AJ Fides

Palestine: 350,000 march for peace in London

And no, they weren't protesting for a return of the hostages they captured like 7th century thugs.
AJ Fides

UK cop on why they remove British flags but not ‘Palestine’ flags: ‘There’s way more of them than …

And yet they've arrested and persecuted Christians praying silently on the street.
AJ Fides

Paris Pro-Palestinian Rally Interrupted By Police After Pro-Palestinian Rallies Banned By Government

They should come to Canada where pickup trucks packed with Palestinians patrol the streets chanting "gas the Jews" with total impunity. They don't arrest hooligans advocating for murder but they do arrest peaceful truckers.
AJ Fides

Palestinian & Jewish Protesters SHUT DOWN Wall Street to Free Palestine

No one in the world will be safe if the Palestinians resume the process to statehood. I think October 7th proved that.
AJ Fides

Protest in Washington D. C

It seems like they don't know what the term genocide means.
AJ Fides

Tens of thousands march in US for Gaza ceasefire | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

No one seems to be protesting the fact that Hamas is using its own citizens as human shields and putting weapons in schools and hospitals.
AJ Fides

Brother Nathanael: The Jews Who Murdered Tsar Nicholas II. Genesis of Russophobia by Woke West Today

Thank-you and I join your stand with Israel.
AJ Fides

Israel Attacks Francis For Defending Palestinian Civilians

How many of the 3,000 "civilians" were forced to be near military targets and used as human shields? We need to support Israel to the fullest extent of international law. Otherwise, we're next.
AJ Fides

Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it

It is not antisemitic to criticize Israel but it IS antisemitic for large swaths of liberal media to blame Israel for these atrocities committed against it and to explain away a terrorist organization that still has over a hundred hostages as well as hundreds of thousands of innocent Palestinians used as human shields.
AJ Fides

Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it

It's not antisemitic to criticize Israel but it IS antisemitic when swaths of liberal media blame Israel for these atrocities committed against their innocent people and call for a ceasefire while the terrorists are in the act of committing their atrocities, i.e. holding hostages and using their own citizens as human shields. GROW UP and get a brain.
AJ Fides

Canada's woke nightmare: A warning to the West | Documentary

As horrifying as this documentary is, it's actually worse. The government is actively deceiving people into killing themselves by euphemistically calling it "medical assistance in dying." Well, who doesn't want medical assistance in dying? After the summer of hysteria in which the media made false claims of "mass graves" at Catholic schools and churches, it wasn't safe for Catholics anywhere and …More
As horrifying as this documentary is, it's actually worse. The government is actively deceiving people into killing themselves by euphemistically calling it "medical assistance in dying." Well, who doesn't want medical assistance in dying? After the summer of hysteria in which the media made false claims of "mass graves" at Catholic schools and churches, it wasn't safe for Catholics anywhere and the mob burned down, literally, 12 Catholic churches. It's just like 1930s Germany. Awful.
AJ Fides

President of Italian Nuns Lives in "Fluid World"

This child of God as a young woman gave her life to serve Him with her whole life. It is not her. It is the poison that has infected her. Our teaching authority has not taught clearly enough and forcefully enough to keep her members pure.
AJ Fides

Josh Alexander from Save Canada is arrested in Calgary following a scuffle that broke out between his …

Alexander is attacked by a mob of violent extremists so what do the police do? Arrest him. For his "protection" no doubt. Welcome to Communist Canada.
AJ Fides

THE NEW NORMAL: New York Cancels Beef Chicago Cancels God Boston Promotes Satan - In this episode of …

Relying on ABC news and a flunkie Dutch journalist trying to sell books to go after JPII??? I'm sorry, but this guy has hit rock bottom.
AJ Fides

Singer's performance in Church cancelled after provocative video

If you understand French you'd see how repulsive this song is and actually it is blasphemous. Claude is yet another nobody with no talent trying to get ahead by kicking Christ Himself, the Church.
AJ Fides

Tucker Carlson is Right: It’s about Evil

Europe is totally lost already; so is Canada. America is the only place freedom has a chance. Fight, fight, fight!
AJ Fides

Justin Trudeau Claims He Never Forced Anyone to Get Vaxxed – Allah's Willing Executioners

He also claims not to be a communist.
AJ Fides

President of the Pontifical Academy for Life thinks legalisation of euthanasia may serve the common good

The most diabolical writing I've ever read from a Cardinal. Horrific. God help us all.
AJ Fides

Masses and Confessions were temporarily suspended today at Knock Shrine to facilitate a visit by …

A terrible blight on what was a magnificent shrine.
AJ Fides

Schools have become Maoist indoctrination camps

Clearly he is intimidating them, threatening sanctions against them, unless they purge their free conscience and adopt his world view. Unthinkable that this happens in a "free" and "democratic" country.