Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it.
AJ Fides
It is not antisemitic to criticize Israel but it IS antisemitic for large swaths of liberal media to blame Israel for these atrocities committed against it and to explain away a terrorist organization that still has over a hundred hostages as well as hundreds of thousands of innocent Palestinians used as human shields.
The aim of posting this video was not the present conflict but to remind people, especially Catholics, that the legitimate self-defense against the Jewish world domination is falsely portrayed with the unacceptable term of antisemitism. Catholics are not against any race or colour, but are perfectly entitled to defend their sacred Tradition and to fight for the rights of CHRIST the King. "For the …More
The aim of posting this video was not the present conflict but to remind people, especially Catholics, that the legitimate self-defense against the Jewish world domination is falsely portrayed with the unacceptable term of antisemitism. Catholics are not against any race or colour, but are perfectly entitled to defend their sacred Tradition and to fight for the rights of CHRIST the King. "For the leaders of the Jewish Nation, to stand for the rights of Christ the King is logically to be anti-Semitic." (Rev. Denis Fahey, "The Kingship of CHRIST and the Conversion of the Jewish Nation", 1953.).

“The Jew is the living testimony of the disappearance of the State based on theological principles, that state which the Anti-Semites hope to restore. From the day a Jew first occupied a public position, the Christian State was in danger. That is perfectly accurate and the Anti-Semites who say that the Jews have destroyed the correct idea of the State could more justly assert that the entrance of the Jews into Christian Society has symbolized the destruction of the State, I mean, of course, the Christian State.” (Jewish writer Bernard Lazare, "L’Antisémitisme", p. 361; ibid.).

"In a fine pamphlet entitled Christ Losing His World, by Lon Francis, we read: “The American Jewish Congress, headed by Rabbi Stephen Wise of New York City, has built up a nation-wide network of espionage agents to ferret out individuals and organisations suspected of being anti-Semitic. Their findings are printed in a confidential publication . . . In the January 7, 1944, issue of this Congress Weekly, the question was asked: ‘Where is Anti-Semitism spawned?’ It then answered its question by saying: ‘In a denomination other than Protestant.’ The implication is clear. In that same issue, the Congress Weekly quoted with approbation the charge that ‘Anti-Semitism,’ as we know it in the western world, is an element which has been for two thousand years part and parcel of the Christian tradition. Then the editor remarked: ‘It can only be dealt with as such,’which means nothing else than that Christianity must be destroyed.” (Ibid.)
AJ Fides : I erased your comment because no personal insults are allowed here. Thank you for your understanding!
The Jews have such power in many countries that they can openly admit how they operate, knowing that they will get away with it. America is really just an extension of Israel