AJ Fides

If you do nothing else today, watch this

Beautiful boxing match with about 12 K-O punches. Why is Musk the only one with a brain who has been interviewed by the BBC since the pandemic began? Oops, their mistake I guess.
AJ Fides

The Catholic Bishops Conference has urged the government to reject the $139 million budget support …

Biden the good Catholic would prefer to see millions of people starve to death rather than to let them decide what a man is and what a woman is. Despicable, disgusting, inhuman and cruel.
AJ Fides

A video has surfaced of Russian soldiers describing how they found a “baby factory” in Ukraine where …

If you believe this you were born yesterday.
AJ Fides

No order has been more damaged by the post-Conciliar decline than the Pope's Jesuits

The more appropriate title would be, "No order has inflicted more damage ..."
AJ Fides

Former US mercenary in Ukraine talks war crimes and CIA involvement | RT exclusive

This is Russian propaganda. War is complicated. The evidence offered is crap and this weasel is a liar who has admitted to being a Communist. Only a fool would believe this.
AJ Fides

Lula says Brazilians can receive financial aid only if they have taken the vax. Bolsa Família will …

Trudeau already denies unvaksed people life-saving organ transplants. I suppose this will be the next thing; then food.
AJ Fides

SOCIALISM never work_ a great lesson

Brilliant professor - probably cancelled by now.
AJ Fides

Mad priest. All so sad

Why doesn't he just save it for the Karaoke machine at the reception?
AJ Fides

EXCLUSIVE: John Carpay's night in Spyhill

Canada is not a country. It's a concentration camp. True north strong and free? I don't think so.
AJ Fides

The HORRIFIC Execution Of The 11 Nuns That Stood Up To Hitler

I'm willing to bet that in the entire country there weren't 11 bishops who stood up to Hitler.
AJ Fides

END GAME: Cardinals Mobilizing against Pope Francis

Inhaling more hopium. Francis won't let go of the reins of power until he breathes his last breath.