story brings glory to God. You are so blessed because you have given the grace to embrace the faith. EWTN, the Journey Home is a program where converts share about their stories how they came and embrace the one true faith. Scott Hann is one of them. Many are inspired because of their conversion …More
Thank you for sharing your conversion story. This is not about you, but any soul who shares their conversion story brings glory to God. You are so blessed because you have given the grace to embrace the faith. EWTN, the Journey Home is a program where converts share about their stories how they came and embrace the one true faith. Scott Hann is one of them. Many are inspired because of their conversion stories and became instruments to help those who are lost to find their way. May you be a blessing to other souls who are wondering about what's the Truth; by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Now you are in the Faith, always remember that Jesus is inside you. God bless.

Gloria TV News on the 19th of June

Thank you ChurchMilitant for all you do for the Holy Mother Church. I am testifying: When I watched the One True Faith (one of their programs), I was clarified what's the faith of the Church. I am confident that the Catholic Church is established by Jesus Christ. I am a revert Catholic.

‘Eating Tomatoes Is Forbidden Because They Are Christian’

Well, I guess tomato is my favorite vegetable now!
😀 ☕

Study: Children fare better in traditional mom-dad families

It might not show there is a difference today, but 20 years from now they would see the difference.
It might not show there is a difference today, but 20 years from now they would see the difference.


Religious Education support gay priests, Obama, masturbation

...whatever!!! Satan is everywhere...wolves under a sheep cloth

Isaiah saying Mass. Here's 3-year-old Isaiah with his big birthday gift. Recorded on March 19, 2012

How cute!!! Lord, grant us more priests.

Gay marriage: this is a battle the Churches will lose – and it will be a messy business

I still have faith that the Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph. One day, they will realize their mistakes.

Audio of a Law Student Telling Congress Why Religious Colleges Should Pay for Her Birth Control

This what happens if a person lives in the flesh and not in the spirit...they are blind, and have no idea what they are talking about. How sad.

Some In Mainstream Media In Full Anti-Catholic Meltdown Mode

Well, I know the feeling. I am a revert Catholic, by God's mercy (the Divine Mercy). I work for the Protestant organization, and started to tell them what God has revealed to me. In return, my co-workers in the multimedia will use a former-Catholic, telling that she found truth to the "Salvation Army". Their pastors started to preach that the Sacraments are not necessary. How can I ever lie telling …More
Well, I know the feeling. I am a revert Catholic, by God's mercy (the Divine Mercy). I work for the Protestant organization, and started to tell them what God has revealed to me. In return, my co-workers in the multimedia will use a former-Catholic, telling that she found truth to the "Salvation Army". Their pastors started to preach that the Sacraments are not necessary. How can I ever lie telling them that the Sacrament of Reconciliation has healed me from my bitter memories...nothing helped me, I tried everything, but only this Sacrament. How could I ever lie when I received Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, my heart leaps up in joy and in peace, and nothing else has given me this experience.

Jesus' is broken hearted when part of His body (His Church) departs Him (diary of St. Faustina). "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."

The Inspirational Story of Garvan Byrne

Oh, wow! He speaks like an adult.

Pelosi: ‘I am going to stick with fellow Catholics’ ..

C.C.C. #2272 ...latae sententiae - automatic excommunication. The Church don't even have to tell them on public or so. Whoever supports abortion is automatically excommunicated. So, those people call themselves "Catholics" or "devout Catholics" are not Catholics at all. They receive communion, they receive double death. How sad, they need prayers.

Obama: We are no longer a Christian Nation

Philippines is against abortion and divorce, though many are disobedient. There's always debates and battle in the congress, the Catholic point of view still wins...thank God. Philippine Bishops would give up their lives for the Holy Mother Church's teachings.


This is always the case. Satan wants to ridicule the Catholic church. There are other Protestant issues and even worse, but remained unnoticed cuz no one cares, Satan doesn't care for them. The highlight is always the CATHOLIC CHURCH and evil wants to put it down. Satan and all his angels are busy and tightly watching the members of Catholic faith; seducing them, tempting them, and discouraging them …More
This is always the case. Satan wants to ridicule the Catholic church. There are other Protestant issues and even worse, but remained unnoticed cuz no one cares, Satan doesn't care for them. The highlight is always the CATHOLIC CHURCH and evil wants to put it down. Satan and all his angels are busy and tightly watching the members of Catholic faith; seducing them, tempting them, and discouraging them until they depart from Jesus - the Church; the Vine. This means, the Catholic Church is truly the one and only Church which Jesus established. Satan hates the Catholic Church because through her has the completeness and assured salvation.

Why I Love Religion, And Love Jesus || Spoken Word

What's wonderful about the Holy Mother Church is, it's unified in the sense of one faith. If one member has sinned, all is affected, the Church is affected. When one member is persecuted, the Church is persecuted or vise versa, then Jesus is persecuted, the Blessed Mother is dishonored.

Why I Love Religion, And Love Jesus || Spoken Word

Woo hoo! I am proud to be Catholic! This religion is a gift from God. 👏

Archdiocese of Detroit asks Michael Voris to stop using the name ‘Catholic’

Stand firm...fight the good fight. God works through you. Mama mary loves you. 🤗

Should Nuns Be on the Pill?

This is another tactics of Satan - will lead those nuns to temptations. As Jesus said in the scripture, will He find faithful souls when the time He comes?

Catholic College Hosts Medium to Contact the Dead

This is definitely a mortal sin. Scary!!!!