Iceland threatens to pull out of Eurovision if Israel competes
In an official statement on their Facebook page, the board announced that they had formally requested the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service (RÚV) to refrain from participating.More
Iceland threatens to pull out of Eurovision if Israel competes

In an official statement on their Facebook page, the board announced that they had formally requested the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service (RÚV) to refrain from participating.

Iceland threatens to pull out of Eurovision if Israel competes

In an official statement on their Facebook page, the board announced that they had formally requested the Icelandic National Broadcasting …
Louis IX
The same Iceland that is proud of aborting all Down’s Syndrome babies.
They aren't wrong about Israel and Iceland aborting babies doesn't make Israel's murder of 12,000 children right.
AJ Fides
Meanwhile Russian sports teams and athletes run around all over the world making millions and no one says a thing. Can an island as small as Iceland (pop 350,000 or so) survive economically if there's a massive boycott?
Who is going to boycott? What are you talking about? Sane and moral people are absolutely horrified by the actions of Israel and the US in Palestine.
Jeffrey Ade
Horrible picture!