
Ignored by the media: Mandela pushed one of the most pro-abortion laws ever

Thank you for posting the truth regarding Mandella and what he really stood for.
It is a scandal that the Pope thinks otherwise.
Almighty God send us a truly humble Pope who speaks truth without favour ( for the rich and powerful) but speaks out against the Mandellas of this world who in their pomposity kill the innocents!!! ( 1 million in South Africa since Mandella's evil legislation).

Bishop Tobin: Mandela's support for abortion "shameful."

Is the Pope stupid, or is he advised by useless idiots. How can Christ's Vicar on earth praise a murderer of innocent children, yet unborn???
The diabolical clearly is in the Vatican.
Almighty God send us a Pope worthy of your service and who is truly humble. Amen.More
Is the Pope stupid, or is he advised by useless idiots. How can Christ's Vicar on earth praise a murderer of innocent children, yet unborn???

The diabolical clearly is in the Vatican.
Almighty God send us a Pope worthy of your service and who is truly humble. Amen.

Pro-life Leaders Cautious While the Pope and Dolan Praise Mandela

The American bishops say a lot of things, but they are not very faithful in the main, so to ignore their bletherings would be wisdom

Pope Francis calls for power to be taken away from Vatican

Apostate bishops (ie the German pornographers) have no mandate from God and should be ignored, The Scottish bishops have proved themselves a disgrace, need I go on?
So the pope wants the bishops to govern apart from Peter? He is havin a laugh, surely?

Pope Francis tells Catholics to stop focusing on the liturgy

Who writes this piffle?
Why do the popes advisors not do their job and explain to this 78 year old pope that saying silly things like Catholics should not focus on the Sacred Liturgy of the Holy Sacrefice of the Mass is just plain garbage and that non-sense spoken by the pope will rightly be ignored by the faithful, because the Liturgy is the sole and summit of our life. What a bletheriing skate! …More
Who writes this piffle?
Why do the popes advisors not do their job and explain to this 78 year old pope that saying silly things like Catholics should not focus on the Sacred Liturgy of the Holy Sacrefice of the Mass is just plain garbage and that non-sense spoken by the pope will rightly be ignored by the faithful, because the Liturgy is the sole and summit of our life. What a bletheriing skate! - as we say in Scotland.
When the pope speaks he needs to think very carefully about it first (or keep his lips closed as St Francis guides) and make clear statements not all this fuddled, muddled non-sense.
Our Lord says, say yes when you mean yes and no when you mean no. This pope is not a good communicator at all, he has and is causing his role as bishop of Rome to become something to ignore, not the role of the pope at all.
Lord give Your Vicar the graces he needs to stop with all his big, public (filmed) "humble" cosmetic fuss about staying in a posh hotel instead of the austerity of the papal apartment and the non sense of driving around Rome in a second hand car instead of the gifted car to transport the pope. That kind of "humble" show we can do without.
Help him to do Your will and teach clearly the truth of Your Gospel, Oh Lord.Amen.

Gloria.TV News on the 26th of November

Their lack of chastity manifests itself in so many ways that are not good. They are at odds with The Holy Trinity, being so puffed up by their sense of their own self importance.
They hide behind their costumes, their titles ( and of course their huge wealth) but in fact they try to re-write the Gospels.
They are arrogant beyond words.
Almighty God have mercy on Germany and rid her of these " …More
Their lack of chastity manifests itself in so many ways that are not good. They are at odds with The Holy Trinity, being so puffed up by their sense of their own self importance.
They hide behind their costumes, their titles ( and of course their huge wealth) but in fact they try to re-write the Gospels.
They are arrogant beyond words.
Almighty God have mercy on Germany and rid her of these " shepherds". Amen.

Secret Lives of the Vatican's Gay Cardinals

What a sad and very misguided piece. Clearly written by a same sex attracted man who has little respect for himself or those whom he denigrates. This is so teenage in it's approach, it is pathetic, pitiful.
If this monk aged 60 wants to leave if he wins the lotto, I just wish he had the backbone to leave years ago ( if not now). The Church has many unbelievers who do not live chaste lives, but spill …More
What a sad and very misguided piece. Clearly written by a same sex attracted man who has little respect for himself or those whom he denigrates. This is so teenage in it's approach, it is pathetic, pitiful.
If this monk aged 60 wants to leave if he wins the lotto, I just wish he had the backbone to leave years ago ( if not now). The Church has many unbelievers who do not live chaste lives, but spill their venom abroad.
Cardinal O'Brien and his 4 same sex pals in Scotland are clearly the tip of the iceberg. The sooner the press expose these fakes who just love the dress up, power and money - the better for the faithful.
Sadly, we have too few bishops with any backbone.
Almighty God, rid us of these liars and fakes. Amen

Female Servers?

Female alter "servers" are a non-sense, they should be told to get back in the pews with the rest of us. They are nothing but a distraction.
All the pc stuff is just that - political correctness gone mad.
They have been pushed by the homosexual clergy and accepted by the false humility of the rest.
Priests have the right to refuse, but they are so spineless so go along with the non-sense.

Papa Francesco si reca in visita alle Monache Benedettine Camaldolesi

What a sad day......in the presence of God Himself, so many think to use their bottoms and not their knees. Have they lost all their senses?
The elderly clergy may have reasons of frailty / poor health - but the rest? False humility! What is refreshing is that the four I can see kneeling are all young.

One of the Pope's Group of 8 Cardinals Wants to Retract Hell

This "prince" of the Church is clearly a clown who loves the power, money and dressing up. His arch diocese has millions of euros from his share in the German "bishops" pornography business.
What is this Pope doing????
Almighty God save us from hell. Amen.

A Must See. Bishop Paprocki Speaks Out

Thank Almighty God; at last a catholic bishop speaking clearly about the faith (and with a backbone).
Your Lordship, would you consider coming to Scotland? We need men of faith to lead, teach and govern.
May our merciful God grant you abundant blessings. Amen.

U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican slams pro-life CRS critics

What a bad state of affairs, poverty directors earning $300.000 + and getting his pay from the Catholic peasantry in mainly Mass collection plates. The devil must be smiling.
The bishops are pitiful if they still believe they do the Lord's work , with this sort of garbage going on in their name.

Say WHAT? Are the Jews really to blame for the homosexual clergy sex abuse scandal? The Pope's alleged …

Who is our Holy Father asking for advice from? This "prince" of this Church talking piffle about the Jews, Then Cardinal Marx with his arch diocese making millions from their sales of pornography. It reminds one of the scandals in the church which led to the protestant
" reformation".
Almighty God, please send us men of faith as your bishops and grant these so called "pastors" the Grace they need …
Who is our Holy Father asking for advice from? This "prince" of this Church talking piffle about the Jews, Then Cardinal Marx with his arch diocese making millions from their sales of pornography. It reminds one of the scandals in the church which led to the protestant
" reformation".
Almighty God, please send us men of faith as your bishops and grant these so called "pastors" the Grace they need to resign immediately. Amen.

Italian President Grateful For Francis' "absence of all dogmatism" (Video)

Our Holy Father is, it would appear, leading people up a spiritual cul-de-sac - to no where ( and a dead end)

Papal Neutrality in the Culture War?

Our Holy Father appears caught up in the spirit of the world. What man ( or woman) of faith would every compare youth unemployment to the cutting up and binning of the innocent child in the womb.
I think the Pope needs to go on a retreat where kneeling in adoration and the sacrament of confession were central -- and get a grip!
God please bless the pope.

Dueling Germans - Müller vs. Marx

Cardinal Marx, who takes his fat cut from the German bishops billion euro porn business, comes to Rome and arrogantly questions Christ's clear teaching on marriage. You couldn't make it up!
These fake bishops, love the money and the dress up.
Almighty and merciful God please rid us of these fakes and send us men with spines who would imitate the Apostles. Amen

UNITY - Thank the Ecumenical Movement

What a shame the bishops do not teach the truth; that any sinner is welcome - who confesses his sins and returns to Holy Mother Church- and that God's mercy extends to all individual heretic protestant sect members who wish to return, repentant, to the deepest joy of the sacraments.
Unfortunately these "bishops" teach drivel to try to reach the utopia (in their fantasy world) instead of what Our …More
What a shame the bishops do not teach the truth; that any sinner is welcome - who confesses his sins and returns to Holy Mother Church- and that God's mercy extends to all individual heretic protestant sect members who wish to return, repentant, to the deepest joy of the sacraments.
Unfortunately these "bishops" teach drivel to try to reach the utopia (in their fantasy world) instead of what Our Lord made very clear on the day he announced his real presence in the Blessed sacrament, many left and Our Lord did not talk drivel to them, he spoke clearly about the fact that His truth is not easy.
God have mercy on our spineless bishops, grant us men of faith to be the apostles of today.

Conservative U.S. Catholics Dismayed by Pope

i just wish our new pope would think before he talks so much wishy washy baloney - youth unemployment is the worst thing duh?
Abortion on demand in western countries,
the scourge of the drug dealers.
the waging of so many wars - and the many, many deaths, maimings and destruction that ensues etc,etc, etc
where are his cardinal advisers and what on earth are they advising him?
Mind you, the pope …More
i just wish our new pope would think before he talks so much wishy washy baloney - youth unemployment is the worst thing duh?
Abortion on demand in western countries,
the scourge of the drug dealers.
the waging of so many wars - and the many, many deaths, maimings and destruction that ensues etc,etc, etc
where are his cardinal advisers and what on earth are they advising him?
Mind you, the pope selected the German cardinal who makes a fortune from his cut of the German bishops billion euro a year porn business, so who is kidding who on the advice....bunch of vipers.
So no, Holy Father, much as the scourge of youth unemployment is just that - it is not worse than slicing babies into bits and throwing their innocent bodies in the bin, so Pope Francis you are so very wrong.
Wake up!

'Untrusting' Catholics rush to leave church

The German bishops with their pornography business which brings them in millions of euros every year. The Pope asks one of them to be his adviser, you couldn't make it up!
The German laity going to the local government office to sign out, does not mean these people have turned their backs on Our Lord, but on their fake bishops.
German bishops are, in the main, apostates, they do not believe. The …More
The German bishops with their pornography business which brings them in millions of euros every year. The Pope asks one of them to be his adviser, you couldn't make it up!

The German laity going to the local government office to sign out, does not mean these people have turned their backs on Our Lord, but on their fake bishops.

German bishops are, in the main, apostates, they do not believe. The internet exposing these scandals is a blessing.
Almighty God, have mercy on Germany. Amen

Liturgical blasphemy: "The belly-dancing Mass"

These effeminate clergymen have taken their love of dress up that stage further, surrounded by their sycophantic idiot following. Their bishop has no spine and is clearly an apostate too.
God have mercy on Germany.