AJ Fides
AJ Fides

The Escaped Nun The extraordinary story of Margaret Moult Copyright (c) 2005 E.A.C.H. and John Worland

This film is Protestant anti-Catholic propaganda. It relies on negative caricatures of holy nuns to disparage the beautiful vocation of female religious. Besides being of the worst writing, directing and acting of any film I've seen in the past twenty years.
AJ Fides

Der Horror, der in Gaza erlebt wird

If the Palestinians actually cared about the destruction of their own country they would give freedom to the 140+ hostages they kidnapped. But no, their hatred of the Israelis means that they will even allow their own people to be killed and their country destroyed for the sake of killing more Jewish people. Let's pray they never achieve statehood.
AJ Fides

Canada's St. Joseph's Oratory: celebrating 400 years of faith

My last memory of St Joseph's oratory was going there for confession in the winter of 2021 and being denied the sacrament and entry to the building because I wasn't jabbed.
AJ Fides

631. Interview of the century - World Scam

What I take from the interview: Putin is an extreme narcissist without any grasp on reality.
AJ Fides

Can anyone provide a good Catholic answer to the atheist quote

No, it would not be love. We love God because He is the perfection of all things; the author of all beauty; an infinitely marvelous Creator who is nothing but love. It is the rejection of all of this that warrants the furthest possible extreme from God. Satan looked into the perfectly innocent face of all that is good and said no. All who follow Satan belong to him and spend eternity with him. …More
No, it would not be love. We love God because He is the perfection of all things; the author of all beauty; an infinitely marvelous Creator who is nothing but love. It is the rejection of all of this that warrants the furthest possible extreme from God. Satan looked into the perfectly innocent face of all that is good and said no. All who follow Satan belong to him and spend eternity with him. Finally: going to heaven is easy. God has told us exactly how. The greatest sorrow of hell is to have been so incomprehensibly stupid as not to believe Him.
AJ Fides

Iceland threatens to pull out of Eurovision if Israel competes

Meanwhile Russian sports teams and athletes run around all over the world making millions and no one says a thing. Can an island as small as Iceland (pop 350,000 or so) survive economically if there's a massive boycott?
AJ Fides

Another Pope Francis Flop: Bishop Elect Steps Down

There's no privacy when a priest is accused - let him be hanged; but when a bishop elect is accused, well now, we have a Chinese wall to protect him.
AJ Fides

Desecrator of Catholic Cathedral in Tanzania Sentenced to Three Years in Prison

In Canada our churches are burnt to the ground and there's no investigation, no arrest, no conviction, nothing.
AJ Fides

From a Palestinian in Gaza, thank you South Africa! - Quds News Network

If Israel is committing genocide, they're doing a terrible job of it. They could wipe them all out in an instant. Instead, they give warnings of rocket attacks and an opportunity for civilians to leave. Meanwhile, Hamas forces all of the civilians to remain in dangerous zones and uses them as human shields. The article states that "About 70 percent of the victims of this horror have been women and …More
If Israel is committing genocide, they're doing a terrible job of it. They could wipe them all out in an instant. Instead, they give warnings of rocket attacks and an opportunity for civilians to leave. Meanwhile, Hamas forces all of the civilians to remain in dangerous zones and uses them as human shields. The article states that "About 70 percent of the victims of this horror have been women and children." No, these are human shields. Not one word about the Palestinian atrocities - burning people alive, gauging out peoples' eyes, gang raping women, things we just can't state they're so horrific and the CONTINUING atrocities of holding hostages they captured in a barbaric massacre that stunned the entire world. Hamas must be destroyed and God help us all if the Palestinians ever reach statehood. The October 7th massacre should forever disqualify them for entry to the world stage.
AJ Fides

Polish Bishops Against Francis - No "Blessings" For Homosexual Couples

This movement against F Supp is making the cowards who refuse to say anything look more and more cowardly ...
AJ Fides

Greek Catholic Ukrainians: “Blessing Cannot Contradict God’s Word”

It would be wonderful if the Ukrainian spirit would spread to western bishops in greater degree to take down the F Supp totally.
AJ Fides

God’s Blessings and Magisterial Teaching - The Catholic Thing

Eff the Eff Supp.
AJ Fides

Israel 'stealing organs' from bodies in Gaza, alleges rights group

As a general rule, not one word can be believed from Hamas, Hamas doctors, American CNN or any left wing journalist. This is right up there with "Jews drink the blood of murdered children."
AJ Fides

The hypocrisy is astounding

Sounds like he's inviting people to salute him this way at his sparse audiences.
AJ Fides

Lord Bebo - 🇺🇦🇷🇺🚨‼️🇷🇺 Prayer and motivational speech by Russian special forces! “Motivational speech …

I won't pray for the success of a country that invades another country killing tens of thousands of innocent people and committing crimes against humanity.
AJ Fides

Jury Acquits Catholic Priest Charged With Sexual Assault

This is the kind of suffering that makes great saints. May God bless him.
AJ Fides

The death of Al-Shifa Hospital, the last bastion of humanity in northern Gaza

It's all on Hamas. Sow the wind, reap a whirlwind.
AJ Fides

The death of Al-Shifa Hospital, the last bastion of humanity in northern Gaza

In this case, to escape the vicinity of the hospital.
AJ Fides

The death of Al-Shifa Hospital, the last bastion of humanity in northern Gaza

Hamas is using innocent people as human shields, a crime against humanity. They are shooting Palestinians who are trying to escape. They are refusing to use their military fuel to run hospital generators. All of this is on Hamas.